WoT Scripting API

24 July 2023


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, Kaz_Ashimura, Tomoaki_Mizushima

Meeting minutes

Minutes review

Daniel: checked before the call

<kaz> html July-3

<dape> https://www.w3.org/2023/07/03-wot-script-minutes.html

Daniel: only problem is the short names

Daniel: now they look fine
… minutes approved

Quick updates

Daniel: publication process? I got that kaz is still busy and he is going to do scripting api soon
… about TPAC there is no news, we don't have many time slots
… I don't if scripting topics fit in the time schedule
… what is important to discuss is our meeting schedule for August
… there is a low turnout nowadays
… first three are hard to be present
… how do we procede with the next mondays?
… should we have a call?
… I won't join the call on Aug-14

Cristiano: I think we can cancel all the calls
… for August

Kaz: Cancelling the call is fine during the summer vacation period. What is important is to discuss what should be done for the next charter period
… starting for use cases
… we should collaborate more with the other task forces for specification design

Daniel: I agree

Cristiano: for inter-task force coordination I think it would be better to have dedicated calls

Kaz: I prefer to discuss complex ideas in calls
… the discussion of requirements and use case belong to such cases

Daniel: should we bring this in the main call?

Kaz: we can do policy discussion during the main call
… but concrete discussion for Scripting API maybe done in this time slot
… or we need to decide together

Cristiano: but to do this discussion is better to have a good amount of people

Daniel: maybe the end of august

Daniel: canceling the calls till the 28
… and talk we other to collect use cases and requirements and bringing this up to the main call

Improvement TS types

Cristiano: I approved a little bit the ExposedThing interface I will create a PR in this week

cris shows the changes

Daniel: I like them, let's see what others think in a PR

Daniel: ok thank you for time


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).