16:05:14 RRSAgent has joined #aria-editors 16:05:19 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/08/07-aria-editors-irc 16:05:19 RRSAgent, make logs Public 16:05:20 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), pkra 16:05:49 pkra: agenda items 16:05:56 ... * update on spec markup for advice for AT (jnurthen) 16:06:00 ... review updates to Valerie's PR for replacing the mapping tables in the AAMs (core-aam#180) 16:06:11 ... prettier experiment https://github.com/w3c/graphics-aria/pull/10 16:06:15 ... quo vadis contributors.md 16:06:21 ... organizing ARIA 1.4 prioritization 16:07:57 regrets: scotto 16:08:00 ... daniel 16:08:19 ... item 1, spec markup 16:08:33 jamesn: have started on it. 16:08:43 ... skeptical on how useful it will be. 16:08:54 ... not enough AT requirements to make it useful 16:09:05 ... if we markup author and UA, it will be too much 16:09:26 ... why one but not the others? Can't we just search for them? 16:09:40 ... maybe instead, just pick a searchable string to find them? 16:10:02 spectranaut: I like that idea. 16:10:06 pkra: +1 16:10:27 jamesn: we can put that at the start of each paragraph where we want it. 16:10:38 spectranaut: sentences can be nested. 16:10:53 ... what if more than one? 16:11:04 jamesn: have both. 16:11:12 ... do it as a class and spec generation could add it afterwards. 16:11:18 ... consistency will be key 16:11:45 spectranaut: sounds like script should be you, then adding the class can be done by others 16:12:21 jamesn: either use a class or data attribute and then generate a string. could be something else later, e.g., image. 16:12:30 ... you could still search the source 16:12:46 pkra: +1 data attributes but whatever works 16:12:55 item 2, Val's PR 16:13:10 spectranaut: feel like scotto and pkra approved it. 16:13:18 ... haven't finished it yet though. 16:13:26 https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/w3c/core-aam/pull/180.html 16:13:59 https://raw.githack.com/w3c/core-aam/remove-tables/index.html#mapping_role 16:14:41 jamesn: looks ok. if implementors are happy, let's do it. 16:14:46 spectranaut: last point was table caption. 16:15:10 ... repeats what's in the heading but with links to aria 16:16:44 jamesn: could help AT users to have option to navigate by headings or tables 16:17:12 pkra: alternatively, we discussed putting a line in tables with links to aria concepts. 16:17:17 jamesn: or put links in the headings? 16:17:23 ... maybe respec doesn't like that. 16:17:30 spectranaut: maybe I'll ping Jamie Teh. 16:17:35 jamesn: great idea. 16:18:17 item 3, prettier experiment 16:20:10 jamesn: why long lines? 16:20:17 pkra: because you asked for it? ;-) 16:20:22 ... to avoid weird prettier formatting around tags 16:20:43 jamesn: and still people can edit the doc any way they want and CI will reformat? 16:20:46 pkra: yes. 16:22:09 spectranaut: will there be conflicts for PRs? 16:22:10 pkra: yes. 16:22:18 jamesn: there will never be a good time. 16:22:22 ... we should do it before 1.3 FPWD 16:22:38 ... will take a look 16:22:48 pkra: item 4, contributors.md 16:25:20 https://github.com/w3c/aria/graphs/contributors 16:25:26 ... Daniel is out this week but promised to take a look 16:25:53 jamesn: we should compare what it generates, then decide. 16:26:46 ... for example, compared to git contributor graph 16:27:12 pkra: item 5, 1.4 prioritization 16:27:24 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1884 16:28:05 pkra: had triggered me in terms of the state of our projects 16:29:06 ... wasn't sure if projects works for us. 16:29:13 spectranaut: long time ago I made a board with all issues. 16:29:23 pkra: https://github.com/w3c/aria/projects?type=classic 16:29:45 fyi this is the list of contributors 16:29:51 Aaron Leventhal 16:29:51 Adam Page 16:29:51 Alexander Surkov 16:29:51 Amelia Bellamy-Royds 16:29:51 Andrea N. Cardona 16:29:51 Anne van Kesteren 16:29:51 Anne-Gaelle Colom 16:29:51 Ariella Gilmore 16:29:52 Boaz 16:29:52 Bogdan Brinza 16:29:52 bpmcneilly 16:29:52 Brennan Young 16:29:52 Carolyn MacLeod 16:29:52 Craig Morten 16:29:52 Cynthia Shelly 16:29:52 D.A. Kahn 16:29:53 Dan Bjorge 16:29:53 Domenic Denicola 16:29:53 Epigenetic 16:29:53 Estelle Weyl 16:29:53 Games for Girls 16:29:53 Harris Schneiderman 16:29:53 Innovimax 16:29:53 Isaac Durazo 16:29:54 Ivan Herman 16:29:54 JaEun Jemma Ku 16:29:54 James Craig 16:29:54 Jason Kiss 16:29:54 JAWS-test 16:29:54 JAWS-test2 16:29:54 joanmarie 16:29:54 Jon Gunderson 16:29:54 Jory Cunningham 16:29:55 Joseph Scheuhammer 16:29:55 Josh Salazar 16:29:55 Kagami Sascha Rosylight 16:29:55 Manuel Rego Casasnovas 16:29:55 Marcos Cáceres 16:29:55 Marek Lewandowski 16:29:55 Matt Garrish 16:29:55 Matt King 16:29:56 Melanie Richards 16:29:56 Melanie Sumner 16:29:56 Nick Schonning 16:29:56 Nicolás Alvarez 16:29:56 Philippe Le Hegaret 16:29:56 Prayag Verma 16:29:56 Richard Schwerdtfeger 16:29:56 Rick Brown 16:29:57 Sarah Higley 16:29:57 Sayan Sivakumaran 16:29:57 Scott O'Hara 16:29:57 Sebastian Silbermann 16:29:57 Shane McCarron 16:29:57 Shota FUJI 16:29:57 Simon Pieters 16:29:57 Stephane Deschamps 16:29:58 Steve Faulkner 16:29:58 Thibaud Colas 16:29:58 Tyler Wilcock 16:29:58 Tzviya 16:29:58 Valerie Young 16:29:58 Vyacheslav Aristov 16:29:58 Wilco Fiers 16:29:58 WilliamTennisNFCU 16:30:00 based on respec 16:30:13 pkra: e.g., https://github.com/w3c/aria/projects/18 16:31:05 jamesn: sorry for the buffer dump. this is what respec gives me from git. 16:32:10 jamesn: we could have this one as contributors and then also members at time of publication 16:32:15 spectranaut: +1 16:32:39 pkra: jamesn are you volunteering? 16:32:42 jamesn: yes. 16:33:37 pkra: back to 1.4 prio? 16:34:20 spectranaut: project 18 was trying to help people prioritze. 16:34:52 ... should we move them to 1.4? Will create big bucket. 16:34:57 pkra: doesn't seem to help people? 16:35:09 spectranaut: maybe we should push more. 16:35:22 jamesn: I'd say step 1: punt features to 1.4 16:35:38 ... clarification can be revisited when 1.3 in FWPD 16:36:36 ... maybe agenda item for this week 16:38:30 pkra: I went through non-milestoned issues and PRs a while back and assigned them so sorting by milestone should help. 16:39:16 ... so what about 1.4? 16:39:21 jamesn: talk about it at TPAC 16:41:15 zakim, end meeting 16:41:15 As of this point the attendees have been (no one) 16:41:16 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:41:17 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/08/07-aria-editors-minutes.html Zakim 16:41:24 I am happy to have been of service, pkra; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:41:25 Zakim has left #aria-editors