WoT Discovery

24 July 2023


Andrea_Cimmino, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_McCool, Tomoaki_Mizushima
acimmino, kaz

Meeting minutes

Draft minutes

McCool: would be nice to send out draft minutes so that people can review them before hand

Kaz: can do that
… let's talk about that idea during the main call and make a resolution

there is a typo in the minutes "breanstorming"

<McCool_> should be "brainstorming"

<kaz> (fixed)

minutes have no other issues

since no objections are presented minutes are acepted

Previous minutes

<kaz> July-3


Need for ontology for DID

McCool: I think there is an issue already for this

<McCool_> wot-discovery issue 467 - Resolve Remaining DID issues

<McCool_> wot-discovery issue 402 - Register DID service names

McCool: we have two issues and both need an ontology file
… and is just declare two vocabulary items

McCool: let me create a issue for the ontology file

McCool: in order to solve the issue we need two actions: create the file and make available at URL

McCool: Andrea can do the ontology file (first action), and I can take care of the second action

Andrea: where are all the terms related to DID for building the ontology?

McCool: in the DID PR

mccool adds the pointer to the PR in the issue

<McCool_> wot-discovery issue 509 - Create and Publish an Ontology File for DID Vocabulary


<McCool_> w3c/wot#1094 was merged

<McCool_> https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/planning/Discovery/work-items.md - current version

mccool creates an issue for the items pending in the PR

McCool: Anything else we should do? I think we should discuss how to connect these work items to requirements

McCool: during security call we mention how we note security considerations
… there were a couple of very generic security considerations
… the thing with discovery is that we do not have a section for security

<McCool_> https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/blob/main/REQUIREMENTS/discovery.md

connect use cases with workitems, trouble is that requirements section is basically empty.

McCool: I think this is a plan to do it, we can discuss it in the main call

Kaz: this should be part of the planning discussion

McCool: yes, let me add an issue for this

wot Issue 1110 - Proposal: Connect Work Items to Use Cases via Requirements

McCool: in the discovery requirements I think we do not mention constrained devices

mccool includes a pointer to another related issue in #1110

mccool creates a new issue "Update Requirements"

wot-discovery Issue 510 - Update Requirements

<kaz> [adjourned]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).