WAI Coordination Call Teleconference

07 August 2023


George, James, Kevin, KrisAnne, MaryJo, maryjom, matatk, shawn, Tzviya, Valerie

Meeting minutes

Timing and use of meeting survey

kevin: I sent an email survey, if you all could take a look

<kevin> Timing and use of coordination meeting

kevin: it is to get a sense of what people want from this meeting, so we can adjust as necessary

Infoshare and coordination checks

I18N Issue WCAG 2.1

kevin: an issue on the horizontal review on WCAG 2.1, does WCAG only cover english or all languages -- 148 and 1812

kevin: long discussion already

<kevin> Github issue on i18n

kevin: I need to have some discussion with the AG chairs, but any other thoughts?

George: even the title of the issue is a bit aggressive. the publishing working group is very concerned about typography about how things look. We and daisy would not like to put together a formal objection based on this. Would like to find a way to get this resolved for japanese and double byte areas

George: Makoto is one of the people at ISO working on this, he was the editor of the spec when some of these things when to ISO

George: we would to have to have ISO change the language in 2.2

<shawn> @MakotoUeki = AG Makoto

<shawn> murata2makoto = EPUB & ISO

kevin: I'm interested in other thoughts here, richard ishida was encouraging some suggestions, had one in particular

kevin: next step is to raise with AG chairs, it will depend on what we do with WCAG 2.2, a normative change will push us back to CR

George: they mention dyslexic fonts, seems like from the research dyslexic fonts don't actually help

kevin: I think the focus is japanese and chinese fonts or any font significantly different that english

George: I'll reply to makoto and say I brought this up

Publications check

<shawn> https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/WAI_Announcement_Drafts#Upcoming_Publications

maryjom: on wcag to ict -- the CFC is suppose to complete today. there is one object on color contrast and promoting the requirement to non (???), but people have responded, should I respond with the history

maryjom: we didn't change the language in the note, it's from a previous publication

shawn: I have not seen that but I'm sure I know what it says

shawn: the AG chairs are doing a good job of addressing the person and that issue

shawn: from my perspective, you can leave it to them to address

shawn: I was looking at the publication plan, which is the 15th

shawn: maryjom thanks for drafting the announcements

shawn: with announcements in general, the chairs are welcome to review them, as a long as the primary subject matter expert can look and myself

shawn: so you don't need to review if you are busy


george: is there a place to get tech support for this IRC issue?

shawn: what client?

george: with all clients, I've tried with edge and chrome, I'm using chatzilla

jamesn: have you tried a VPN?

george: yup

jamesn: the only suggestion I have, is IRC cloud, should not kick your connection but I doubt it works well with screen readers

shawn: would be interesting to find out what other people are using that works

george: who is using spectrum?

shawn: I use spectrum

<kevin> https://thelounge.w3.org/

shawn: how can we find out what other people use?

RRSAgent: make minutes

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/nekoto/Makoto/

Succeeded: s/murata2makoto = EPUB/murata2makoto = EPUB & ISO

Succeeded: s/from/shawn: from/

Succeeded: s/tup/yup

Maybe present: jamesn, RRSAgent

All speakers: George, jamesn, kevin, maryjom, RRSAgent, shawn

Active on IRC: George, jamesn, kevin, maryjom, matatk, shawn, spectranaut_