10:55:36 RRSAgent has joined #dxwg 10:55:40 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/07/26-dxwg-irc 10:56:09 zakim, start meeting 10:56:09 RRSAgent, make logs Public 10:56:11 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), LarsG 10:56:36 this is DXWG CNEG Subgroup 10:57:27 rrsagent please draft minutes v2 10:58:06 meeting: DXWG CNEG Subgroup Telecon 10:58:21 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 10:58:23 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/07/26-dxwg-minutes.html LarsG 11:02:02 present+ 11:02:07 roba has joined #dxwg 11:02:17 present+ 11:02:53 YoucTagh has joined #dxwg 11:03:49 present+ 11:05:19 Agenda https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2023.07.26 11:05:44 scribenick: roba 11:06:38 present+ 11:06:50 Topic: approve last meeting's minutes 11:07:00 +0 11:07:09 +0 11:07:12 PROSOSED: Approve minutes at https://www.w3.org/2023/06/28-dxwg-minutes 11:07:22 +1 11:07:55 +1 11:08:10 s/PROSOSED/PROPOSED 11:08:27 RESOLVED: Approve minutes at https://www.w3.org/2023/06/28-dxwg-minutes 11:08:49 TOPIC: Updates 11:09:30 roba: talking to OAS (OpenAPI) - will be exploring ConnegP binding to OpenAPI 11:10:32 ...OGC will be engagigng OAS and exploring relationship between OAS and ConnecgP 11:10:39 antoine has joined #dxwg 11:11:01 LarsG: update on IETF 11:11:20 ... with Reuben Verbough resumed work on IETF draft 11:11:40 ... RFC19110 implications being explored 11:12:07 ...incorporating editorial comments from @YouicTagh 11:12:31 s/RFC19110/RFC9110/ 11:12:47 YoucTagh: explained active vs reactive content negotiation - whether server makes choice or not 11:14:09 LarsG: might replace hints from current draft: 11:14:37 roba: does this apply only to HTTP - does it affect QSA binding? 11:15:17 ...how should should we proceed? 11:15:51 LarsG: new information - will need to be decided on - timeframe to be determined 11:16:45 issue is https://github.com/ProfileNegotiation/I-D-Profile-Negotiation/issues/38 11:17:23 ... group to review after initial analysis 11:17:47 roba: Anything from RDF* ? 11:18:17 pchampin: not yet ready - will ping group again to elicit input 11:19:01 ...open action to describe "conformance levels" - relationship to profiles 11:19:07 Topic: Issues due for closing 11:19:12 https://github.com/w3c/dx-connegp/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22due+for+closing%22 11:23:46 rrsagent, please draft minutes v2 11:23:48 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/07/26-dxwg-minutes.html antoine 11:24:00 roba: LarsG to add links to issue https://github.com/w3c/dx-connegp/issues/6 to review before closing 11:25:43 roba: to review changes to PR 42 11:25:53 scribenick: antoine 11:26:09 ... I'll take 42 offline 11:26:30 https://github.com/w3c/dx-connegp/pull/28 11:26:50 q+ 11:26:53 rob: I need to add my review 11:27:11 ... straightforward 11:27:23 s/rob:/roba: 11:29:02 ... but it's still blocked 11:29:22 pchampin: maybe nick's review was before some other changes? no 11:29:39 antoine: maybe it's because nick's alias is not in the group 11:29:50 pchampin: nick's review is grey, so not counted 11:30:22 ... yes he's not counted as participants of the repo 11:30:36 ... I'm assuming he's not listed in the DXWG anymore 11:30:59 ... I'm happy to approve the PR 11:31:53 roba: ok, merging 11:32:14 https://github.com/w3c/dx-connegp/pull/29 11:32:37 roba: straightforward 11:34:27 pchampin: approving 11:35:11 https://github.com/w3c/dx-connegp/pull/46 11:35:38 roba: PR from YoucTagh related to changes in examples from canonical to alternate 11:36:17 YoucTagh: there's an issue on it 11:38:43 LarsG: example 19 shows two canonical links 11:39:17 ... I'm not sure about the resolution 11:39:39 roba: yes it could be ok to say that there's one canonical html and one canonical turtle 11:40:54 ... maybe we need to change the text. Or we allow canonical to be for a combination of mime-type and ?? 11:41:32 LarsG: I think we much change the text, as YoucTagh is right 11:41:36 at https://github.com/w3c/dx-connegp/issues/44 11:42:11 roba: YoucTagh are you ok with changing the text to say that canonical is for a mime-type? 11:42:16 YoucTagh: it clarifies, yes 11:42:27 Current text "The default representation – the one that will be returned when no specific representation is requested – will be identified by rel="canonical", other representations by rel="alternate"." 11:42:44 Proposed: The default representation – the one that will be returned when no specific representation is requested for a specific MIME type – will be identified by rel="canonical", other representations by rel="alternate". 11:43:11 q+ 11:43:36 pchampin: is it legal in the first place to have several canonicals? 11:43:53 https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6596.html 11:43:55 ack pchampin 11:44:32 pchampin: the text has no MUST not SHOULD 11:45:19 s/the text/there is a *guideline* advising to have only one, but it 11:45:39 RFC 6596: "To better ensure that applications properly handle the canonical link relation, administrators ought to consider the following guidelines: o Specify only one canonical link relation for a resource. (It would be confusing to consider/label/designate more than one IRI as authoritative.)" 11:46:38 ... we would be stretching the guideline 11:47:04 ... or we could remove it (having just one canonical) but then we remove expressivity. 11:47:44 LarsG: the text says, this is what to be returned if there's no indication of media type nor profile 11:48:32 roba: the issue is that if the client says they want html and there's two representations, then there's no way to indicate the prefered one. 11:48:57 s/??/profile 11:49:08 LarsG: yes we would lose expressivity 11:49:13 q+ 11:49:31 roba: I don't see anything in the IANA register that would provide alternative semantics 11:49:32 q+ 11:50:00 ack antoine 11:51:08 antoine: could we keep the current example, but flagging the issue that we've got a specific interpretation of a resource here? 11:51:19 roba: we could 11:51:46 pchampin: RFC doesn't seem to address content negotiation. It addresses "duplicative content" 11:51:59 roba: the profile defines the content 11:52:41 pchampin: any IRI that returns slightly different content. I'm not sure it would fit 11:53:10 ... canonical would be appropriate for resources with the same content 11:54:29 ... The rel can use several links. Maybe having both 'alternate' and 'canonical' would be ok 11:54:59 ... I don't know how clients work with it 11:55:13 q+ 11:55:25 ack pchampin 11:55:27 https://signposting.org/ 11:55:34 roba: I've tried to force bookmarking specific resources using 'canonical' but it failed. 11:56:09 pchampin: the signposting website could be useful for inspiration 11:56:37 LarsG: search engines would use the canonical link to redirect users to 11:56:43 https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/consolidate-duplicate-urls 11:56:47 ... this is the only use I've seen so far 11:57:07 ... I agree with YoucTagh that we might stretch the RFC too far 11:57:55 roba: we could (1) remove 'canonical' altogether and let implementers do their stuff; (2) add a note about interpretation; (3) ?? 11:58:04 ... we could prepare this and take feedback 11:58:37 s/??/mint another link relationship 11:59:10 ... maybe we should take an action to see if having a new link relation type would be realistic 11:59:31 ... I have no experience on how registration of new types work 11:59:58 pchampin: there is a template that we can use in the W3C document and the W3C team liaises with IETF 12:00:12 roba: given where we are, we could explore this. 12:00:27 LarsG: RFC8288 has the procedure 12:00:28 https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8288#section- 12:00:40 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 12:00:41 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/07/26-dxwg-minutes.html antoine 12:00:52 roba: we should have a candidate name 12:01:11 ACTION: group to explore options for the link relation type 12:01:33 +1 12:01:40 ACTION: roba to cleanup the YoucTagh 's PR 12:02:20 s/the YoucTagh/YouTagh 12:02:38 LarsG: should we close the due for closing? 12:02:49 roba: I'd prefer to clean the PR(s) first 12:02:50 +1 12:02:57 +1 12:03:06 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 12:03:07 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/07/26-dxwg-minutes.html antoine 12:03:13 +1 12:19:36 zakim, end meeting 12:19:36 As of this point the attendees have been LarsG, roba, YoucTagh, pchampin 12:19:38 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 12:19:39 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/07/26-dxwg-minutes.html Zakim 12:19:45 I am happy to have been of service, LarsG; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 12:19:46 Zakim has left #dxwg