14:28:42 RRSAgent has joined #vcwg 14:28:46 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/07/12-vcwg-irc 14:28:46 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:28:47 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), ivan 14:29:03 Meeting: Verifiable Credentials Working Group Telco 14:29:03 Date: 2023-07-12 14:29:03 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/ae05a21b-c065-4e69-8d5e-352a0d391513/20230712T110000/ 14:29:03 chair: brent 14:29:03 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2023-07-12: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/ae05a21b-c065-4e69-8d5e-352a0d391513/20230712T110000/ 14:29:04 regrets: kristina 14:55:34 TallTed has joined #vcwg 14:57:21 present+ 14:58:38 present+ pauld 14:59:06 present+ 14:59:35 andres has joined #vcwg 14:59:40 present+ 14:59:51 brent has joined #vcwg 14:59:56 present+ 15:00:46 cabernet has joined #vcwg 15:00:48 present+ cabernet 15:02:11 hsano has joined #vcwg 15:02:13 decentralgabe has joined #vcwg 15:02:16 present+ 15:02:40 present+ hsano 15:03:01 will has joined #vcwg 15:03:09 PL-ASU has joined #vcwg 15:03:43 present+ will 15:03:43 present+ 15:03:43 present; 15:03:43 present+ 15:03:48 present+ 15:04:19 present+ PL-ASU 15:04:28 present+ 15:04:40 present+ orie 15:04:46 pauld_gs1 has joined #vcwg 15:04:51 oliver has joined #vcwg 15:04:56 present+ oliver 15:04:58 Orie has joined #vcwg 15:05:01 present+ 15:05:04 scribe+ 15:05:42 brent: Welcome, anyone is welcome to do an introduction 15:05:59 Topic: Announcements 15:06:27 brent: there are folks wanting to do demonstrations at TPAC... 10-15 minute presentation 15:06:45 ... if you are attending TPAC, and want to be in that demonstration, please contact the chair 15:06:54 Topic: Agenda 15:07:16 brent: Proposals, and a little discussion... any agenda bash? 15:07:40 Topic: VC-JWT shortname change to vc-jose-cose 15:07:53 Topic: Proposal to change short name of vc-jwt spec 15:08:15 brent: there has been discussion of the vc-jwt spec... people seems to like vc-jose-cose 15:08:30 ... seems to adjust the name to better refect the work that has been done 15:08:46 https://github.com/w3c/vc-jwt/pull/115 15:08:46 https://github.com/w3c/vc-jwt/pull/115 15:09:10 brent: seems pretty straight forward 15:09:38 q+ 15:09:45 brent: any changes requested? 15:09:45 ack manu 15:10:00 Manu: our charter doesn't say anything about COSE 15:10:31 ... seems the argument here would be that the wg can change its mind on input documents? 15:10:42 ... seems securing cose would be beneficial 15:11:13 brent: yes, our charter says we are allowed to have various input documents 15:11:27 q+ 15:11:29 ... seems cose is in scope, as a possible securing mechanism 15:11:37 ack ivan 15:12:05 +1 for the reasoning to be in the minutes and +1 to the reasoning. 15:12:13 Regarding our charter... 15:12:21 our charter doesn't explicitly list COSE as being in scope. 15:12:43 However, we note, under the Securing Verifiable Credentials (SVC) 1.0 section of the charter, that "The following are a non-exhaustive selection of expected input documents" 15:12:51 will_ has joined #vcwg 15:13:03 bretn: for the record, our charter lists JWT in scope, it also says something about PGP 15:13:12 and the group has decided that defining JOSE and COSE would be useful 15:13:15 PROPOSAL: change the shortname and repository of VC-JWT to vc-jose-cose. 15:13:17 Therefore, the charter allows for this change to be made. 15:13:22 +1 15:13:24 +1 15:13:24 +1 15:13:26 +1 15:13:31 +1 15:13:35 +0.75 (due to concerns around scope creep) 15:13:36 +1 15:13:45 +1 15:13:48 +1 15:13:49 q+ on practicalities after the vote 15:13:53 +0 it's hard to say 15:13:59 +1 15:14:07 RESOLVED: change the shortname and repository of VC-JWT to vc-jose-cose. 15:14:14 ack 15:14:19 present+ pauld_gs1 15:14:28 practicalities: https://github.com/w3c/vc-jwt/pull/115#issuecomment-1620408736 15:14:33 kgriffin has joined #vcwg 15:14:37 ivan: yeah so... i had... discussed this with the web master... 15:14:40 ... there is an issue comment 15:14:58 Steve_C has joined #vcwg 15:15:01 ... it describes what has to be done... in terms of changing the repo name / TR... etc... its complicated 15:15:07 ... who will do the work? 15:15:17 JoeAndrieu has joined #vcwg 15:15:25 ... I am not sure who is really driving this document 15:15:34 ... I don't know who my partner will be 15:15:40 q+ 15:15:43 scribe+ 15:15:45 ack ivan 15:15:45 ivan, you wanted to comment on practicalities after the vote 15:15:49 ack Orie 15:16:03 Orie: I'm happy to make the necessary changes, Ivan. Let me know what changes need to be made. 15:16:28 Ivan: Ok, make the changes that I made on the issue comment, we'll make the changes next week. 15:16:31 present+ JoeAndrieu 15:16:31 ivan: thanks orie, please go through the list on the issue comment, sometime next week 15:16:41 Topic: Work Item status updates/PRs 15:16:52 present+ griffin 15:16:55 brent: any PRs that need attention? 15:16:55 q+ 15:17:02 ack manu 15:17:09 present+ steve_c 15:17:24 manu: the media types other than vc+ld+json... that PR is marked pending close. 15:17:44 ... 1101 add guidance of representations is slated to be closed, after a new PR is raised by Mike Jones 15:18:01 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1149 15:18:05 ... 1142 we are still waiting for someone to pick up confidenceMethod 15:18:16 ... there has been discussion on this PR 15:18:23 ... I have the same concerns I have had for a while 15:18:32 ... I plan to respond to Orie some time later 15:18:47 ... I am expecting reviews from Ted, Dave and Ivan 15:19:16 ... I think we need more people to review that PR 15:19:25 ... 1172 is also semi stuck 15:19:33 ... its been suggested to simplify the PR 15:19:48 ... all the other PRs, are on an ok path for vcdm 15:19:53 present+ oliver 15:20:10 brent: any updates on vc-data-integrity, ecdsa, eddsa 15:20:12 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-integrity/pull/99 15:20:22 mnau: there is a stuck PR, 99... 15:20:40 manu: need to discuss PR 99 probably 15:20:49 ... we are adding new editors to the specs 15:20:57 q+ 15:21:00 ... waiting on invited expert status for those editors 15:21:33 ivan: the invitation has been recieved, but he needs to review documents before possibly signing 15:21:38 ack ivan 15:22:00 ... eddsa and ecdsa there are 3 PRs open 15:22:23 ... one moves the normative defintion for multikey to data integrity 15:22:37 ... vc status list 2021... 5 PRs open 15:23:15 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-status-list-2021/pull/69 15:23:17 manu: there are big changes being suggested 15:23:28 ... change name, change URLs, remove versioning, etc... 15:23:39 ... probably needs the wg to decide 15:24:10 ... one concer is that when we added multiple status to status list, that it will be a breaking change 15:24:20 ... we would need to bump the version to avoid breaking change 15:24:26 s/concer/concern/ 15:24:34 ... we are discussing what the normative vocab url should be 15:24:47 ... the other updates is to vc-specs dir 15:24:49 https://github.com/w3c/vc-specs-dir/pulls 15:24:58 ... there is 1 PR open for that... 15:25:13 ... there is an argument to list all the media types associated with "VC ecosystem" 15:25:36 ... there is a request to listing all the media types, and some concern on not listing "any media types" 15:25:47 ... this could be a good topic for a longer discussion 15:26:00 ... will we have a discussion on related media types, transformations, etc.. 15:26:15 ... it seems like there is a transform in the spec today 15:26:17 q+ 15:26:31 ... that media type, could be listed in the spec directory 15:26:39 ack Orie 15:27:19 Orie: There is an open PR to remove that transformation and associated media type. There is only one person objecting to that PR, so I expect Chairs will make a consensus decision on it, based on reviews, it'll be removed. What that will mean is that there aren't any media types that require a transformation that the WG is working on. 15:27:27 What is that PR# for removing media types? 15:27:46 q+ to say the directory is no restricted to VCWG work. that's sort of the point. 15:28:00 PL-ASU: I believe this one: https://github.com/w3c/vc-jwt/pull/88 15:28:02 Orie: The interesting thing about media types directory is if it will contain references to things that WG is not working on -> vc+acdc, vc+gordian -- might be confusing if some are official work items and some of them are not, agree that it should have a longer discussion. 15:28:06 ack JoeAndrieu 15:28:06 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to say the directory is no restricted to VCWG work. that's sort of the point. 15:28:16 will has joined #vcwg 15:28:32 joeandrieu: the whole point of the directory of related resources... was to allow work outside of the group to be listed 15:28:50 brent: anything before we move to issues? 15:28:52 Topic: Issue Discussion 15:28:59 https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+-label%3Abefore-CR+-label%3A%22pending+close%22+sort%3Aupdated-asc 15:29:25 https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+-label%3Abefore-CR+-label%3A%22pending+close%22+sort%3Aupdated-asc+-label%3Apost-CR+ 15:29:45 brent: all the isssues that need to be triaged, ordered by LRU 15:29:51 ... our goal is to label all issues 15:30:08 ... we need a label and assignment, or to close 15:30:19 ... in general horizontal review 15:30:19 q+ 15:30:26 ack Orie 15:31:07 Orie: I think Kyle had pointed out that PING horizontal review had not started yet for VC-JWT, he was doing review for VCDM, did we fail to register the PING horizontal review for VC-JWT directly? Is PING supposed to do VCDM and VC-JWT at same time? 15:31:30 brent: I thought the chairs had send all these things off at the same time... we need to make sure PING horizontal review happens 15:31:46 VCDM request to PING is here: https://github.com/w3cping/privacy-request/issues/121 15:32:11 brent: I don't see vc-jwt here. 15:32:19 q+ 15:32:27 https://github.com/w3c/vc-jwt/issues/93 15:32:31 mnau: seems tag was submitted but not PING 15:32:42 ack ivan 15:33:05 ivan: we are creating difficulty for the reviewers... by having so many parallel work items 15:33:24 ... horizontal reviewers might not realize these are related rec track documents 15:33:32 ... this could cause things to be blocked. 15:33:44 ... can the chairs bundle the requests? 15:33:52 ... can we get them all reviewed at once? 15:34:12 brent: I can ask them how they want us to handle it' 15:34:29 brent: Orie, please initiate the ping review for vc-jose-cose 15:34:40 +1 to Horizontal Reviews as "before CR" 15:34:51 brent: seems these reviews are needed before CR 15:35:23 ... oliver I want to assign you to the issue regarding accessibility 15:35:40 ... oliver I want to assign you the security questionaire 15:35:51 ... internationalization is already assigned 15:36:03 oliver: I created these a while ago.... 15:36:17 q+ 15:36:18 brent: if they have questions, they will ask you. 15:36:31 brent: next up 1158 15:36:45 ack manu 15:37:12 manu: for folks assigned, you might watch their issue tracker closesly... we will need to address their issues. 15:37:33 ... and keep addressing issues as they are raised.... not a passive role 15:37:46 ... need issues raised to be addressed as they are raised 15:37:50 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1138 15:38:04 brent: missing security considerations... seems post CR 15:38:08 +1 to after CR 15:38:38 brent: who will be assigned? 15:38:57 gabe: I can take it 15:39:13 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1128 15:39:23 brent: change credential subject to subject' 15:39:24 q+ 15:39:25 brent: change credential subject to subject 15:39:29 ack manu 15:39:47 manu: strong -1 to this, there is no need to break things... we have URLs locked in 15:39:51 q+ 15:39:54 ... its what we have used for a long time 15:40:05 ... its pre CR, but I propose we close it 15:40:10 +1 to closing this one. 15:40:11 +1 to close and not spend time on it 15:40:12 ack decentralgabe 15:40:33 q+ 15:40:34 gabe: the term has caused a lot of confusion, I am not swayed by breaking changes before CR 15:40:39 ... I think we should consider it 15:40:39 ack manu 15:40:40 q+ 15:40:53 Manu: people have been using the term for years 15:41:03 ... v2 would be different from v1 15:41:09 we have "broken" expirationDate 15:41:24 ... the suggestion that change the name will fix confusion is unfounded. 15:41:32 q+ 15:41:40 ... people will be confused regardless, I don't find the argument compelling 15:41:43 Also this is terminology was used (CredentialSubject) is used in the 1Edtech VC compatible standards for OBv3 and CLRv2 15:41:50 ... seems not worth it to fix it 15:41:56 ack Orie 15:42:37 q+ to say this isn't fundamental and doesn't justify the effort 15:42:55 Orie: We made several breaking changes between v1 and v2, in v1 issuanceDate -> validFrom -- that's fundamental to the security property, all of the claims are already being adjusted by a breaking change, regarding time, most important time of all cryptography. Not swayed by argument that we shouldn't break backwards compatability. 15:43:10 ack brent 15:43:12 Orie: We use holder, but we use credential subject, I disagree, I thikn people will find it more intuitive than what we have. 15:43:12 q+ to say there are different places and communities that breaking changes "hit" and those different places and communities have different scales / sizes 15:43:28 brent: I have made my opinions clear, I have no desire to have this conversation again 15:43:35 ... charter says we can make breaking changes 15:43:58 q+ 15:44:04 brent: I have made my opinions clear in the issue -- I have no desire to have this conversation again. I will note that our charter allows us to come to consensus aruond breaking changes. My only response to Manu is "people expressing confusion around credentialSubject", they say "why didn't you name it subject" -- anecdotal, having been repeated numerous times, havinv said that, happy to close this issue w/ no action. 15:44:06 ... if people are saying they are confused... they say.. why didn't you name it "subject"... anecdotal, but I have heard this... before 15:44:06 ack JoeAndrieu 15:44:06 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to say this isn't fundamental and doesn't justify the effort 15:44:21 dmitriz has joined #vcwg 15:44:31 JoeAndrieu: I wanted to talk about this 15:44:37 will_ has joined #vcwg 15:44:48 ... feels like we are allowed to make breaking changes with consensus 15:45:02 ... we can't make a breaking change, without consensus 15:45:26 q+ 15:45:26 ... this is confusion, not a fundamental security problem 15:45:26 ack dlongley 15:45:27 dlongley, you wanted to say there are different places and communities that breaking changes "hit" and those different places and communities have different scales / sizes 15:45:32 q+ 15:45:38 zakim, close the queue 15:45:38 ok, brent, the speaker queue is closed 15:46:00 dlongley: similar to what joes said... people have opinions on if a change is worth it... some security changes are worth it... 15:46:13 ... changes in other areas, might impact people beyond developers 15:46:19 ack ivan 15:46:52 ivan: not taking a side, but fact... we have an agreement, that all URLs in the vocab will not disapear, in practice this means the URL will not change, even if the json member changes 15:46:59 ... we can't change the URL 15:47:13 ack PL-ASU 15:47:48 PL-ASU: both the standards we use for edu, have credentialSubject in their spec 15:47:51 zakim, open the queue 15:47:51 ok, brent, the speaker queue is open 15:47:54 ... they are both new specs 15:48:08 ... 15:48:19 In our agreement old URL-s do not disappear, so credentialSubject will become _deprecated_ and subject will come in as a new term (with both in their own URL-s) 15:48:33 brent: I suggest this be labeled as pending close, rather than before CR 15:48:42 ... I don't see possibility of consensus here. 15:48:59 suptopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/950 15:49:08 brent: multiple schemas 15:49:09 q+ 15:49:19 q+ 15:49:21 ack Orie 15:50:00 Orie: I implemented support for this recently, essentially the recommendation that I have is that we treat this property like all the other properties... object or array of object w/ array and type. I already have a working implementation that supports multiple schemas, would object if that is made illegal before CR 15:50:00 q+ 15:50:02 ack decentralgabe 15:50:22 ack manu 15:50:31 gabe: I think we are agreed, you can have multiple, and the processing rules are determined by each schema type 15:50:47 manu: +1 to both, the type property is what tells you what to do 15:50:54 brent: seems its before CR 15:51:02 ivan: its normative 15:51:13 q+ 15:51:13 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1126 15:51:25 brent: address credential vs verifiable credential 15:51:34 ... we tried to address this, not sure what is left 15:51:35 ack manu 15:51:42 manu: this is before CR 15:51:49 ... I can be the backstop on it 15:52:14 ... we have... 702 statements of the word credential "446" for verifiable credential 15:52:29 ... editors will need to address "credential vs verifable credential" 15:52:41 ... there are some issues remaining... 15:53:01 ... we need to adjust the language of the spec, but its a lot of work 15:53:17 brent: thanks, I will try to help 15:53:30 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/942 15:53:32 q+ 15:53:34 brent: recommends, creation of a new role 15:53:42 ack manu 15:53:44 ... issuee, assigned to oliver 15:53:48 manu: -1 to a new role 15:54:02 ... every time we try, everyone seems to push back 15:54:24 ... not clear we need a new role, seems more non normative text would help, and this could be post PR 15:54:40 ... we can explain the behavior better in post CR 15:54:51 POLL: Should we create a new 'Issuee' role? 15:54:54 -1 to new issuee role 15:54:55 -1 15:54:56 -1 15:54:56 -1 15:54:58 0 15:54:58 -1 15:54:59 -1 15:55:00 -1 to new issuee role 15:55:06 0 15:55:08 -1, but think we should clarify "holder" 15:55:09 0 15:55:27 brent: seems we should do this post CR, with editorial changes 15:55:31 manu: correct 15:55:55 brent: 13 open issues not triaged remain 15:56:10 brent: we need to keep making progress 15:56:39 brent: if you want to demo during TPAC, contact the chairs 15:56:41 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:56:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/07/12-vcwg-minutes.html ivan 15:56:53 zakim, end meeting 15:56:53 As of this point the attendees have been ivan, pauld, TallTed, andres, brent, cabernet, decentralgabe, hsano, will, PL-ASU, manu, dlongley, orie, oliver, pauld_gs1, JoeAndrieu, 15:56:56 ... griffin, steve_c 15:56:56 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:56:57 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/07/12-vcwg-minutes.html Zakim 15:57:04 I am happy to have been of service, ivan; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:57:04 rrsagent, bye 15:57:04 I see no action items 15:57:04 Zakim has left #vcwg