11:01:44 RRSAgent has joined #wot-script 11:01:48 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/07/03-wot-script-irc 11:03:08 Mizushima has joined #wot-script 11:04:43 meeting: WoT Scripting API 11:04:53 cris_ has joined #wot-script 11:04:58 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Cristiano_Aguzzi, Tomoaki_Mizushima 11:05:30 dape has joined #wot-script 11:05:59 present+ Daniel_Peintner 11:05:59 chair: Cristiano 11:06:28 scribe: dape 11:06:42 TOPIC: Previous minutes 11:06:54 -> Jun 5 -> https://www.w3.org/2023/06/05-wot-script-minutes.html 11:07:03 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Scripting_API_WebConf#July_3.2C_2023 11:07:49 11:08:17 CA: Minutes look good to me 11:08:36 ... maybe Cristiano is missing in regrets list 11:09:04 ... no objections -> minutes approved 11:09:12 TOPIC: Quick updates 11:09:17 SUBTOPIC: Publication process 11:09:27 CA: I think we should check status 11:09:42 Kaz: Started to talk with web master 11:09:58 ... priority is higher for proposed RECs 11:10:07 ... notes maybe coming next week 11:10:14 ... so far no problem 11:10:23 SUBTOPIC: TPAC 11:10:54 CA: Do we need to provide input from scripting side 11:11:47 q+ 11:12:12 DP: 4 hour slots .. twice 11:12:31 Kaz: WG as a whole needs some more discussion 11:12:44 ... after that we can have technical discussions 11:13:05 ... MMC also plans an addition session before & after TPAC 11:13:21 ... need to decide what needs to be discussed during TPAC week 11:13:38 ack kaz 11:14:20 CA: We could bring up a list we would like to discuss... if there is time.. even before/after & TPAC 11:14:40 ... discussion topics with group or other groups 11:14:48 q+ 11:15:48 DP: the task force leaders could come up with some ideas 11:16:15 Kaz: W3C standardization is done based on use-case description 11:16:34 ... we should think about such use cases.. and industry needs 11:17:13 ... and think about consistency with other task forces 11:18:00 CA: Suggest to look at existing use-cases and come up with new use cases 11:18:17 ... we can start the process 11:18:53 ... TPAC might come up soon 11:19:23 ... we have also topics for "next steps" or "re-chartering" 11:19:37 ... are mostly technical topics/discussions 11:20:01 ... some are about terminology 11:20:19 TOPIC: Issues 11:20:43 SUBTOPIC: Issue 481 - Implementation status&feedback 11:20:50 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/issues/481 11:20:50 https://github.com/agmangas/wot-py 11:21:02 CA: Ege and I reached out to wot-py 11:21:30 ... guy is willing to work on updates 11:21:53 ... but seems to be behind ... should ping him once again the document is published 11:22:14 SUBTOPIC: Others 11:22:28 CA: other issues are mostly on stale 11:23:29 DP: Agree 11:23:38 CA/DP: roadmap for next charter 11:24:28 TOPIC: Holidays 11:24:44 CA: end of August I might not be available 11:24:49 q+ 11:24:54 DP: 1 more week in August 11:25:23 Kaz: no concrete plan for summer vacation. 11:25:47 ... next 2 weeks I am not available 11:26:05 s/next/but next/ 11:26:35 CA: Shall we cancel the next 2 weeks meeting 11:26:45 ... restart on 24th ? 11:27:37 DP: Makes sense 11:30:35 [adjourned] 11:38:13 rrsagent, make log public 11:38:16 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:38:18 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/07/03-wot-script-minutes.html kaz 13:40:08 Zakim has left #wot-script