02 August 2023


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Ege_Korkan, Jan_Romann, Kaz_Ashimura, Luca_Barbato, Tomoaki_Mizushima
kaz, luca_barbato

Meeting minutes


Kaz: would it make sense to have a call today with 3 participants and a Team Contact?
… should be discussed as part of the policy discussion as well, though
… given we have several urgent issues, we still could discuss them


<kaz> July-26

Ege: I did an overall look and they look good for my point of view beside few typos

<kaz> typos fixed

Ege: Are the minutes fine now for everybody?


Meeting schedule

Ege: Shall we have a call on Aug 23rd

Cristiano: not available

Luca: should be available

Mizushima: not available

Kaz: available if needed

Ege: will check with Koster too

Kaz: given half of us mentioned they would not be available for 23rd, we can simply cancel it

Ege: what about next week on Aug 9?
… maybe Koster can chair the call. will check with him

TPAC agenda

Ege: being finalized

TPAC agenda

Urgent PRs

<luca_barbato> ege: I've added a new label for the changes in index.html

<Ege> TD PRs with "changes index.html" label

Kaz: among all those four PRs, two of the (1858 and 1843) are important
… the other two are truly editorial

Kaz: Note that editorial bugfixes are allowed anytime, changes in the normative parts need approval from the chairs

Ege: shall we land them now or wait for a further approval?

<Ege> proposal: The TD Task Force agrees that the PRs 1843, 1858 should be merged after approval of PLH, incorporated into the Recommendation version of the Thing Description 1.1 and reported to the whole WG.

Cristiano: Ok for me

RESOLUTION: The TD Task Force agrees that the PRs 1843, 1858 should be merged after approval of PLH, incorporated into the Recommendation version of the Thing Description 1.1 and reported to the whole WG.

TPAC Agenda - revisited

Ege: I'll change the priority to the current list

<kaz> Thing Description topics

Cristiano: I second the proposed the prioritization

Cristiano: The low priority topic can be discussed during other times?

Ege: We have to be conservating on the amount of topics to touch since we just have 1 hour

Kaz: We should concentrate on 1-2 topics given we have only 1h+15m for this slot. Also we need to consider the possible joint discussion with the JSON-LD guys.

Ege: We can move TD in RDF may be discussed in the joint session with JSON-LD

Ege: Manageable Actions might be discussed if we have participation from other people of the hypermedia community

Kaz: Might be useful to discuss use-cases as well

<Mizushima> +1 for kaz

Kaz: We should not focus on future features, but discuss more on use-cases and makes sure to extract requirements that justify the features more

Ege: We should be already well set for some of our pending features (e.g. timeseries)

Kaz: Right. We've been holding discussion on topics for the next Charter period, so we should continue our discussion based on that result.

Luca: use-cases and the process of extracting features should probably be part of a wider group discussion and given the allotted time at TPAC I would not spend time on it specifically

Luca: we have already enough requirements (e.g. my set of current pain points in 1.1) so we somebody cares more about others should had already asked about them, we can discuss regarding how to improve the use-case process and do better outreach (e.g what we are doing with the mqtt community now) but
… it is again something for the larger group to discuss in my opinion.

Kaz: We could discuss the pain points during the TPAC TD slot

Ege: Can move on to the next topic

PR 1862 (resource versioning/serving)

<kaz> i|PR 1862 - Add rec10 resources

Jan: td-context-1.1 for rec10 ?

Ege: It is correct, potentially it is because json-ld 1.1

Ege: in 2.0 we should overahul everything so it is less confusing

Ege: for rec10 and rec11 I'd not make radical changes

Kaz: is it to be done now?

Ege: I'd land them before the rec is published

Kaz: Does it have impact to the implementations? All the mechanism around this update (and other proposed updates) should be described a bit more.

PR 1863

<kaz> PR 1863 - Add rec11 resources

Luca: Embedding date to the version we could do better and make it fitting semver

Cristiano: we needed to embedd the date to make so the npm packages fit

Cristiano: We can change the schema on release to 1.1

Ege: We might change the schema to include bugfixes
… in the future

<cris__> Cristiano: for reference this is the package that we are generating using the schema

Kaz: again, as I mentioned for PR 1862, we should summarize what is needed for what, and which implementation would get impacts from this proposed change too. Then should clarify what kind of notation would fit with the need.

PR 1861

<kaz> PR 1861 - Desired namespaces for 1.0 and 1.1 resources

Ege: This PR updates the desidered namespaces for the resources

Kaz: Do we really need so long URLs under the publication subdirectory??

Luca: Cannot we just rely on tags?

Luca: we can customize the github action to publish to pages

Kaz: The "publication" area is a temporary area for publication, e.g., Pubrules checker and Validator, so I don't think it would be ideal to put those resources under that area.

Kaz: We should have some more discussion about where to pub. For example, we could even use a separate dedicated repository to manage this kind of resources if needed.

Luca: We should produce specific artifacts in github release

Kaz: Given this kind of resources are rather stable, we don't need to think about GitHub actions to maintain the resource but should still think about which location would be better for implementers later.

Cristiano: it is better to make sure we put the resources in a permanent storage and not keep them as copies in git main branches

Kaz: would suggest we ask JSON-LD/VC guys for advice about this

Ege: good idea

TPAC participation

(Ege ask people about their participation in TPAC 2023)

Kaz: please update the TPAC WoT wiki's presence section based on your latest situation

Presence section


Summary of resolutions

  1. The TD Task Force agrees that the PRs 1843, 1858 should be merged after approval of PLH, incorporated into the Recommendation version of the Thing Description 1.1 and reported to the whole WG.
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).