13:07:00 RRSAgent has joined #adapt 13:07:04 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/07/17-adapt-irc 13:07:21 zakim, start meeting 13:07:21 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:07:22 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Sharon 13:07:48 meeting: APA WAI-Adapt Task Force Meeting 17 Jul 2023 13:07:59 chair: Sharon 13:08:08 agenda? 13:10:15 agenda+ Issue 240, https://github.com/w3c/adapt/issues/240 13:10:27 agenda+ TPAC prep (break-out, hand-out, authoring tool) - https://www.w3.org/2023/09/TPAC/ 13:10:42 agenda+ A11y4Children follow-ups 13:11:01 agenda+ Demo page that can be printed out as a one-pager 13:11:12 agenda+ Track "Adapt dash" WHATWG 13:11:26 status, https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9084 13:11:39 agenda+ Gap Analysis, https://github.com/w3c/adapt/wiki/Gap-Analysis 13:11:51 agenda+ Review open issues 13:12:01 agenda+ Registry update 13:12:12 agenda+ Test to show rendering symbols do not 'break' existing pages 13:12:26 agenda+ Recruiting 13:12:40 agenda+ Symbol Module Implementations 13:12:57 agenda+ User Agents and Symbols (e.g. Immersive Reader) 13:13:41 agenda? 13:54:05 Roy has joined #adapt 14:00:35 matatk has joined #adapt 14:00:45 present+ 14:00:48 agenda? 14:07:07 scribe: matatk 14:07:11 zakim, next item 14:07:11 agendum 1 -- Issue 240, https://github.com/w3c/adapt/issues/240 -- taken up [from Sharon] 14:07:42 janina has joined #adapt 14:07:47 present+ 14:08:20 zakim, close this item 14:08:20 agendum 1 closed 14:08:21 I see 11 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 14:08:21 2. TPAC prep (break-out, hand-out, authoring tool) - https://www.w3.org/2023/09/TPAC/ [from Sharon] 14:08:22 zakim, next item 14:08:23 agendum 2 -- TPAC prep (break-out, hand-out, authoring tool) - https://www.w3.org/2023/09/TPAC/ -- taken up [from Sharon] 14:09:23 janina: We need the hand out so that people "get it" 14:09:37 ... [people being developers, UA vendors, etc.] 14:10:42 janina: We could apply a similar approach to things like sign language in future? 14:11:12 ... Now there's a way to support a population who have not been able to access web content. 14:13:13 matatk: We need to decide on an example text; a design; and then make it happen! 14:13:54 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-adapt/2023Jul/0004.html 14:14:00 ^ email from Janina on AAC handout 14:20:06 matatk: This is a great approach; to talk about the need for the work. I think we should do it more generally, not _just_ about Chatper titles, but like the approach. 14:20:41 janina: [notes the section about how (not) to do it, and the suitability of the example because this is about marking up something that is not too dense with information] 14:20:51 Sharon: What if people have not come across AAC before? 14:21:04 janina: They'll see it on the brochure, as an example. 14:21:41 Sharon: Next steps on this? 14:22:09 janina: To see if we can generalize the start of the first part of the draft. Agree should be a bit more general. 14:22:38 ... Chapters in media is a great use case for when we meet WHATWG, for example. 14:23:38 janina: I'll send E. A. Draffan an email about this (noting the first sentence is perhaps too specific); will ask for general guidance on the rest. 14:25:07 matatk: For design, suggest double-sided; one set of symbols on each side. Same text on both. 14:38:15 subtopic: break-out 14:39:27 matatk: Been working on break-out slides to update what we had. Aiming to be more story-oriented. 14:40:01 janina: We should include a11y for Children use cases too. 14:42:00 https://github.com/w3c/tpac2023-breakouts 14:42:08 matatk: Need to get in as quickly as we can. 14:42:55 janina: The a11y for Children work brings back some of the back-burner things that we had last year. 14:43:00 ... I'm inclined to feature AAC. 14:43:26 matatk: Focus almost entirely on AAC, then mention the other stuff briefly? 14:43:28 janina: +1 14:43:52 Sharon: +1 14:44:28 Sharon: Symbols are a big deal now that we're at CR, but it's important to talk about where we're going, possibly for recruitment too. 14:45:03 janina: This allows us to highlight the CG and COGA too. Make their importance clear, though we will concentrate on the parts closer to implementation. 14:50:19 agenda? 14:54:50 rrsagent, make minutes 14:54:51 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/07/17-adapt-minutes.html matatk 16:50:33 janina has left #adapt