Guidance for Policy Makers Subgroup

10 July 2023


garcialo, Jason_K, kirkwood, Laura_Carlson, mgifford, mgifford2, shadi, SusiPallero, wendyreid
Bruce, Cybelle

Meeting minutes

<shadi> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B-qfTrPxnhIa0AxhPEF6SIDTLAGnneoauBRHGzS5q7U/edit#

Shadi: We are in Scratchpad
… Drafted the absrtract and introduction based on comments.
… started to draft one of the considerations.
… comments on the one Mike drafted.
… didn't describe the scope of the work.
… We can work on background section first.

<mgifford2> finished reading.

<wendyreid> +1

<kirkwood> finished

<Jason_K> +1

Laura +1

Shadi: any thoughts?

John: little difficult time with the terminology.
… policies are an outline of principles to follow.
… maybe conflating the terms?

Shadi: First sentence throuing you off?

john: yes.
… ensuring that we are outlining the principles rather than procedures.

Jason: maybe add word on-going.

<kirkwood> +1 to M Gifford

<kirkwood> yes

Mike: Starting with WCAG may be a wrong start not the goal.

Shadi: please continue reading.

<wendyreid> done

<Jason_K> done

Laura: done

<kirkwood> done

<mgifford2> done

Wendy: Understand the terminology. Need to make clear WCAG is one part of a prrogram. This doc is everrything outsite of WCAG.
… WCAG is the testable part but there is more.

Shadi: yes, this is not general guidance. Need to consider other parts of a11y.

Shadi: is it a wording issue Mike orr do we have a disconnect?

Mike: wording issue.

Shadi: We are not developing policies. But if you arre adpoting WCAG, here are some considerations.
… example considerations for bugs.

mike: understood but goal is not WCAG. Happy to hear other thoughts.

John: Thinking about framing. Previoulsy stated in docs as: Policy is compliant with WCAG, laws regs, etc.
… It has multiple layers.

Shadi: EU has WCAG and fundamental alterations.
… some judgement is involved.

<kirkwood> often framed: The policy is Compliance with WCAG Accessibility Requirements. For example– [company] will comply with all applicable Federal, state and local accessibility laws, statutes, regulations, and other digital accessibility requirements at a minimum WCAG 2.0 AA..

Luis: Don't see what the concern is.
… We are referencing WCAG. But this is beyond. Maybe say refer instead of reference.

Shadi: yes, these go beyond WCAG.

luis: it is supplemental to WCAG.

Shadi: are the beginning sentences clear enough?

Wendy: maybe add a bit more clarity.
… Some things go beyond WCAG.

Shadi: do we need to broden the scope?

Luis: Which part is expanding the scope?

Shadi: Maybe we are saying the same thing.

Mike: State clearly that this is about inclusive services. Make it about some thing that people can get excited about. Most people don't get excited about WCAG.

John: One wording change in first sentence. Maybe use the word "include".

<mgifford2> +1 to include

Shadi: could mean copy/paste.
… I will work on that.

Shadi: Going on to Bugs section.

Luis: I think it is good.

Wendy: concept of scope of responsibility could go here?

Shadi: Type of content could fit into a number of sections.
… my hope is to get the framing for this doc
… maybe have 2 or three considerations for examples for the AG.
… lots more work to do on the but won't get them all done in our timefame.

mike: if you can't have 0 bugs demonstrate progress over perfection.

jason: this is a good format. What do we want this doc to be for organizations? What is the end product?

<mgifford2> I have to jump off to prepare for a 1pm meeting. Sorry. Nice to see this coming along.

Shadi: s/sumpmentarty/supplementary/

Shadi: Could be a supplementary doc. There are many types of W#C docs it could be.

Jason: format we have here is good.

Shadi: what is the end prroduct is a good question but be need morre content.

John: someone from legal is usually at the table. Maybe we are missing something here?
… there is a difference between a specification and a policy.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/suppliemtal/supplemental/

Succeeded: s/beond/beyond/

Succeeded: s/beinging/beginning/

Succeeded: s/the work/the word/

Succeeded: s/progrress/progress/

Succeeded: s/usally/usually/

Maybe present: Jason, John, Laura, Luis, Mike, Wendy

All speakers: Jason, John, Laura, Luis, Mike, Shadi, Wendy

Active on IRC: garcialo, Jason_K, kirkwood, laura, mgifford2, shadi, SusiPallero, wendyreid