19 July 2023


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, Ege_Korkan, Jan_Romann, Kaz_Ashimura, Kazeem_Oladipupo, Luca_Barbato, Mahda_Noura, Michael_Koster, Tomoaki_Mizushima
Ege, Koster
cris_, Ege, kaz

Meeting minutes


Kaz: would suggest we have one-hour call for TD for a while during this extended period. We can concentrate on urgent bug fixes and planning.

Ege: ok

previous minutes


Ege: names were fixed
… found an error I didn't scribe
… also daniel name is still using his nickname

<kaz> i|kaz: would suggest we have one-hour call for TD for a while during this extended period. We can concentrate on urgent bug fixes and planning.|

Ege: we reached a resolution
… we need to write an email quickly

Kaz: Daniel's name fixed

Ege: any other issues?
… minutes approved

TPAC topics

<kaz> TPAC WoT agenda

Ege: please if you have anyother topic that you want to discuss please edit the agenda
… any other topics to discuss?

Luca: talk about connected protocols would be nice

Ege: do you mean websockets?

Luca: yes doing better with anything that as a connection state

Kaz: ok adding that item
… but it is a big question, and it is related to whole WoT not just TD

Kaz: note that we were planning to have additional vF2F meetings before and/or after TPAC, so those slots might be better opportunity for brainstorming discussion about bigger questions.
… we can still add that kind of topics to the agenda proposals, and talk about that during the main call next week, though.

Cristiano: how to choose a form is another long running question. Should we talk about it?

Ege: we can brainstorm without any restriction, than we can choose
… how to choose a form goes around normative consumption topics.

Cristiano: also manageable actions

Luca: they can be grouped inside Affordance design

Koster: We are making a list of TD items
… we can just refer to the list that we are making
… there is even less ability to get together in tpac so it is better to discuss those topics in other places
… we should point point unique opportunities that TPAC enables and discuss topic related to that

Ege: I think we can use TPAC to resolve long-standing discussions

Kaz: yeah, I agree. We can use the TD work items list and select the ones that make sense, because the work-items.md already has several categories like new features and refactoring.
… TPAC is focused on joint meetings

<Mizushima> +1 for mjk and kaz

<kaz> wot/planning/THingDescription/work-items.md

Binding Templates publication status check

Ege: we are getting closer

Thing description

Ege: I started creating the Github release for 1.1
… most of it is automatically generated by github
… any objections to do that?

Kaz: ok, but generate the final diff between the previous version and the current one to be sure there is no error.

Ege: yes, I agree. We will come to that
… any other points?

Ege: github release published
… note that we have a git tag now
… so you can use it as reference

Koster: is it the 1.1 release?

Ege: no

Daniel: regarding the publication folder we have the same html

Ege: I linked in the release

Kaz: you should check the diff between wot-thing-description/index.html and wot-thing description/publication/ver11/6-pr/index.html

Ege: note that currently we don't have any diff with 6-pr folder


<Ege> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1853/files

PR 1853

<kaz> PR 1853 - Update README.md with PR note

Ege: daniel just update the date and readme text
… nothing problematic
… any objections?

PR 1854

<kaz> PR 1854 - Update minor typos in README

Ege: minor typos
… in the README
… any objections?

PR 1844

<kaz> PR 1844 - Update schema to not allow empty op array

Ege: we agreed in the main call that I will send a email


Issue 1807

<kaz> Issue 1807 - TM namespace not active yet

Ege: TM namespace is not really active
… I tried to understand what we did before
… and I found some issues
… first we didn't document the process
… for example, we somebody go to 2022/wot/td/11 we don't know which content has been served
… it seems that previous TD 1 namespace is serving an updated version of the first context
… last modified was July of this year
… which is weird since it is an old
… td version
… using diff checker I was able to understand that we were pointing to a file in the current main branch

Cristiano: it is ok that is ok to modify td-contex.jsonld
… it is how the render works

Daniel: correct, the renderer generate td-contx-1.1.jsonld

Ege: then right, it should to REC1.0

Daniel: it is a w3c admin problem

Ege: can you have a look at it kaz?

Kaz: we talked about this issue many times
… first we should not use year number
… but just the version
… but given that we are using this notation in the current PR we can't change that right now
… second point is please clarify the mapping between w3c namespace -> github repository
… victor did it
… we can re-do it for 1.1

Ege: I agree with the previous point
… but year notation is suggested by w3c
… where is the mapping the Victor made?

Kaz: As I suggested (I think 6 months ago or so), we can use "https://wwww.w3.org/ns/wot" as the base URI and add sub directories for future versions and resources. (without director's approval) or use custom namespace (with director's approval)

Ege: back on the Victor's table, where is it?

Kaz: it is in an issue

<kaz> Namespace URL Guideline

ege checked the table

Ege: that is the problem we are using not tagged link to the files

Cristiano: I agree

Kaz: we can change it in the future

Ege: yes, I agree but now I understand we have a bug
… I'll create a document with the mapping

Kaz: that is good

Ege: with this release we have also json schemas for TM and TDs
… for them we need to allocate a new uris
… we could use content-negotiation to expose schema
… as kaz mentioned we have diffferent options
… see the doc

Cristiano: no content negotiation they are two separate resources
… I would follow the current format, although I don't like it.

Kaz: I'm ok with any kind
… of URI, they are just a way to identify a resource
… I don't like current format, but given that we already published it
… we should follow it

Ege: ok

Cristiano: suggesting td-schema at the end

Ege: what about v1.1-scheme

Cristiano: that also works

Kaz: final decision has to be brought to main call next week

Ege: note that we need just two URI
… one for tm schem and one for td schema

<kaz> WoT Thing Description 1.1 Proposed Recommendation - 4. Namespaces

Kaz: there are two points here: how to handle the URIs and the concrete mapping.

<Ege> proposal: "We agree to use URIs with date for TD 1.1 and 1.0. For TD 2.0 we will reevaluate and possibly change to using /ns approach"

RESOLUTION: "We agree to use URIs with date for TD 1.1 and 1.0. For TD 2.0 we will reevaluate and possibly change to using /ns approach"

Ege: we can brainstorm right now
… and continue async

Kaz: we need to add several lines (one for each new uri) to the specification as well?

Ege: yes that is correct
… but is only in appendix B
… is changing and existing link

Kaz: from our view point it is a minor change, but for the w3c is a big change
… I'm afraid I still need to talk with PLH about this.

Kaz: before that, please clarify the concrete URIs from www.w3.org to be mapped to some URLs from github.com

Cristiano: we need to update the $id field too, but we already tagged the file. How can we correctly link it?

Ege: right that is an issue, I'll think about it.

final agenda items

Ege: planning discussion is moved in the planning meeting

Koster: I agree
... we have the workitems
... we just need to be sure to capture all of them
... for today I was planning to go through usecase and requirement togheters

Ege: any other points?
... ok, we can close the meeting


Summary of resolutions

  1. "We agree to use URIs with date for TD 1.1 and 1.0. For TD 2.0 we will reevaluate and possibly change to using /ns approach"
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).