15:49:22 RRSAgent has joined #wcag3-policy 15:49:26 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/07/24-wcag3-policy-irc 15:49:33 Zakim has joined #wcag3-policy 15:49:42 zakim, start meeting 15:49:42 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:49:44 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), shadi 15:50:21 meeting: Guidance for Policy Makers Subgroup 15:50:28 chair: shadi 15:50:31 present+ 16:01:39 Azlan has joined #wcag3-policy 16:01:46 Cyborg has joined #wcag3-policy 16:01:54 present+ 16:03:06 Jason_K has joined #wcag3-policy 16:03:07 laura has joined #wcag3-policy 16:03:16 present+ 16:03:29 present+ Laura_Carlson 16:03:34 Present+ 16:03:39 am I in the right place? 16:03:48 can someone please resend the zoom link here? 16:05:48 can the links please be reposted here? 16:06:00 i'm having difficulty finding things today...given the circumstances 16:06:56 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B-qfTrPxnhIa0AxhPEF6SIDTLAGnneoauBRHGzS5q7U/edit# 16:14:48 done 16:16:14 Done 16:16:16 SusiPallero has joined #wcag3-policy 16:16:23 Present+ 16:16:44 garcialo has joined #wcag3-policy 16:16:57 present+ 16:17:02 wondering if we can add a statement at the beginning/early on to make it explicitly clear that this is not to diminish responsibility, but to ensure that this work actually gets done 16:17:11 done reading 16:17:16 i continue to be concerned about this being considered "loopholes" 16:17:20 done reading 16:17:25 q+ 16:18:14 scribe+ 16:19:51 Jason_K: Suggests to split the time of today's meeting between reviewing the doc and the powerpoint and shadi agrees 16:20:18 No objection 16:21:02 With bullets reads better 16:21:10 +1 to bullets 16:21:21 shadi: About Abstract with bullets: shadi asks about agreement on going on the bullet even if it is not traditionally the way w3c presents it 16:21:27 No strong preference either way 16:21:57 +1 to bullets 16:24:14 Cyborg: Asks if Abstract with bullets takes the place of Abstract, shadi say yes 16:26:32 +1 16:26:55 +1 to order of the bullets aren't as important right now 16:27:16 Jason_K: Maybe we don't need to go into too much detail about the order of the bullets as it is a template 16:27:57 Cyborg: Suggests to move it the the previous just before it (the "Is intended to maximize accessibility through recommended processes and practices rather than providing exemptions or loopholes" point) 16:28:18 I have no problems moving it up one bullet point 16:28:51 No objections moving the bullets 16:28:57 no objections 16:29:00 No objections 16:29:02 Team agrees on moving the bullet up 16:30:39 shadi: We don't have certainty about the continuity of our work because August might be a slow month for AGWG as they won't be meeting. We will have more rounds to review is it is not close to be a public document yet. 16:31:34 shadi: Says it is going to be a draft, a living document. Content will be moved to another Google doc. 16:32:23 Teams agrees in the content of "Status of this Document section" 16:33:36 garcialo: About Background section: would like to move the examples up 16:34:08 SusiPallero: We can close the comment 16:35:17 shadi: Introduction section, examples were added explaining what would you expect to find in the document 16:36:19 No concerns 16:36:29 All good to me 16:36:53 +1 to Introduction as it is 16:37:08 Teams agrees to keep Introduction sections as it is. 16:37:09 +1 to intro as is 16:37:27 mgifford has joined #wcag3-policy 16:39:12 shadi: Bugs and Other Issues of Oversight section: As it is a very early draft we could have different files. This section is not quite ready. Being this an early draft we can leave it as it is 16:40:10 garcialo: Concerns that it looks like policy itself. Jason agrees about ir and roles being directly responsible is a concern. 16:40:26 garcialo: We could soften this up. Shadi agrees. 16:40:54 Agreed on nixing the Fortune 500 reference. 16:41:20 shadi: Feels like Fortune 500 is too north american centric. garcialo and susi agrees. 16:42:29 I think this is just examples and we could leave it as they are ase it is just a draft for now 16:43:00 Fortune 500 reference eliminated 16:43:52 I'm ok to go with it for now. I expect it will be further debated in the future. 16:44:16 shadi: asks to vote about going with the examples as they are or remove the examples or the entire section. 16:44:22 +1 to Azlan 16:44:51 garcialo: votes option 2 16:45:19 mgifford: we are simply giving examples so it is ok to be more general about it 16:45:45 q+ 16:45:48 shadi: clarifies nothing will be lost. We are just deciding what goes to the Draft right now. 16:46:20 q? 16:47:02 ack Jason_K 16:47:06 Thanks for the clarification Shadi. 16:47:09 ack Azlan 16:47:11 shadi: If we get the approval from AGWG we will continue to refine the document 16:48:25 Azlan: We might not reach a consesus on wording but we can pick it up in the future. Moving forward putting a comment that we don't have agreement within the subgroup. 16:48:34 +1 to Azlans approach 16:48:37 +1 to Azlan 16:48:55 shadi: suggests to even copy the discussion in the comments there 16:49:14 garcialo: agrees with the approach but not adding the discussion on comments 16:50:04 shadi: About section Consideration X: Susi added notes about Maturity Model Support Dimension. Vote if it is going to be added or should we discuss it in the future. 16:50:09 q+ 16:50:41 q+ 16:51:14 SusiPallero: I added this section just in case any of those point would make a good example or something we should add. I don't thinkwe need to consider it right now for the draft. It could be for the future. 16:51:40 q? 16:51:42 ack SusiPallero 16:51:46 ack Cyborg 16:52:34 Cyborg: Maybe adding that there is work happening in Maturity Model TF about this topic. Not necessarily the text. 16:54:27 shadi: goes through the previous headings and says this is going to be part of the draft presented to the WG 16:55:06 q+ 16:55:43 shadi: About slides: The only new part is about the Outcomes adding that this documents needs more work 16:56:01 ack SusiPallero 16:56:55 link to slide deck please 16:57:07 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1aKV1IvHoqlUkJekki2STa6CrS9jiTJfy0bHukbMMXYc/edit#slide=id.g25ae623ede5_0_25 16:57:47 Jason_K: Adding to Outcomes one slide with an example 16:58:09 shadi: clarifies he will be switching over to the document during the presentation 16:58:39 shadi: if there are comments about working add it as comments 16:59:07 shadi: question to the group what do we think about this work continuing 16:59:14 q+ 16:59:17 q+ 16:59:19 +1 to continue 16:59:32 +1 to continue 16:59:36 ack Azlan 16:59:40 I feel like this is valuable work. Definitely see value in continuing it. Good example policies is quite useful to organizations. 16:59:57 +1 worth continuing 17:00:01 Azlan: there is value in what we are doing, votes yes 17:00:34 +1 worth doing 17:00:38 q+ 17:00:41 SusiPallero: 100% this is really valuagle. I had a lot of people asking about policy the last 2.5 years. Especially for Latin America. We lack a lot of experience in accesibility and it could be very useful. 17:01:07 shadi: Invites the group to the presentation tomorrow 17:01:14 my comment is just +1 to considering this in regional and international contexts in a next iteration -- not sure if directly next or in future. but it is important to consider the international variation of need. 17:01:32 +1 to Cyborg 17:01:58 shadi: Thanks to everyone that was part of the group 17:02:07 Thanks everyone. 17:04:09 zakim, end meeting 17:04:09 As of this point the attendees have been shadi, Azlan, Jason_K, Laura_Carlson, Cyborg, SusiPallero, garcialo 17:04:11 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:04:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/07/24-wcag3-policy-minutes.html Zakim 17:04:19 I am happy to have been of service, shadi; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:04:19 Zakim has left #wcag3-policy 17:07:19 garcialo has left #wcag3-policy 17:28:29 rrsagent, bye 17:28:29 I see no action items