11:55:56 RRSAgent has joined #wcag3-motion 11:56:01 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/07/24-wcag3-motion-irc 11:56:01 RRSAgent, make logs Public 11:56:02 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Rain 11:57:02 Wilco has joined #wcag3-motion 11:57:16 agenda+ Introductions 11:57:32 agenda+ How do we want to take minutes? 11:57:42 agenda+ Review meeting time 11:58:05 agenda+ Existing materials? 11:58:47 sheribyrne has joined #wcag3-motion 11:58:59 agenda+ Finalize goals 11:59:13 agenda+ Work on plan of action 11:59:19 agenda? 11:59:35 present+ 12:00:04 eric_hind has joined #wcag3-motion 12:00:33 Makoto has joined #wcag3-motion 12:00:54 present+ 12:01:01 present+ 12:01:07 present+ 12:01:24 for the research topic: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8311056/ 12:02:36 present+ 12:02:55 present+ 12:03:04 zakim, take up item 1 12:03:04 agendum 1 -- Introductions -- taken up [from Rain] 12:04:18 the other one I was looking for, for the research topic: https://trace.umd.edu/peat/ 12:09:06 mmoss_ has joined #wcag3-motion 12:17:28 zakim, take up next item 12:17:28 agendum 2 -- How do we want to take minutes? -- taken up [from Rain] 12:17:59 Link for our scratchpad Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u_9JGeFFR51ql_yET1Y7zvajArr7QOHDWK2aIqdhpHk/edit 12:19:08 q+ 12:19:21 ack sheribyrne 12:19:49 Sheri: google docs are messy, permissions can be challenging, and if people on this call mostly have experience with IRC gets the job done 12:19:54 AndySomers has joined #wcag3-motion 12:20:03 +1 to Sheri 12:20:06 +present 12:20:11 +1 to Sheri 12:20:21 +1 12:20:27 +1 to Sheri 12:20:33 +1 12:20:34 present+ 12:20:43 present+ AndySomers 12:20:57 +1, but I won't be able to scribe due to my English. I'm really sorry about that... 12:21:31 Decision: use IRC 12:21:36 scribe: Wilco 12:22:13 Rain: I'll put together a scribe list on our wiki page 12:22:27 Link to our wiki page in Github: https://github.com/w3c/silver/wiki/Harm-from-motion-guideline-subgroup 12:22:48 q? 12:23:07 q+ 12:23:18 q? 12:23:19 Rain: If you have a question, you type "q+" to get on the speaker queue 12:23:24 ack next 12:23:39 zakim, take next item 12:23:39 I don't understand 'take next item', Rain 12:23:46 zakim, take up item 3 12:23:46 agendum 3 -- Review meeting time -- taken up [from Rain] 12:24:29 Rain: A couple individuals learned of the group and wanted to participate. The meeting time may not be as good for everyone in the group now. 12:25:18 ... We could talk through some options. If we go an hour later I imagine it'll get pretty late for Jedi and Makoto, but it might be better for people in pacific time. 12:25:20 q+ 12:25:43 ack sheribyrne 12:25:46 ... Alternatively I could do a poll in a spreadsheet that I can send out after the meeting. 12:26:08 I'm west coast 12:26:15 Hollywood 12:26:18 Sheri: I can do meetings at 6am for a short period if that works for everyone else 12:26:24 With a survivor bias, presumably everyone here now is ok with the time? Do we know if there are people who couldn't attand today? 12:26:58 Andy: I've been moving my schedule around to be awake at 4am 12:27:04 I'm away from my normal home base on the east coast, but I'm only here for this week and next 12:27:42 Wilco: I've received no regrets. I think we can assume this is the group. 12:28:08 q? 12:28:24 Makoto: I could do an hour later. If it could be Tuesday that would be better. 12:28:27 q+ 12:28:40 q+ 12:28:55 q- 12:29:08 q- 12:29:09 Jedi: An hour later works, Monday or Tuesday are both fine 12:29:44 Tuesday is better for me 12:30:02 Rain: In IRC, lets do a poll, put +1 for Monday, +2 for Tuesday +3 for either 12:30:02 Please put +1 for Monday, +2 for Tuesday, +3 for either 12:30:06 +1 for Monday only 12:30:09 +3 12:30:11 +3 12:30:13 +3 12:30:14 +3 12:30:15 +3 with a preference for Tuesday 12:30:16 +3, Prefer monday, but Tuesday is possible. 12:30:18 +3 12:30:43 Rain: Looks like Monday is best 12:30:47 q+ 12:30:54 ack jeanne 12:31:28 Jeanne: I could see if I can switch with Shawn? If Tuesday works better for everyone else maybe Tuesday can work 12:32:27 Keep Monday, 1 hour later 12:32:38 +1 12:32:39 +1 12:32:40 +1 12:32:40 +1 12:32:42 +1 12:32:45 +1 (don't mind now or hour later) 12:32:45 +1 12:32:49 +1 12:33:14 Rain: So we're keeping the meeting day, but meeting an hour later: 9am Eastern 12:33:21 zakim, take up item 4 12:33:21 agendum 4 -- Existing materials? -- taken up [from Rain] 12:33:52 q+ 12:33:52 From Sheri: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8311056/ and https://trace.umd.edu/peat/ 12:33:59 ack next 12:34:02 q+ put it in Resources 12:34:19 q+ to say that I put it in Resources 12:34:51 Understanding doc: https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG22/Understanding/animation-from-interactions.html 12:35:24 WIki page of previous notes: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Animation_caused_by_user_interaction 12:35:28 Folder of documents from a categorization: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1t9H47G5gIUUSONx-Aly3UGCfQ7G0NI_V 12:35:57 Mapping document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18ujLLMhhBGb3OHq2xINzLyGTKlqAgcLpG0tms8bGBfw/edit#heading=h.vx20z4iqr83a 12:36:13 Jeanne: This is work from last year. Silver TF completed that process. As that exercise went on it got more sophisticated. 12:36:41 ... We looked at WCAG 2.1 criteria, and had a database of different information to categorise. The later ones all have an individual document backing them up 12:36:56 Presumably the Pause/stop/hide info would also help? This is the categorisation exercise doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xnz5QmQBdikEpogEo-czNRzLX46Bm3fYog5V9hwnalU/edit#heading=h.vx20z4iqr83a 12:37:05 ... This was a start to the subgroup work. I didn't want that effort to be lost 12:37:37 Rain: This is a great set to work through. For next week lets make sure we've read all these materials 12:38:21 q? 12:38:27 ack next 12:38:28 jeanne, you wanted to say that I put it in Resources 12:38:28 ack me 12:38:32 The wiki page above has links to other docs as well. 12:38:38 zakim, take up item 5 12:38:38 agendum 5 -- Finalize goals -- taken up [from Rain] 12:38:59 Rain: We have 8 weeks, so we have to keep the goal well scoped. 12:39:01 Current goal as written: Write an exploratory version of the guideline and outcomes for Harm from motion guideline. This work does not include writing How-to pages or methods. 12:39:39 Rain: Some example goals we could also consider: 12:39:47 Example goals: Creating user stories Documenting options as exploratory Identifying and documenting additional challenges Answering related issues Writing text for the draft 12:40:38 q+ to list the goals recommennded by the Guideline Writing Process 12:40:51 Rain: I'm curious, do we have in those resources any user stories? 12:40:53 ack jeanne 12:40:53 jeanne, you wanted to list the goals recommennded by the Guideline Writing Process 12:41:05 Preserve the knowledge and experience of WCAG guidance 12:41:05 Focus on the user 12:41:05 Use as much plain language or clear language as possible 12:41:13 Jeanne: The team that wrote the writing process recommended three goals. 12:41:43 q+ 12:41:57 ... Preserve knowledge of WCAG guidance, use plain language, focus on the user 12:42:16 ... We did not do user stories, what we did is identify functional needs 12:42:34 ack next 12:43:17 q+ 12:43:25 Alastair: It would be good to know if there are other use cases that should be covered, that people are aware of that aren't covered so far. 12:43:29 q+ 12:43:44 ... It would also be helpful if in scope we consider when the guidance should apply or not. 12:44:05 ... We ran into problem with scoping, because it's really hard to determine how big something will be on the web. 12:44:33 ack next 12:45:22 Hmm, is 'flashing' motion? 12:45:27 Andy: I believe there's a placeholder for three flashes. There is a lot of crossover between photic seizures. 12:45:46 ... This is a place where there might be something to combine or a sub category. 12:45:56 ... There are some aural things too that can cause harm in some cases. 12:46:16 ... There might be some hierarchical organisation to these guidelines. 12:47:19 Rain: We probably need to define motion. There are probably some definitions we can pull from, but we may need to extend or further scope it. 12:47:36 q+ 12:48:09 visual ftigue 12:48:15 ... This got me also thinking about how we define harm, and what falls into that scope. There's the extreme of potential death, but then there's also something as simple as I can't finish my assignment because my focus potential gets redirected because of the motion. 12:48:18 fatigue 12:48:52 .... There are all kinds of levels of harm. I think part of the work is to define harm. 12:48:52 ack next 12:49:36 Sheri: There is a scientific phrase, pseudo-motion. I wonder if it's worth considering broadening the title of this group to harm from motion and pseudo-motion. 12:49:42 q+ 12:50:06 ack next 12:50:07 Rain: I saw this on a gradient, which gave the perception of something moving 12:50:47 Andy: On the question if flashing is motion. If you have motion video, going in and out of shadows while driving. That's the kind of flashing that's considered a risk. That would be considered motion, but it's also flashing. 12:51:02 q+ on avoiding a rabit hole 12:51:04 ... Another one is having an animation where light elements go over dark elements. 12:51:10 ack next 12:51:37 ... Rapid state changes from light to dark, we're generally concerned about 3 flashes per second. 12:51:55 Rain: This is something we want to capture in the document. 12:52:05 q- 12:53:06 Drafting area in our google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u_9JGeFFR51ql_yET1Y7zvajArr7QOHDWK2aIqdhpHk/edit#heading=h.o4uv0mot7eqw 12:53:13 Wilco: I would suggest not renaming the group, but if pseudo-motion should be included start using it in the guideline you're proposing 12:53:23 Rain: We have 4 things we've identified we want to cover. 12:53:38 ... Defining motion, defining harm, use cases to cover, and scope of when this applies and when it doesn't. 12:54:02 ... Is defining these a good goal for our subgroup? 12:54:04 q+ 12:54:45 Jeanne: In some ways its a little too detailed, and not covering the things we'd like you to. But we are still developing the process, we can refine things if we need to. 12:55:06 q- 12:55:10 ... What ideally we'd want to do is identify use cases/functional needs, then what are the outcomes of any guidance we're going to write that we want to say. 12:55:12 Harm: triggering an unexpected event with negative physiological consequences 12:55:19 +1, we need to translate the use-cases into outcomes 12:55:21 ... we can then note we need to define harm, and define motion. 12:55:38 ... That was our intention. More a push towards outcome, and note what still needs to be worked on. 12:56:11 Rain: So then the first one is use cases, second is define the outcome, and stretch goals on defining scope, motion and harm. 12:56:26 ... My guess is defining motion / harm will evolve organically. They'll expand as we go. 12:56:26 q? 12:56:50 Jeanne: Sounds great. And as we discuss things capture them for the future. 12:57:02 +1Also, capture negative decisions, e.g. "we didn't do that because of X". 12:57:06 +1 12:57:07 +1 12:57:07 +1 12:57:08 +1 12:57:10 +1 12:57:11 +1 12:57:11 Are we happy with these goals? 12:57:14 +1 12:57:14 q+ 12:57:21 ack Wilco 12:58:45 Rain: I can draft us a plan of action for next week. 12:59:14 ... I would like to ask everyone if between now and our next meeting, familiarise yourselves with documents we already have. 12:59:29 ... In the drafting area, start putting in user stories so we can get into that next week. 12:59:35 Rain, I need access to the google doc 12:59:41 jeanne - did we do the WCAG 2.x AAA crieria in the categorisation exercise? I don't think animation from interactions is there... 13:00:02 q? 13:00:03 I need access too 13:00:48 zakim, end meeting 13:00:48 As of this point the attendees have been sheribyrne, Rain, jeanne, alastairc, Makoto, jedi, present, mmoss_, AndySomers 13:00:50 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 13:00:51 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/07/24-wcag3-motion-minutes.html Zakim 13:00:58 I am happy to have been of service, Wilco; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 13:00:58 Zakim has left #wcag3-motion