27 July 2023


Allen Flynn, David Booth, EricP, Gaurav Vaidya, Rob Hausam
David Booth

Meeting minutes

Concept IRIs

gaurav: Made a repo for tracking the next candidates for IRI stem submissions.
… Both of our previous requests are now marked "implemented"



eric: Do those show up in the examples? Want to have the generator add the stems to the examples.

dbooth: Would be nice to have them pulled automatically from the terminology website.

gaurav: Candidates radlex, human phenotype ont, mondo disease ontology.
… We still have MeSH pending.
… Will also look in to dicom and some others.
… Might run into issues of prefixes like hp_ , it won't work with codes starting hp: .
… (Issue raised by Melissa Haendel's group)
… Should get back in touch with them to determine their current position.

ACTION: Gaurav to write an issue for this

ACTION: Gaurav to ask Melissa Haendel's group about underscore prefixes

Guoqian Jiang's passing

gaurav: Emily is reaching out to Bob Freimuth to coordinate
… Expect an update next friday.

eric: I sent Bob a status. Haven't heard back yet. Also not sure yet whther Claude and I have funding for an AMIA tutorial.
… Tutorial is Aim 2 stuff.

ShEx FHIR validation

allen: We're in midstream. Hoping to show next week.

Issues list

(David and eric culled the issues list)


Summary of action items

  1. Gaurav to write an issue for this
  2. Gaurav to ask Melissa Haendel's group about underscore prefixes
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: dbooth

Maybe present: allen, dbooth, eric, gaurav

All speakers: allen, dbooth, eric, gaurav

Active on IRC: dbooth