15:58:07 RRSAgent has joined #wcag3-policy 15:58:11 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/07/17-wcag3-policy-irc 15:58:24 Zakim has joined #wcag3-policy 15:59:44 meeting: Guidance for Policy Makers Subgroup 16:00:01 chair: shadi 16:00:06 present+ 16:00:16 Azlan has joined #wcag3-policy 16:00:42 garcialo has joined #wcag3-policy 16:01:31 bruce_bailey has joined #wcag3-policy 16:02:35 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B-qfTrPxnhIa0AxhPEF6SIDTLAGnneoauBRHGzS5q7U/edit 16:03:14 present+ 16:03:17 laura has joined #wcag3-policy 16:03:20 zakim, agenda? 16:03:20 I see nothing on the agenda 16:03:21 q 16:03:28 q+ 16:03:53 present+ 16:03:58 ack me 16:04:42 Jason_K has joined #wcag3-policy 16:04:42 ready 16:04:48 Present+ 16:04:55 ready 16:04:58 present+ 16:05:43 ready 16:06:43 regrets+ Laura_Carlson 16:07:36 scribe: Jason_K 16:07:40 regrets+ John_Kirkwood 16:08:19 Jason, if you need to make comments and stuff, I can scribe for what you say. 16:08:27 Shadi: From the top, this is quiet a significant rewrite, but hope it captures all of the discussion last week 16:08:37 ... any thoughts/comments? 16:08:48 q+ to say seems time based 16:09:29 Luis : Is this full conforming, the phrase. I think something like that has been mentioned previously but not much is mentioned. 16:09:47 ... one big difference with WCAG3, is that its not all or nothing, like WCAG 2. 16:10:03 ... saying fully conforming feels more WCAG2, then WCAG 3 16:10:11 +1 to emphasize all-or-nothing (as a bug) 16:10:58 ack me 16:10:58 bruce_bailey, you wanted to say seems time based 16:10:58 ... no proposed alternated wording that he had in mind 16:12:12 bruce: 508 has exceptions, there are things that are not conforming. The additionl of instantly and immediately that is at tension. Is make it sounds like fully conforming is only a problem at the start 16:12:58 Shadi: It has been phrased differently at different parts of the document 16:13:44 ... he flips back and forth. 'Instantly or immediately' is more semantics. For an abstract, this seems a bit repetitative 16:13:45 +1 for only one of two (instantly OR immediately) 16:14:17 Luis: Overlaps with the 'always'. Abstract seems a bit heavy now 16:14:41 q? 16:15:26 Shadi: 2 seperate things, sometimes not always feasible, and sometimes not immediately feasible 16:16:04 Azlan: Was going to agree with regards to the first sentence, fully does feel a bit overkill at that point 16:16:18 ... especially when saying conforming with all criteria 16:16:18 +1 to Shadi, to agree that "immediately" is different issue than "feasible" 16:16:34 ... at this point in the abstract, its diving too much into the detail 16:17:50 SusiPallero has joined #wcag3-policy 16:17:52 Shadi: We had the example in the use case of images that refresh constantly, you probably can't provide text alternatives every refresh, but you can provide an alt-text of these are images form satelittes, etc 16:17:54 present+ 16:18:13 ... think of difference between meeting a criteria, or not meeting a criteria fully 16:18:28 ... there is alteast something you can do 16:19:26 ... will take another pass at rewording, so its not so overboard 16:19:39 ... need to formulate things very carefully 16:20:20 Luis: Something that came to mind, what if you consider it from the perspective there are sometimes thingsthat might happen that would break our level of conformance 16:20:32 ... ie. users upload items, satelittes refresh, etc 16:22:02 Shadi: in reference to the example of company A buying company B; So this maybe a useful angle to add, altho its become too detailed aswell 16:22:13 Luis: Its nice, but its a bit too wordy of an example 16:22:27 q+ 16:22:50 Bruce: i think i vote for zero or both examples. 16:23:01 q+ to say bugs covered in the second example too 16:23:10 ... feels like the first sentence leads very nicely. then you have your examples 16:23:21 ... we'll have a lot more detail in examples 16:23:29 q+ 16:23:36 Shadi: Either both or none, preferably non 16:23:39 ack bruce_bailey 16:23:58 Bruce: one example instantly, one example feasible 16:24:02 ack Azlan 16:24:02 Azlan, you wanted to say bugs covered in the second example too 16:24:39 Azlan: Includes bugs called out specificaly in first example, almost doubling down on that. Is it neccessary to go into that at that level 16:24:50 ack garcialo 16:25:13 Luis: we can get rid of everything but that sentence, company A buying company B whose site is not accessible 16:25:19 +1 16:25:34 Shadi: Hearing agreement on bruces proposal to narrow down 16:26:20 Shadi: was looking at considerations for bugs, but there were additional considerations added. So its getting bigger and bigger. 16:26:33 ... reducing and moving down 16:27:00 Luis: If this is something the working group will work on, itll be wordsmithed. Keep is less cluttered, and easily for people to read it 16:27:35 Shadi: We are trying to make a minimal viable product, to show the group what is this work 16:27:50 ... trying to show what the doc is supposed to do, and provide 1 or 2 examples 16:28:13 ... be nice and concise with what the doc is and how it will be used 16:28:36 Luis: What do you think about starting with the second paragraph. this is what the doc is trying to do 16:28:45 .. Do we need the first paragraph 16:29:37 Shadi: Version last week was too brief. Then things were moved to background. 16:29:59 Luis: Not sure what the first paragraph is saying. Maybe more appropriate for background 16:30:15 Shadi: Trying to summarize the background 16:30:42 q? 16:30:44 ... other thoughts 16:31:20 ... Sentence greg suggest removing, when policy focus on conformance, etc it might not be feasible in practice... 16:31:37 ... for example EU directive to require all sites/apps conforming to WCAG 2.1 16:32:32 ... counter productive effect of the driveby lawsuits over 1 missing alt text 16:32:46 ... not sure, did respond to greg, and ask if he could rephrase 16:33:15 Luis: not sure its necessary, feels like its saying what the first paragraph is saying 16:33:28 +1 for mentioning risk of drive-by-lawsuit, but +1 to Louis that maybe abstract is not best place 16:34:02 Luis: Gave motiviate behind it, but its not in the document only elluding to it 16:34:25 Bruce: I agree with both points, especially with risk. 16:35:22 Luis: If i'm a policy maker, looking for guidance, does this inform me about the drive by lawsuits. 16:35:37 ... what policies am i going to create to help balance/mitigate for risk and conform 16:36:01 Shadi: 2 questions in here, first, one how this doc is addressing the issue 16:36:30 ... hopefully that in considerations (bug/oversight), by considering these things in your policy, you contribute to less drive by lawsuits 16:36:47 ... seperation between conformance and compliance 16:37:22 ... I hope this document, will give them ideas how to design policies to minimize those lawsuits 16:38:09 ... if i design policies wrong, not only will it not be feasible, but at same time it might be doing some harm 16:38:54 ... needs to be clear, either minimize or remove abstract, consider moving down to background 16:39:11 +1 16:39:12 +1 16:39:12 ... Is this agreable with all? 16:39:16 +1 16:39:16 +1 16:39:23 +1 16:39:35 Shadi: any other comments on abstract? 16:40:15 ... also consider flipping around 2 paragraphs, or if you need 2 paragraphs 16:40:37 ... Lets talk about the background section 16:40:55 No 16:41:04 no 16:42:16 ... same with introduction 16:42:58 Luis: Maybe for concise, we stop at feasible. might be wordsmith, but will get main message accross 16:43:14 Shadi: Hoping greg would be hear to talk about his comments 16:43:45 ... don't want this to be an agrument to bring down the whole thing 16:43:55 ... prefer it to be a bit more academic language here 16:44:11 Luis: Does the use case for WCAG 3 phrase this a certain way 16:44:33 Shadi: Looking back, Didn't get a consensus 16:45:05 Luis: Instead of definitely saying, might not feasible, we phrase it as challenge towards conformance 16:46:00 ... it just says these are challenge when you conform, doesn't give someone an out 16:46:11 Shadi: Will policy maker continue to read 16:46:20 ... may not be feasible 16:46:36 Luis: that too is a challenge, it softens the finality of it 16:47:04 Shadi: Feedback from the last 2 round was it wasn't clear enough 16:48:06 No 16:48:07 ... any other comments on the introduction section? 16:48:35 Luis: Considers the scope of WCAG 2 16:48:52 Shadi: It is a bit of an overkill, but will take a stab at rewording 16:49:48 Shadi: WCAG 3 available 6-7 years from now. 16:49:54 ... we are looking at several years 16:50:16 ...trying to take in consideration both WCAG 2 and 3 16:50:33 ... jury is still out on what it will look like 16:52:25 ... hoping this could be backwards compatible 16:53:20 ... Scope of Responsibility 16:53:41 Finished reading 16:53:55 done 16:53:59 done 16:54:55 Luis: I like it, don't think it needs to be actionable. Maybe needs a closing sentence or two 16:54:56 q+ 16:55:12 ... keep these things in mind, consider things are things to think about 16:55:12 +1 to Luis 16:55:20 ack bruce_bailey 16:55:39 bruce: mentioned ppl who make the policy might not have control over the things in the policy 16:56:03 ...doesn't explicitely say that the people who are liable for the policy, might not have input to the policy 16:56:16 shadi: this would be a recommendation 16:57:12 ... my worry is its repeating more scenarios/use cases 16:57:18 ... what can you do? 16:57:38 ... can point back to use cases, but its good background for policy makers to understand 16:57:45 ... what can they actually do 16:58:11 Luis: What it does, at very least is that it kind of summarizes whats in the use cases document 16:58:25 Shadi: having everything in one place 16:58:43 Luis: Maybe the use cases doc is not refered to explicitely. 16:58:52 ... restating example scenarios 16:58:57 ... is not hard to follow 16:59:21 Shadi: Good to provide different approaches 16:59:28 I inserted some possible suggested text between two sentences. 17:00:10 Under Scope of Responsibility, "It is often the case that parties required to follow policy cannot change policy. Input from policy stakeholders is important." 17:00:14 Shadi: Go to use cases and try to pick one issue, and try to put it into what can a policy maker do about that 17:01:44 garcialo has left #wcag3-policy 17:06:28 regrets+ Wendy 17:06:35 zakim, end meeting 17:06:35 As of this point the attendees have been shadi, bruce_bailey, Azlan, Jason_K, garcialo, SusiPallero 17:06:37 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:06:38 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/07/17-wcag3-policy-minutes.html Zakim 17:06:41 I am happy to have been of service, shadi; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:06:45 Zakim has left #wcag3-policy 17:07:00 rrsagent, make logs world 17:08:08 rrsagent, make minutes 17:08:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/07/17-wcag3-policy-minutes.html shadi 17:08:37 rrsagent, bye 17:08:37 I see no action items