WCAG 3 Timing and interruptions Guideline Subgroup

24 July 2023


AndySomers, Lauriat, ToddL, Wilco

Meeting minutes

<Francis_Storr> "meeting: timing and interruptions subgroup, week 1"


Introductions. Francis, Rachael, Jeanne,
… Andrew, Shawn, Todd, and Wilco.

Wilco will just be hear this week.

Todd will facilitate next week with Wilco's support (Rachael can also assist)

<Francis_Storr> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1RxbC8hOB6wvX1EisJzbYezvJXe0rGgDPvgUiBGCUw6Q/edit?pli=1#slide=id.g2175fb9d3cf_1_106

<Francis_Storr> https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/quickref/?currentsidebar=%23col_overview#enough-time

Francis: We need to start with the research and then work through the writing process. Do we want to create a timeline by weeks?

[see scratchpad]

Wilco: May want to mimic earlier group's approach.

Andy: Defining the user needs, why people need to have consideration, that is really helpful.
… should be focus of first week

Andy: Example: Something happening too fast.

Rachael; Slide 20 on writing process. User needs first. Would like to follow that.

<Zakim> jeanne, you wanted to talk about the work previously done as part of the categorization project

Jeanne: Last year we did a categorizaiton exercise that already pulled together some work. That can be a part of how we look at the user needs. Starting by brainstorming is a great way to start because we may pick up things we might not otherwise think about.

Francis: Read slide 20-24 for examples. Let's use this time to start working through user needs.

+1 to brainstorming/collecting user needs

<Lauriat> +1 to Jeanne's suggestion of pulling from that categorization work already done, should get us off to a good start

Add research to scratch pad

Andy: I like to start with NIH

<AndySomers> NIH: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

<ToddL> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1POhgI_xHZtSoNbHFp3r5HYIkl6ePaP8DC5d90SZ1tF4/edit?usp=sharing


<AndySomers> Paywalled: https://www.elsevier.com/books-and-journals

<Chuck> Rachael: We have categorization exercise, COGA, can we sub-divide and not all overlap?


Rachael will take COGA

<AndySomers> If there are paywalled documents that you come across, let me know., I may be able to get a free version

<Francis_Storr> https://docs.google.com/document/d/15ORny9RyJl70T1pUU5Qb5PBvh6yDOkmGCerrUgmY1gc/edit

{Working in Scratchpad]

<ToddL> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WKGPMiDL8CKcXWr0md09ZLwZEPdoxeNTNQsf8IuszqQ/edit?usp=sharing

ToddL: I also have another, so not sure where it goes.

Francis_Storr: Add it under the research heading

Jeanne: May lose some of the power in this doc

Chuck: I think there is some aspects of nagging that is timing related. Other aspects may go elsewhere.

Andy: When it comes to user needs, there is a lot of crossover. This brings into the question regarding the naming of these guidelines
… talking earlier today about harm from motion

that overlaps with harm from flashes.

this opens the door to being able to work freely without stress. Is timing and interruptions the best title?

<ToddL> I'm unable for whatever reason to get the formatting down in the doc we're working on for the "Other links" area.

This is the first step in the process. We can break this apart later and rename it.

Jeanne: Yes, we could do so but likely not the first meeting.

<Chuck> +1 good to write down even if we think it doesn't "fit"

Andy: with brainstorming, we typically write things down even if it is not part of the category.
… even if it is tangentally related.

<Zakim> Chuck, you wanted to suggest we discuss homework

+1 as long as the research supports the idea

Chuck: We got so engrossed that time is almost up.

ToddL: Agree with writing things down even if they don't fit.

Francis_Storr: Homework for next week. There is a bunch of reading for people to do.

<Chuck> This is so awesome Todd! And yes, as I absorb this, I couls dee these fitting into "interruptions" even if they don't have a timing aspect.

Go through the content in the scratchpad.
… go through the user needs and make sure they are in the right format.

<ToddL> Thank you, Chuck. I'm not hard line on anything, but I'll explain next time. :)

<Chuck> Rachael: It may be worth linking to research if we write down a user need.

<ToddL> +1 to tracking research and links

<Lauriat> +1, that'll help immensely!

<Chuck> Rachael: As we rework all of this, we may be asked about the research that supports this.

Francis_Storr: Maybe put into a table. Column of user need, column of user research.

<jeanne> +1 Good idea!

<Chuck> +1 homework


<ToddL> +1

<AndySomers> +1

<ToddL> aww man! homework?!

Rachael: Learning as we go.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Maybe present: Andy, Chuck, Francis, Francis_Storr, Jeanne, Rachael

All speakers: Andy, Chuck, Francis, Francis_Storr, Jeanne, Rachael, ToddL, Wilco

Active on IRC: AndySomers, Chuck, Francis_Storr, jeanne, Lauriat, Rachael, ToddL, Wilco