RDF-star Working Group weekly meeting

20 July 2023


AndyS, gkellogg, gtw, ktk, niklasl, ora, pchampin, pfps, richard_lea, TallTed, Tpt
azimmermann, dtomaszuk, EFranconi, rtaelman, souri
pchampin, TallTed

Meeting minutes

Scribe: Thibodeau, Ted (alternate: Haudebourg, Timothée)

Approval of last week's minutes: 1

<pfps> minutes look fine to me

<ora> proposal: Approve last week's minutes

<gkellogg> +1

<ktk> +1

<ora> +1

<pchampin> +0

<gtw> +1

<TallTed> +1

<pfps> +1

<Tpt> +1

<AndyS> +1

<niklasl> +1

RESOLUTION: Approve last week's minutes

Update on Use Cases

<pfps> The UCR summary wiki page is https://github.com/w3c/rdf-ucr/wiki/Summary

pfps: has been working through the UCR stack, back-and-forth with submitters. Would like more use cases, and for some of the CG use cases to be shepherded by others
… would like to schedule time on a future call to review UCR in depth

ora: notes the large number of regrets for recent meetings, perhaps we should take a break for summer?

niklasl: volunteers to help with existing use cases, and has some others to submit when in better shape

pfps: welcomes even rough submissions

Update on Semantic TF

[ lacking enrico, postponing Semantic TF update]

Review of open actions, available at 2

ora: still working on proposal wording for w3c/rdf-star-wg#19

pchampin: is keeping w3c/rdf-star-wg#55 and w3c/rdf-star-wg#63 open
… created w3c/rdf-star-wg#77 and it's in progress
… IPR changes may delay that progress a bit

gkellogg: on w3c/rdf-star-wg#63 N-Triples 1.1 mis-links outward, may need updates on that
… on test suites, we had discussed join ownership with JSON-LD WG, to make issues & PRs show up on each other's dashboards
… on https://github.com/w3c/rdf-star-wg/issues/76, both areas have been updated

ora: related to short names, had some challenge getting to SPARQL 1.1, was prompted for W3C credentials, seemed like transient fluke

pchampin: gkellogg noticed that some github actions related to adding PRs and Issues to dashboard were misbehaving

ACTION: pchampin to investigate hiccups in github actions

<gb> Created action #78

<pchampin> https://github.com/w3c/rdf-n-quads/actions/runs/5611766553/job/15203988524

<gkellogg> Github can be flakey, sometimes.

pchampin: TPAC organizers have requested lightning talks, and pushed for a 10 minute presentation on our 18 documents

<pchampin> champin.net/2023/rdf-star-wds.svg

<pchampin> champin.net/2023/rdf-star-wds.svg#concepts

pchampin: will share a script for approval, and then produce a video for TPAC

AndyS: w3c/rdf-star-wg#76 is complete

gkellogg: historically, tests have not been considered substantive, have been treated as immune from IPR considerations
… we should investigate that for this project

ora: pchampin should be able to get that info

[group] we might want to set up a place for tests that suggest spec changes

Review of pull requests, available at 3

AndyS: meta-item, a PR I looked at today had diff which was unrelated to the PR
… preview was fine

<pchampin> sometimes documents included by respec behave strangely with preview and diff, but this sounds like a different issue...

gkellogg: there are hack-y ways to do this, if needed

<Zakim> pfps, you wanted to discuss mobile display

<pchampin> https://services.w3.org/htmldiff

pfps: What's required to push the mobile phone display issue?

pchampin: recollection was that we would rather try to fix dominic's issue, rather than try to solve all mobile issues

pfps: can't resolve it by just closing this PR because most documents have a CSS change, one doc does not

ktk: I suggest we revert all these changes, so all docs are in same state, and then review screenshots of specific issues toward resolving those, rather than trying to solve all theoretical issues
… I suggest each such problem be raised its own issue and carried to its resolution

pfps: currently, variations on CSS change have been applied to most if not all docs other than rdf-semantics, which mess with display in narrow window on large screen, not just with display on narrow screen
… variations of result depend on whether viewing at w3.org, github.io, etc., even though the content is ostensibly the same

gkellogg: CSS varies rather a lot across our 20 documents, regardless of how much they may have matched in the past
… most docs look OK to me. aside from one odd table in one doc

TallTed: I see two options: dig into each document and make them "good" (for some definition of "good")
… or copy the content of each document under some boilerplate CSS (a lot of work)

ora: my take is that someday, we'll need to fix this ... if not now, when?
… will individual editors take this on for their set? will other people volunteer for just this cleanup?

AndyS: the SPARQL docs probably need to be considered separately, because they have a lot of special formatting that doesn't play well with ReSpec, orthogonally to the mobile screens issue
… hoped to push CSS later in the process than the substantive content

gkellogg: dominic spent quite some time on this, but there is still far to go
… agrees that substantive content is far more important. CSS could be pushed past CR.

ora: concurs with focusing on content rather than CSS

gkellogg: by and large, the RDF docs aren't bad

AndyS: SPARQL docs have nested styling, and a lot of troublesome color coding

AndyS: the media-type language issues should be quickly handled

gkellogg: privacy considerations seem to be pretty well baked in w3c/rdf-concepts#52 and can be echoed on the other RDF docs

ora: how about BNF change?

gkellogg: still working on N-triples https://github.com/w3c/rdf-n-triples/pull/34, still blocked by w3c/rdf-concepts#48

ora: will poke I18n

Any Other Business (AOB), time permitting

ora: should we have a summer break?

TallTed: we can take a poll among ourselves

AndyS: wonders about semantics TF in particular
… and approvals of document changes

<pfps> semantics is at least partly waiting for approved test cases

ora: will be away fourth week of August. knows others will be away at least part of August.

[group] can take it as it comes

Summary of action items

  1. pchampin to investigate hiccups in github actions

Summary of resolutions

  1. Approve last week's minutes
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 222 (Sat Jul 22 21:57:07 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/TallTed: what was the command again for drafting minutes?//

Succeeded: s/regret+ rtaelman/regrets+ rtaelman/

Succeeded: s/regret+ dtomaszuk/regrets+ dtomaszuk/

Succeeded: s/regret+ EFranconi/regrets+ EFranconi/

Succeeded: s/regret+ souri/regrets+ souri/

Succeeded: s/ah, wrong bot then :) thanks//

Succeeded: s/TallTed: I don't get the minutes yet, you?//

Succeeded: s/#concepts#concepts/#concepts/

Succeeded: s/is not yet complete as an action; only the plan is complete/is complete/

Succeeded: s/preview and diff which were/diff which was/

Succeeded: s/third week/fourth week/

All speakers: AndyS, gkellogg, ktk, niklasl, ora, pchampin, pfps, TallTed

Active on IRC: AndyS, gkellogg, gtw, ktk, niklasl, ora, pchampin, pfps, richard_lea, TallTed, Tpt