15:48:46 RRSAgent has joined #wcag3-policy 15:48:51 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/07/03-wcag3-policy-irc 15:48:55 Zakim has joined #wcag3-policy 15:49:23 meeting: Guidance for Policy Makers Subgroup 15:49:28 chair: Shadi 15:49:33 present+ 16:01:55 Azlan has joined #wcag3-policy 16:02:29 Jaunita_George has joined #wcag3-policy 16:02:32 Present+ 16:02:57 present+ 16:03:18 Jason_K has joined #wcag3-policy 16:08:36 scribe: Jaunita George 16:08:46 present= 16:08:52 Present+ 16:08:53 Present+ 16:09:06 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B-qfTrPxnhIa0AxhPEF6SIDTLAGnneoauBRHGzS5q7U/edit#heading=h.6vf1synr92ek 16:09:28 SusiPallero has joined #wcag3-policy 16:11:31 Shadi: We should start off by having an introduction before we start getting into considerations. 16:11:51 ...Let's look at the introduction section now. 16:12:02 agenda 16:12:09 agenda ? 16:12:44 ...is there anything that needs to be added or reworded? The objective is to set the tone and purpose. 16:13:21 apart from the notes already in the document? 16:14:49 ...any thoughts 16:15:33 Jason_K: This is going to the larger group for evaluation. Clearly outlining how this relate to the broader scope of WCAG and what this is not could help. 16:16:57 ...We want to make sure we tell people what this isn't as well as what it's meant to do 16:17:17 shadi: Would this repeat what's in the abstract or expand that 16:17:32 Jason_K: Yeah and I can help wordsmith 16:17:56 shadi: Maybe we draft an introduction and background 16:18:54 Azlan: I agree with Jason. I'm just wondering where the right place is to call those out and whether it should be the introduction? 16:20:11 ...actually calling out what this does not address should be a section in of itself 16:20:30 shadi: Why don't we rename the introduction 16:20:41 Jason_K: Why not use "scope"? 16:21:49 Azlan: We need to include a section about what this is/isn't 16:22:45 Jaunita_George: Thinks a seperate section might be a good idea. Considerations might be misunderstood 16:23:15 +1 to Jaunita 16:24:08 Jaunita_George: Have had things proposed in the past that might cause confusion, i.e third-party. If we don't carefully word things we may unintentially put in exceptions 16:24:56 shadi: In the introduction I tried to address this. I want to get the framing in place before digging in 16:26:13 ...please read consideration 2 16:28:07 q+ 16:28:51 Azlan: I got lost in the second sentence. Who is requesting the help? Are we talking about the end user or are we talking about the help to get an accessible solution. 16:28:53 q+ 16:29:27 q+ 16:30:08 Jaunita_George: This could lead to a potential legal risk, and as such be reluctant to provide a method in fear once its brought they can't fix in time 16:30:33 ... also this is a way to provide alternate methods to provide accessible methods 16:30:59 ... people migh use this is an attempt to get out of digital accessible altogether 16:32:22 shadi: It's a legal risk because of policies that incorporate WCAG. That's what we're trying to address. Who is this talking to. 16:33:01 Azlan: This document is aimed at policymakers, so this should be made for them. 16:33:18 shadi: It could be a secondary outcome of this work. 16:35:03 q? 16:35:39 ack SusiPallero 16:37:08 SusiPallero: I'm going a little back in the discussion. Are we going to address things related to physical accessibility? Maybe we can define that here if so. The second sentence was a bit difficult for me to understand as well. 16:38:01 q- 16:38:07 ack Jason_K 16:38:43 Jason_K: The more we're talking about this, the more we're approaching this from a barrier standpoint rather than solutions standpoints. 16:39:15 ...we should ensure that you 16:39:31 ...maintain WCAG compliance or have a path to that 16:40:24 shadi: I would really like us to come up with 1-2 considerations that are well-drafted 16:41:07 Jaunita_George: I wonder we make a set of criteria if organization has sufficent controls to provide enough safe guards to act as a safe harbor 16:41:33 ... set expiration date to safe harbor, ie you have 2 years to do x and you move up the maturity curve 16:41:57 ... this would apply to all, the courts etc, to determine if you are meeting the spirit of WCAG 16:42:27 ... 98% of internet in inaccessible, and how do we get them further along the path of success 16:43:24 shadi: There could be other ideas from the maturity model we could incorporate 16:44:56 ...many of the considerations currently are interrelated. There's also the prioritization question. Some organizations may have little work to do, while others may have a ways to go. It's very different between organizations 16:45:58 Jason_K: I like Jaunita's idea of building a framework to evaluating maturity and considerations. 16:47:07 shadi: We're saying in addition to focusing on just the outcome, we consider things that look at the maturity and capacity growth of an organizations. 16:47:42 Jaunita_George: Get into situation where ppl give up, and not enough oversite to compel ppl to make these changes 16:47:59 ... they'll get into an audit that doesn't lead to accessible products/changes, or stop audit 16:48:15 ... a lot of loop holes, atleast in the US, to do not do what they are supposed to do 16:48:38 ... give them ways a do it, and a body to judge the whole program and give them more tools to hold them accountable 16:50:16 * no worries! Teamwork makes the dream work hahhaha 16:51:07 shadi: Anything else? I'll take this feedback and add to the scope and move that content to a new section and address comments. Hope to have a consideration drafted and maybe one or two others. 16:51:37 ...We meet again next week, the 10th of July. 16:51:46 rrs agent, make minutes 16:52:09 zakim, end meeting 16:52:09 As of this point the attendees have been Jason_K, Jaunita_George 16:52:10 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:52:11 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/07/03-wcag3-policy-minutes.html Zakim 16:52:15 I am happy to have been of service, shadi; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:52:19 Zakim has left #wcag3-policy 16:52:21 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:52:29 RRSAgent, make minutes 16:52:30 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/07/03-wcag3-policy-minutes.html shadi 16:53:19 RRSAgent, bye 16:53:19 I see no action items