WoT Security

24 July 2023


Jan_Romann, Kaz_Ashimura, Mahda_Noura, Michael_McCool, Tomoaki_Mizushima

Meeting minutes



McCool: (goes through the minutes)



McCool: OK to have the call at this slot?

Mahda: prefer one hour later

McCool: how about you, Kaz?

Kaz: should be OK but there is a possibility the MEIG Chairs call will be held at that time

McCool: let's start that slot (Monday, one hour later) from Aug 8 then

RESOLUTION: WoT Security TF will shift the TF call slot to Monday, one our later than the current slot (=13 UTC) on and after August 8


McCool: (explains the structure of security-related documents)
… current proposed Charter doesn't have WoT Security as a normative deliverable
… we have to work on bunch of restructuring
… we couldn't finalize testing on DTLS 1.3 for WoT 1.1
… we can look at the resources on GitHub

wot PR 1097 - Security Planning

<McCool> wot/planning/Security

McCool: there is another document on WoT Discovery as well


McCool: (goes through the items)


McCool: (going back to the Security planning document)
… (goes through the items)
… Signing, Extensions, Ease of Use
… Onboarding
… (shows wot-wg-2023-details.html)


McCool: (goes through some of the items)
… Discovery JSON Path Query Language
… next thing to come, and important for security and privacy purposes
… Canonicalzation
… one big thing is related to WoT Profile
… that is "Cloud Events Payload Binding"
… believe need to handle security information too

Kaz: those items are very important, and would require detailed description on use cases and system settings

<Mizushima> +1 for kaz

Kaz: so how to describe the use cases would be one of the keys for the next Charter period

McCool: right
… think probably what we should do is clarifying the necessary information including the motivation

wot-usecases repo

McCool: we've not really described necessary mitigations for each possible risk

McCool: (shows the Implementation Report for WoT Thing Description 1.1)

Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description 1.1 Implementation Report

McCool: (then shows the WoT Use Cases document)

WoT Use Cases and Requirements (Editors Draft)

McCool: probably we need to extend the "Security Considerations" section for use case descriptions

McCool: (goes back to wot-wg-2023-details.html)


McCool: we've been mainly working on HTTP
… for the next step, why don't we look into the Use Cases document?

WoT Use Cases and Requirements (Editors Draft)

McCool: (then shows the WoT Security Note)

WoT Security and Privacy Guidelines

McCool: there is some description on possible mitigations within the WoT Discovery spec too

WoT Discovery spec (which includes Mitigations sections)

McCool: would like to update the Use Cases document with updated security consideration descriptions

Kaz: that's good
… but we need to clarify the basic procedure as the whole WoT WG during the main call too

McCool: two possible approaches
… a. adding security considerations to each use case
… b. having a separate section on security consideration
… note that DDos is not listed as a threat yet
… (generate a GitHub Issue on that)

wot-security Issue 221 - DDoS is not listed as a Threat

McCool: ah, but an existing issue already...
… (issue 221 closed)

wot-security Issue 212 - Add DDoS thread


Summary of resolutions

  1. WoT Security TF will shift the TF call slot to Monday, one our later than the current slot (=13 UTC) on and after August 8
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).