12 July 2023


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, Ege_Korkan, Jan_Romann, Kaz_Ashimura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_Koster, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima
Ege, Koster
Ege, mjk

Meeting minutes


<kaz> July-5

Ege: any more additions or corrections?

Kaz: all minor issues are fixed

agenda review

<kaz> agenda for today

Ege: any additions or changes to the agenda?

TPAC planning

<kaz> TPAC agenda wiki

Ege: deadline is August 2nd

Kaz: All, please register for TPAC
… Ege and Sebastian, please work with the joint call groups, JSON-LD, DID, etc.

Ege: (review list of groups and topics)
… please feel free to add to the list on the wiki page

publication status

<kaz> Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description 1.1 - W3C Proposed Recommendation 11 July 2023

Ege: TD 1.1 is now published as a CR

Ege: now working on getting the notes published

PR discussion

Ege: there are 4 PRs for mostly editorial changes

PR #1845

<kaz> PR 1845 - Example 44 fix

Ege: corrects an error in the semantic tag in an example
… does anyone have issues or objections?

Daniel: is there tooling that can check the examples to avoid this?

Ege: planning to manage and validate examples going forward

Ege: any objections?
… agreed to merge

Ege: created issue #1851 to track examples validation

PR # 1842

<kaz> PR 1842 - Data schema clarification

Ege: clarifies for developers that JSON-Schema processors can be used to validate TD dataschema instances

Ege: any objections to merge PR # 1842??
… no objections, approved to merge

PR # 1852

<kaz> PR 1852 - Update README with rendering instructions

Ege: (updated the README for respec rendering instructions)

Kaz: we should mention these instructions in the main call

PR #1843

<kaz> PR 1843 - Fix well known operation types only

Ege: operation values
… there is a contradictory paragraph
… the proposal is to change SHOULD to MUST

Ege: not sure if we can change this
… Kaz, can we make this change at this point?

Kaz: what line exactly is changed?

<kaz> changes

Luca: one problem is that this assertion is two statements
… another problem is the current wording is not restrictive enough

Kaz: we have already published this as a PR, so we can't change this document, but we can add a clarification for the published Recommendation

Ege: the test is already restrictive and aligned with the new text

Kaz: the original sentence is confusing
… and does need clarification and fix. The meaning doesn't change but we need to change how it is expressed

Kaz: we need to make a group-wide resolution and talk with the publication people

Kaz: we do need the fix for this, and there is no impact on the implementatin

Kaz: we need to be clear that this is a fix for a mistake in the text

Kaz: the term fixed could be misinterpreted, maybe "non-extendable" would be better

Ege: agree, will do that

Kaz: let's get a task force resolution to add this, then take it to the publication staff

Kaz: need to remove extra whitespace before merging, please create an issue on the subject of extra whitespace

Luca: will fix

Ege: does anyone object to this proposal?

<Ege> proposal: The TD Task Force agrees to merge PR 1843 after a group resolution and checking with the project manager

<sebastian> +1

RESOLUTION: The TD Task Force agrees to merge PR 1843 after a group resolution and checking with the project manager

Ege: no objections, resolved

TD Planning

<kaz> wot PR 1106 - TD Planning

Koster: we want to have a list of work items and take forward to planning across the whole working group
… td is one TF but at the same time, it is where the implementers start

Koster: some are small, some can be consolidated
… some can be obvious
… we can go into specific items now
… first one is about registry of bindings
… we can have other registries later
… under binding mechanism we have 3 items and they are about specifying the binding mechanism
… the other is reusable elements and linking but linking means pointer here

Ege: I will quickly fix to pointers from linking

Koster: yeah, it is about reusing but maybe we have a more generic linking mechanism later on

Luca: you mean you want the mechanism that is currently in security and additionalResponses to be generalized

Koster: yes

Luca: this can increase complexity
… so increase the memory size

Koster: so the file size gets better but the processing requires more resources

Luca: it might be interesting to experiment on compacting for delivery

Koster: so you say that we should do design exploration on compacting
… there is text reuse such as json schemas but there is also reuse of mqtt brokers

Kaz: I am ok to create this but it is different from what we discussed last week
… also I am surprised to see github project, it is too soon

Koster: we just experimented with the tooling for project management

+1 to mjk that we just wanted to test it

Kaz: That said, if we want to start with the bigger two categories, (1) Design work and (2) Feature work, that's fine. However, you should explain the story first. Then we can put smaller items we discussed last week into those two bigger categories.

Ege: we had the instruction to take the planning of discovery and apply to TD

Koster: I agree, I thought we were supposed to generate such md documents
… the current list is not flat but we can work on it
… timeseries and versioning (for example) are not similar and should be separated

Kaz: you should have mentioned the story background story first. In that case, I myself suggested to McCool to use those two bigger categories and am completely OK with that direction.


Summary of resolutions

  1. The TD Task Force agrees to merge PR 1843 after a group resolution and checking with the project manager
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).