Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

06 July 2023


Atsushi, Matt, Nigel, Pierre

Meeting minutes

This meeting

Nigel: Today we have IMSC-HRM, DAPT, TPAC 2023 planning and August meetings
… Any other business, or points to make sure we cover within those?
… Just want to welcome Matt here in his first call as a formal Invited Expert.


Nigel: Pierre, thank you for sending me the draft request for implementation text.
… It looked broadly fine to me. I think you want to make sure the tests are in a reasonable state
… before sending it though?

Pierre: Yes, I think if we're just inviting content then we don't care, but if
… we also welcome implementations then we should at least have those tests ready.

Nigel: I agree

Pierre: We could do a first pass calling for content, because it has a longer lead time, and
… call for implementations later, but if we do both then I think we need the synthetic test content ready.

Nigel: If someone is going to implement, and they haven't started, the lead time isn't going to be shorter!

Pierre: I will work on that, and hopefully have it ready for next week.

Nigel: For my schedule I need to get everything done by end of July

Pierre: Okay I'll try to get that done next week so we can send everything off by end of July.

Nigel: Okay, that works for me.

Pierre: That's it on IMSC-HRM for me.


Nigel: Quick update on preparation for Horizontal Review and Wide Review

Nigel: We created some wiki pages and began to fill them in.
… Ones of interest are:

Accessibility (FAST) review

Nigel: Thanks Atsushi for providing the Markdown for that, I think I've completed it but we need
… another pass to make sure it's correct.
… The other thing I started on is the Wide Review.

Wide Review Email Template

Wide Review outreach log and liaisons list

Nigel: If people could have a look at the email template and let me know if it needs any changes,
… that would be great.
… Similarly if you see any names that shouldn't be on the liaisons list to send the request to,
… or more importantly, any that need to be added, please also let me know.
… What we typically do is gather the appropriate email addresses, not all of which are listed publicly.
… Then we email each one, BCCing member-tt@w3.org for archive,
… then as a final step email the liaisons archive address with a summary of all the messages sent.
… That's the process, the action I'd like everyone who can to take is to review those drafts on the wiki page.

Nigel: Any issues or pull requests to discuss?

group: none

TPAC 2023 planning

Nigel: The joint meeting with APA and MEIG has taken more form.
… The current draft agenda for the call is in the agenda issue for this meeting.
… Chris Needham has asked for more context, so hopefully we'll be able to add more depth to this.
… The main topics for us as I understand it will be SSML in DAPT and HTML and the MAUR.
… But possibly there are other overlaps too.
… Any other topics for the agenda for our TPAC meeting?

Atsushi: Nothing for the agenda. Please don't forget about the deadline for registration.

Pierre: When is the deadline?

<atsushi> https://www.w3.org/2023/09/TPAC/registration.html

Atsushi: The registration fee increases after 15 July
… Before then there is an early bird rate for member organisations (1st 4 people).
… Then there is a standard rate for everyone until 31 August.
… I'm not sure if the member org early bird rate applies to invited experts.
… After 1st September the rate increases further.

Nigel: Thank you for the reminder!
… Also to remind everyone about the opportunity to provide demonstration videos, as emailed since the last call.

Atsushi: Also breakout sessions can be organised, like Nigel did last year.
… If you have any breakout sessions, please add to the breakout session repository.

<atsushi> https://github.com/w3c/tpac2023-breakouts/blob/main/README.md

Nigel: Thank you. Anything else on TPAC?

August meetings

Nigel: People are often away in August, so checking in about availability.
… We have two scheduled calls, on 3rd and 17th August.
… I can make the 3rd but not the 17th.
… Anyone else likely unable to make either of those?
… Given the low attendance today I will email too.

Pierre: I will be unavailable on the 17th.

Matt: I'll be around on the 3rd, likely to have trouble making the 17th.

Nigel: Okay let's mark 17th as very likely to be cancelled.

Meeting close

Nigel: We've completed our agenda for today, thanks all. [adjourns meeting]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).