26 July 2023


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Ege_Korkan, Jan_Romann, Kaz_Ashimura, Kazeem_Oladipupo, Mahda_Noura, Michael_Koster, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima
Ege_Korkan, Michael_Koster
kaz, kazeem, mjk

Meeting minutes

Minutes Review

<kaz> July-19

Kaz: We had some discussion during the main call about minutes review. The proposal there was sending out the draft minutes for review beforehand and avoiding detailed review during the calls.

Kaz: one week before the next meeting

Ege: We've not got resolution about that proposal, so let's review the TD minutes for today.

Kaz: For today, that's fine. Let's see the main call resolution next week.

Ege: minutes approved


Ege: should meetings in August be less or stays the same since it will be holiday period

Kaz: week of August 14 should be considered

Ege: Aug 2: Yes, August 9th: maybe, August 16th: No, August 23rd: yes, August 30th: maybe.

Binding Templates

Ege: Kaz is working on publication.

Thing description

PR 1858

<kaz> PR 1858 - Remove mention of atrisk section


Kaz: both files (.ttl and .html) should be fixed

Ege: yes.

<Ege> proposal: The TD Task Force agrees to merge w3c/wot-thing-description#1858 after getting approval of PLH

RESOLUTION: The TD Task Force agrees to merge w3c/wot-thing-description#1858 after getting approval of PLH

Kaz: the resolution should be merged after getting approval of PLH

Ege: ok

PR 1859

<kaz> PR 1859 - Render at-risk warning only if note is "at risk"

Ege: does not change specification text so it shold be ok to merge?

Kaz: index.html should not be touched if we want to merge PR 1859 now

subtopic PR 1856

<kaz> PR 1856 - Start documenting NAMESPACES

Ege: the link should not point to master branch.
… current setup makes versioning impossible.
… question to Kaz are we able to put a jsonld file into TD 1.0 version?

Kaz: it depends how to show the resource to vendors
… we can redirect any URL from WoT to github, this method needs to be thought about.

Ege: we are using the method already.

Kaz: Before proposing concrete alternative directly, please once summarize the current situation, and then requirements for what to be done ideally for each version of TD spec, 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0.

Ege: suggests we use publication folder

Ege: this Pullrequest 1856 itself creates a MD for that purpose

Kaz: In that case, I'd suggest we merge this PR so that we can have further discussion based on the MD
… putting various comments on the PR itself would not be useful for this kind of issue
… because we need to clarify what is happening first

<cris__> +1

Kaz: let's merge this PR 1856 itself, and have further discussion based on the MD

(PR 1856 merged)

PR 1859 - revisited

<kaz> PR 1859 - Render at-risk warning only if note is "at risk"

Ege: any objections to merge PR #1859 after removing the changes to index.html?
… merged


Ege: 2 PRs regarding planning to review

wot PR 1111

<kaz> wot PR 1111 - Reorganize TD work items

Ege: reorganize the planing document
… any opinions? please review and we can discuss next week

wot PR #1112 - summarizing historical data on a work item

<kaz> wot PR 1112 - Historical data landscape

Kaz: it would be useful to review the message from Michael Koster from last week as the basis for today before diving into the PRs.

<Ege> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-wot-wg/2023Jul/0006.html

Koster: what we're doing here is following McCool's basic proposal made during the main call
… use cases for work item to be discussed first
… also requirements drive the work items
… we need to collect use cases and describe them
… then clarify requirements for particular items
… Ege and I talk about this idea
… Ege has started some PRs but still useful to think about how to collect use cases as well

Ege: yeah
… initial proposals listed on the "Landscape of Historical Data Work Item" document within wot PR 1112

Cristiano: think so
… btw, what about the structure of the folders?

Kaz: sorry but I'm a bit confused

Koster: also a bit confused
… we're trying to clarify use case management
… which would turn into requirements and then work items
… should not duplicated the work
… but should follow the discussion during the main call
… this document still can list the work items, though
… all the use cases listed here are already made by people
… we could evaluate the proposals
… still could have a MD document describing the work items instead of solution spaces
… we can stick on use cases

Kaz: given Ege has created PR 1112, this consolidated resource list itself is fine, but should be merged with McCool's proposals on use case management
… on the other hand, TD TF should concentrate on the work items described by PR 1111

Koster: the question is what to be discussed during this TD-TF call
… we have many work items already
… 6 big items

Sebastian: we planned to have this planning discussion only for July
… next week, we should have only the main call
… we should use the whole 2-hour slot for new Charter prep
… no reason not to use this time for that purpose
… all the topics for the new Charter

Kaz: not proposing that we limit the meeting to one hour, but rather to follow McCool's process ongoing
… each TF handling of the use case discussion is unclear
… each TF can work on concrete requirements discussion, but we need clarification on the main call

Ege: question for Kaz, should we go into the use case discussion?

Kaz: the discussion should proceed with McCool in the main call about the generic use case process, then in the individual TFs
… this PR should be on the main call agenda as feedback from the TD task force

Kaz: individual MD files can be merged as the basis for starting the discussion

Kaz: suggest we merge 1111 as general instructions and take 1112 to the main call

Ege: we can look at it from the use case starting point or the work item starting point

Kaz: TD TF should not get into the detail of the use case discussion but bring it to the main call

Koster: in this call, we can take our work items
… and list use cases within separate MDs
… then bring it to the main call as example of use case management
… to have broader discussion by the whole WoT WG

<Mizushima> +1 for kaz and mjk

Koster: once we have requirements for specs, each TF can continue to work on that
… getting feedback on that during the planning session of the main call
… check the format, what to do, etc.

Ege: think TD TF participants are experts on the possible requirements...

Kaz: The "Landscape" document is kind of "Explainer", I think
… so we can change the title to "Explainer"
… and bring this to the main call as an example for the use case management discussion

Ege: ok


Summary of resolutions

  1. The TD Task Force agrees to merge w3c/wot-thing-description#1858 after getting approval of PLH
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).