Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

20 Jul 2023


kathy, trevor, Suji, Daniel


<scribe> scribe:ChrisLoiselle

ACT Standup

Wilco: AG responses and addressing those. Bug in rule sheet I fixed. Secondary requirements is on my list to go through.

Daniel: Changed access tokens. Working on processes before Michael leaves.

Apostrophe issue is merged. Other reviews as well.

Trevor: Pull requests work. One on aria state could use additional review.

Wilco to review. 2036 issue.

<trevor> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/pull/2036

Kathy: I can review.

Trevor: Video captions is the other issue. Adding 1.2.1 as secondary requirement.

Kathy: You can add me to that as well.

Trevor: On that rule, we've merged since survey. There are outdated comments. Somethings no longer exist in rule.

Wilco: Should we review again?

Trevor: Changes weren't made directly from survey. I would feel comfortable with another survey.

Wilco: Ok, another survey then.

Kathy: I was trying to add a secondary requirement. On rule within markdown, seems like it is in there already. I think it is getting it to show correctly is the need.

Wilco: Please put my name on it and I will review.
... Which rule is this one?

<kathy> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/blob/develop/_rules/link-non-empty-accessible-name-c487ae.md

Non empty accessible name

Wilco: This has secondary requirements. I believe it has been done.

<Wilco> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/pull/1986/files

I did that as part of a batch. I believe it is done.

Wilco: The other action to make is show on rule is on me. Same as meta element.
... can be closed.

Trevor: Where is the case where secondary is true and the full conformance pass fail conditions?

<Wilco> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/pull/2060/files

Wilco: I have been working on the update. Pull 2060 talks to this.
... I plan to through all the rules and make language changes. If working on a rule and adding secondary language, depends on what gets merged first.

Trevor: I will add that in to the PR I'm on.
... For conformance failed are there sometimes.

Wilco: should only say secondary requirements.

Kathy: The link for heading has non has that content , will you update?

Wilco: Yes.

Suji: I have not done much as I was in a move. I will like to shadow the PR.

Update from AG

<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act-rules/issues/223

<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act-rules/issues/226#issuecomment-1642245139

Wilco: AG feedback topic. These 4 rules that had comments on it, unless there were substantial issues, they'd get approved within ten days. We've had some responses. Mostly going through with Jon A.
... none seems to be substantial.
... two weeks from now , we'd do a push for rules update , 8 rules that are ready for working group.

Dan: Congrats!

Wilco: if we get the ARIA ones too, that would be another round as well.

Check-in on annual reviews

Wilco: We had three left to go over regarding annual reviews.
... On the ready for working group, we may want to review those too in a couple of weeks.
... couple of comments. The example should have lang= valid language so it has no other failures.
... We did that so we didn't want to have additional code. Some had lang attribute on html but others were within the body on an element.
... remove html and body element from the examples themselves would be an opportunity to resolve
... template generator will add that in vs. us doing that
... To Kathy, can you open a PR for this request?

Kathy: I'll open the PR for it.

Wilco: Tool will take care of it.
... reviewing further, lang attribute has open issues. I believe 2063 could be closed. pseudo element and lang of invalid is an edge use case.
... do we want to address this as a theoretical problem?

Kathy: It is inserting text in a different language then the text used in the div?

Wilco: Yes, CSS would be adding it in.

Trevor: I haven't seen this in practice.

Wilco: We will leave that as is.
... On 1736 , we could add additional information on grandfather tags , but it isn't stopping anything.

On 1614, on extinct language , it would be an edge case.

On where WCAG doesn't have a lang tag, you can't. No tag for Vulcan. There IS one for Klingon.

Kathy: Intent is to provide context to user on AT. Up to AT to support language.

Wilco: Needs lang tag .

Vote for leaving as is and moving on.

Wilco: lang rule has been reviewed for annual review.
... On auto complete attribute , pass 8 shows as a fail on 1967.
... reads through issue 1967. I'll take this back to Tom B. and see what we can do on priority status.
... We made rule less strict then the issue was filed against it being not strict enough.
... Will follow up with Tom B. we can set as reviewed.
... Wordspacing will be re-written.
... I believe that is it on reviews.

Open pull requests and issues

Wilco: I wanted to take rest of meeting to go through these.

On PRs, we are on 40 open at moment.

On 2090, going through Jon A.'s , Chris to review.

<Suji> sujisreerama

Dan: I will review and add her to the list.

Wilco: I will add her now to the repo.

Suji: I just accepted it.

Wilco: 2086 , added Kathy as another reviewer.
... Role is permitted, 2084 . Trevor to review.

PR 2082 , typo. Kathy and Trevor review and approve.

PR 2079, Wilco to be third approver.

PR 2078 Chris to review and approve.

PR 2077 Wilco responded to Jym77 on issue itself.

PR 2076 , Wilco to review on format being different.

Wilco: Auto play blocked that is why 2076 was set to secondary requirement due to accessibility support. Perhaps look at it more next week.

Trevor and Kathy to review 2076

Kathy: With 2089 (Trevor's) are there going to be further updates to update the secondary requirements? I want to make sure format is correct.

Wilco: I will leave suggestion to make that happen.

Kathy: Want me to leave a note?

Trevor: I will remember.

Kathy: I can place suggested text too if it helps.
... PR 2075 , need to update rule with different examples. Need to get through them.

PR2075 may need to be in draft, Wilco to ping Dan tripp on labeling of PR.

Wilco: PR 2060 , needs more work from Wilco.

PR 2050 set to draft due to manual test rule writing process with Jean E and Helen.

PR 2007 Giacomo one approval thus far. Appears to be a complicated change, adding two examples.

Daniel: To help review PR 2007

PR 1994 , meta viewport , assigned to Tom , Wilco and Daniel. Any takers?

PR 1923, text spacing rewrite needs review.

PR 1919 is draft, not done.

PR 1916 , Trevor , I don't want to push it through as subjective applicability changes were needed beforehand.

1916 moved to draft status.

waiting for state discussions and subjective applicability discussions.

Remaining PRs are community group efforts, we will leave for CG to resolve.

Wilco: On updates needed item, Chris to update Wilco heading rule
... on update needed please review as needed.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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$Date: 2023/07/20 14:01:29 $

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