14:54:32 RRSAgent has joined #vcwg-special 14:54:36 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/07/25-vcwg-special-irc 14:54:37 zakim, start meeting 14:54:37 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:54:39 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), ivan 14:55:03 Meeting: Verifiable Credentials Working Group Special Topic Call on JSON Schemas 14:55:03 Date: 2023-07-25 14:55:03 chair: brent 14:55:03 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/f6342df0-f7b5-4fc9-babd-61e55dc5fc2f/20230725T110000/ 14:55:03 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2023-07-25: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/f6342df0-f7b5-4fc9-babd-61e55dc5fc2f/20230725T110000/ 14:56:01 present+ 14:56:12 chair: kristina 14:59:18 present+ 14:59:52 andres has joined #vcwg-special 14:59:57 present+ 15:00:14 present+ 15:00:34 present+ seabass 15:01:03 pdl_asu has joined #vcwg-special 15:01:10 present+ 15:01:18 hsano has joined #vcwg-special 15:01:37 DavidC has joined #vcwg-special 15:01:40 present+ 15:01:50 present+ TallTed 15:02:02 present+ dmitriz 15:02:06 hsano_ has joined #vcwg-special 15:02:22 present+ hsano 15:02:48 present+ 15:03:04 present+ kristina 15:03:19 kristina has joined #vcwg-special 15:03:36 present+ 15:03:46 present+ 15:04:22 present+ manu 15:04:33 Will has joined #vcwg-special 15:04:38 present+ 15:05:06 seabass has joined #vcwg-special 15:05:25 present+ 15:05:41 present+ 15:05:42 scribe+ 15:05:46 JoeAndrieu has joined #vcwg-special 15:06:08 present+ pauld, JoeAndrieu 15:06:24 q+ to go through VC Data Model PRs. 15:06:34 topic: vc-data-model PRs 15:06:35 https://irc.w3.org/?channels=vcwg-special 15:06:41 ack manu 15:06:41 manu, you wanted to go through VC Data Model PRs. 15:06:43 https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pulls/ 15:06:56 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1142 15:07:29 manu: Pull request 1142 is waiting for CCG members to review. 15:07:31 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1172 15:07:49 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1199 15:08:03 present+ 15:08:10 manu: 1172 continues to have discussion. There are some disagreements on pull request 1199. 15:08:30 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1202 15:09:33 manu: 1202 has multiple positive reviews, but has pending requested changes. kristina, will you be able to re-review this week? 15:09:41 kristina: I will try. 15:09:42 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1203 15:10:48 manu: 1203 has all positive reviews, but I will not merge it until others have reviewed it. 15:10:49 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1207 15:11:07 manu: 1207 will be merged. 15:12:23 decentralgabe has joined #vcwg-special 15:12:27 present+ 15:12:57 topic: json schema work item issue 15:12:59 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-json-schema/issues/172 15:13:03 q? 15:13:04 kristina: decentralgabe, are you able to talk here? 15:14:11 decentralgabe: Yes. The currently spec defines JSON schema 2023 as well as the credentials schema 2023. The latter just wraps it in a verifiable credential, allowing the provenance of schemas to be verified. 15:14:22 s/currently/current/ 15:14:23 q+ 15:14:44 ack manu 15:15:58 manu: The examples had some surprising context values. This made the subject of the verifiable credentials appear to be a plain JSON object rather than JSON-LD data. 15:17:25 +1 to a new property with `@json` because VCDM itself has requirements that JSON schema may not conform to 15:18:08 manu: Regarding the decision last meeting about datestamps, which version of JSON Schema applies? It is not clear which would apply. 15:18:41 +1 because JSON schema uses date-based versioning itself there could be confusion 15:18:45 q+ to respond 15:19:00 ack decentralgabe 15:19:00 decentralgabe, you wanted to respond 15:19:19 decentralgabe: I am happy to move the data to a new property where the type is 'json'. As for the versioning, I'm happy to change this as well. 15:19:58 decentralgabe: We have a section in the specification about processing, where we say the processors can detect the version of JSON-LD used. 15:20:08 q+ to ask if conforming implementations need to support all versions of JSON Schema? 15:20:32 q+ to ask for background on this 15:20:49 ack manu 15:20:49 manu, you wanted to ask if conforming implementations need to support all versions of JSON Schema? 15:21:38 -> JSON Literals in the JSON-LD spec https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld11/#json-literals 15:21:43 manu: That would address my high-level concerns. The only other concern I have is that sometimes people state the wrong version of JSON Schema. You can't always depend on the metadata. 15:22:11 manu: Therefore, we need a conformance test suite to ensure that conforming processors test for the version of the JSON Schema used. 15:23:11 q+ to agree, we should push a single version, if possible... MAY for other versions. 15:23:17 scribe+ 15:23:23 q+ to comment on a side issue in the json schema spec 15:23:27 decentralgabe: We should maybe introduce a normative requirement to specify a version of JSON Schema, but I don't think we should require a specific version. 15:23:27 ack seabass 15:23:27 seabass, you wanted to ask for background on this 15:23:48 seabass: Wanted to ask, semantically, what does a JSON Schema VC mean in contrast to JSON Schema published via GPG? 15:24:46 seabass: so, VCs requiring use of JSON Schema, would allow it to be verified in that ecossytem. 15:24:52 ack manu 15:24:52 manu, you wanted to agree, we should push a single version, if possible... MAY for other versions. 15:25:27 decentralgabe: GPG would be one way to secure a VC, but that's out of scope... there could be other ways to secure JSON Schema that are valid. 15:26:12 manu: I wanted to agree with decentralgabe that we should make the normative statement stronger, however, I think we should also require at least one specific version of JSON Schema, and make older version support optional. 15:26:13 why require? that does not make sense. compliance to the spec is voluntary 15:26:31 decentralgabe: semantically...a vc json schema provides optional validation for as a step in a longer credential validation process 15:26:59 manu, kristina, if one version supports 2020 but another supports 2018, they will be unable to understand each other. This will result in an ecosystem that will not be interoperable. 15:27:23 q+ to respond to required version 15:28:13 manu: If we remove the version specifier, though, we'll be locked in to that JSON Schema version forever. We could introduce language require parsing the version identifier. 15:28:24 ack ivan 15:28:24 ivan, you wanted to comment on a side issue in the json schema spec 15:28:27 -> "Towards a stable JSON Schema" https://json-schema.org/blog/posts/future-of-json-schema 15:28:31 s/require/to require/ 15:28:57 ivan: There is a blog post in the JSON Schema website which may resolve the issue of version incompatibilities. 15:29:29 ivan: It may well be that by the time we go to REC, the issue might have disappeared. 15:30:50 ivan: The one which is currently referred to in all the text is JSON Schema 2020. 15:30:55 ack decentralgabe 15:30:55 decentralgabe, you wanted to respond to required version 15:31:17 decentralgabe: manu, I like the idea of making at least one required and others optional. 15:31:27 decentralgabe: I'll open an issue about that. 15:31:40 decentralgabe: I don't know when JSON Schema's movements will happen. 15:32:12 q+ to ask about the CR story and JSON SChema? 15:32:19 ack manu 15:32:19 manu, you wanted to ask about the CR story and JSON SChema? 15:32:50 manu: kristina, I think you said we had a path to CR and REC. What is that? 15:33:36 q+ 15:33:39 decentralgabe: It's the OpenJS Foundation specifications that we are allowed to reference normatively. 15:34:01 decentralgabe: It was pointed out that normatively referencing IETF drafts is not a good idea. 15:34:22 -> Strategy team's relevant issue https://github.com/users/iherman/projects/1?pane=issue&itemId=33299306 15:34:22 q? 15:34:23 q+ 15:34:27 ack ivan 15:34:28 Glad that is finally resolved, after many, many years. :) 15:34:35 https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-wkumari-not-a-draft/ 15:34:55 here's the link: https://github.com/w3c/strategy/issues/108 15:35:20 ivan: We are not the only ones to have this trouble. 15:36:55 Topic: Issue triage 15:38:30 I suggest least-recently-updated https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+-label%3Abefore-CR+-label%3Apost-CR+sort%3Aupdated-asc 15:39:18 kristina: Do you need extra time to work on #1196? 15:40:03 manu: #1207 will resolve it. 15:40:11 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1193 15:40:51 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1175 15:41:34 q+ 15:41:51 ack manu 15:42:36 manu: We have marked the context as 'at risk', so if anything looks like it's going to hold up our CR process it can be removed. 15:43:00 +1 to already addressed 15:43:06 q+ 15:43:12 ack ivan 15:43:14 +1 that we have language addressing this already 15:44:14 We currently have this in the spec: 15:44:16 ISSUE: (AT RISK) Hash values might change during Candidate Recommendation 15:44:16 This section lists cryptographic hash values that might change during the Candidate Recommendation phase based on implementer feedback that requires the referenced files to be modified. 15:44:30 (in the base context section) 15:45:08 q+ 15:45:21 ack manu 15:45:45 seabass2 has joined #vcwg-special 15:46:24 Link to that text is here: https://w3c.github.io/vc-data-model/#base-context 15:47:44 -1 to needing additional language, right now we can modify in any way 15:48:04 +1 to dlongley 15:48:26 "can be changed in any way, including removal" 15:48:28 manu: I'll take an action item on 1175 to make this more specific. 15:50:14 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1205 15:50:24 q+ 15:50:55 ack manu 15:51:55 q+ 15:52:03 VC-COSE-JOSE can reference data integrity if it so desires 15:52:13 or reference DID core like DI does 15:53:49 ack ivan 15:54:34 q+ 15:54:39 ack manu 15:54:59 manu: DID documents are subclasses of controller documents. 15:55:57 +1 controller documents have been part of data integrity for a decade, DID documents are specific subclass of controller documents 15:56:13 q+ 15:56:57 ack manu 15:57:01 q+ to ask for links 15:57:45 https://w3c.github.io/vc-data-integrity/#controller-documents 15:59:46 q- thanks dlongley 16:00:22 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:00:23 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/07/25-vcwg-special-minutes.html ivan 16:00:30 !nick seabass 16:01:26 zakim, end meeting 16:01:26 As of this point the attendees have been brent, ivan, andres, shigeya, seabass, pdl_asu, DavidC, TallTed, dmitriz, hsano, dlongley, kristina, hsano_, manu, Will, pauld, JoeAndrieu, 16:01:29 ... decentralgabe 16:01:29 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:01:31 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/07/25-vcwg-special-minutes.html Zakim 16:01:37 I am happy to have been of service, ivan; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:01:37 Zakim has left #vcwg-special 16:01:37 rrsagent, bye 16:01:37 I see no action items