13:50:44 RRSAgent has joined #wcag2ict 13:50:48 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/06/29-wcag2ict-irc 13:50:48 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:50:49 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), maryjom 13:50:51 chair: Mary Jo Mueller 13:51:00 meeting: WCAG2ICT Task Force Teleconference 13:51:06 Zakim, please time speakers at 2 minutes 13:51:06 ok, maryjom 13:51:11 Agenda+ Announcements 13:51:17 Agenda+ Project standup and planning 13:51:23 agenda? 13:51:39 Agenda+ Survey results: Review proposed update to SC 2.5.8 Target Size (Minimum) 13:51:46 Agenda+ Survey results: Continue CSS Pixel definition draft review 13:51:52 Agenda+ Survey results: Review of proposals for SC 1.4.10 Reflow 13:52:00 regrets: Sam Ogami 13:53:43 regrets: Fernanda Bonnin, Sam Ogami 13:53:48 rrsagent, make minutes 13:53:49 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/29-wcag2ict-minutes.html maryjom 13:54:13 present+ 13:58:00 PhilDay has joined #wcag2ict 13:58:58 cwadams has joined #wcag2ict 13:59:21 present+ 13:59:22 loicmn has joined #wcag2ict 13:59:24 bruce_bailey has joined #wcag2ict 13:59:50 olivia has joined #wcag2ict 13:59:53 ShawnT has joined #wcag2ict 13:59:57 present+ 14:00:33 Mike_Pluke has joined #wcag2ict 14:00:33 present+ 14:00:33 present+ 14:00:40 present+ 14:00:46 present+ 14:00:51 ThorstenKatzmann has joined #wcag2ict 14:01:19 present+ 14:01:44 present+ 14:01:47 scribe: bruce_bailey 14:02:00 agenda? 14:02:21 zakim, take up item 1 14:02:21 agendum 1 -- Announcements -- taken up [from maryjom] 14:02:27 present+ 14:02:56 maryjom: at ag coordination call, pub of 2.2 progressing... 14:03:11 ... CR period closed without any notable objections 14:03:31 maryjom: There might be a WCAG3 draft in july 14:03:44 ... also work on charter 14:04:04 ... net WCAG2ICT 1st public draft pushed back due to that 14:05:01 chuck: AG has more wcag2ict content to review, but yes August 14:05:01 maryjom: If it goes for publication, will be in july 18 survey for AG 14:05:02 q+ 14:05:20 ack bruce_bailey 14:05:34 bruce: You are doing great work in the editors draft. Looks great. 14:05:53 maryjo: WCAG2ICT? 14:05:56 bruce: Yes! 14:06:30 Bryan_Trogdon has joined #WCAG2ICT 14:06:32 maryjom: Agree that PR and builds for WCAG2ICT progressing nicely, and there is more clean up already on deck 14:07:00 • Proposed guidance for definition of “style property”: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/WCAG2ICT-style-property/ 14:07:06 maryjom: There are two new surveys, as I noted missing definition for style definition 14:07:24 • Draft update for SC Problematic for Closed Functionality: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/wcag2ict-sc-problematic-for-closed/ 14:07:53 maryjom: Also this week closed functionality subgroup has completed much of that work, so have a survey for that topic 14:08:29 ... survey is open for two weeks since it is longer. Other surveys have just been one week. 14:09:27 maryjom: If we can start with that longer survey, soon. But we are moving through surveys. 14:09:27 present+ 14:09:39 maryjom: Next week has a holiday for U.S. and Canada, so what does that mean for us? 14:09:53 Poll: Who can attend next week's WCAG2ICT call? 14:09:57 +1 14:09:59 +1 14:10:02 mitch11 has joined #wcag2ict 14:10:03 +1 14:10:03 +1 14:10:03 +1 14:10:04 +1 14:10:06 +1 14:10:08 +1 14:10:09 -1 14:10:11 out week after on vaca 14:10:24 I'll be on vacation for two weeks starting Monday 14:10:37 +1 for meeting! 14:10:40 maryjom: Seems like quorum, any objections for meeting next week? 14:11:15 maryjom: We will meet next week then as scheduled. 14:11:26 other annoucments? 14:11:35 zakim, next item 14:11:35 agendum 2 -- Project standup and planning -- taken up [from maryjom] 14:11:37 Devanshu has joined #wcag2ict 14:11:52 present+ 14:12:06 maryjom: New items in ready for task force review... 14:12:43 present+ 14:12:44 ... i feel like i am bottle neck on the command line bits, but will continue to work on a draft... 14:13:22 ... that is a small group, so they will not be able to meet for a couple weeks. So i will do a little work off line and reconvene with sub group 14:13:51 ... not on the critical path, so won't slow down 1st public working draft timing... 14:14:00 reflow and target size are on critical path. 14:14:05 zakim, next item 14:14:05 agendum 3 -- Survey results: Review proposed update to SC 2.5.8 Target Size (Minimum) -- taken up [from maryjom] 14:14:29 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/WCAG2ICT-Target-size-update-note/results 14:14:39 maryjom: We are working on proposed update for note 14:15:04 ... in general, folks like note, just editorial feed back 14:15:32 [reads olivia's suggestion] 14:15:47 q+ 14:16:24 maryjo: mitch in survey agreed with edits but had concerns for pulling out one technology 14:16:30 ack mitch 14:16:58 mitch11: I don't object to what we have. I just think we could write it a little better, but I do not have suggestion. 14:17:16 [maryjo continues reading from survey] 14:17:48 Some document formats are designed for viewing at a wide range of zoom levels provided by the user agent. However, the commonly available user agents for these formats may lack a consistent base zoom level from which to evaluate this criterion. For such documents, evaluate target sizes at a zoom level that aligns with the intended usage of the content. 14:17:55 maryjom: Again, feedback seems edititorial. 14:18:30 maryjom: I have pasted in a re-write [above] 14:18:32 q+ 14:18:37 ack mitch 14:19:32 mitch11: I don't object. I would not that this is the least precise thing we have done. Which is okay! If it was +/- 20% this is +/- 100% 14:19:43 ... ton of judgement needed. 14:20:04 ... which is why I favored including "best practice" 14:20:15 Draft resolution: Replace existing non-web document note for 2.4.8 Target Size (Minimum) with the above version. 14:20:17 maryjom: we use "best practice else where" 14:20:26 +1 14:20:31 +1 14:20:33 +1 14:20:34 +1 14:20:36 +1 14:20:36 +1 14:20:40 +1 14:20:41 +1 14:20:42 +1 14:20:45 +1 14:20:49 +1 14:20:54 RESOLUTION: Replace existing non-web document note for 2.4.8 Target Size (Minimum) with the above version. 14:21:16 zakim, next item 14:21:16 agendum 4 -- Survey results: Continue CSS Pixel definition draft review -- taken up [from maryjom] 14:21:48 Survey results: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/WCAG2ICT-CSS-pixel-definition-round-2/results 14:22:07 maryjom: this was a second survey, just 6 responses this time. 14:22:39 maryjom: 5 of 6 had editorial suggestions 14:23:13 maryjom: Change "length" to "size" was one editorial. 14:23:22 q+ 14:23:32 maryjom: Loic had a more substative edit 14:23:39 ack loic 14:23:55 loicmn: First, is it true that we can use normative language in notes? 14:24:00 Q+ 14:24:48 loicmn: So I suggested a "should" as in "should align" rather than the imperative as written in note. 14:24:50 The chosen viewing distance is aligned with the use case and display type. For instance, in the case of a touchscreen, the viewing distance should be less than the length of an arm, typically around 28 inches (71 cm). 14:25:13 maryjom: I see should in another sentence 14:25:15 q+ 14:25:34 ack Mike_Pluke 14:25:44 loicmn: My edit I think address the informative instruction 14:26:10 Mike_Pluke: Most standards bodies do not allow "should" in notes, so it would be nice to fix here. 14:26:11 +1 to fixing it here :-) 14:26:23 q? 14:26:41 maryjo: So i agree we should fix it here 14:27:00 loicmn: What i have in survey is the full replacement. 14:27:15 maryjom: still leaves a should 14:27:15 q+ 14:27:20 ack bruce_bailey 14:28:09 bruce_bailey: I didn't put in survey, but I thought we had suggestion to explain where that number works out from, and I don't see it in draft, 2688. It also mentions a variable that is not anywhere else in text we have. Why would you assign a variable to viewing distance if you aren't going to show a formula? 14:28:30 bruce suggest showing the formula, where does the number come from, and why have variable (v) without a formula? 14:28:39 ack PhilDay 14:29:06 "Determine a viewing distance that matches the use case and display type. For instance, in the case of a touchscreen, the viewing distance is normally less than the lenght of an arm, typically around 28 inches (71 cm)" 14:29:10 maryjom: Yes, it's from arc length but not sure how to put into note in a way that is accessible and understandable 14:29:51 Mike_Pluke: I think "align" might be a term we would want to avoid as it may have more precise meaning than we mean. 14:30:07 s/lenght/length/ 14:30:13 loicmn: I did start to draft this in survey 14:30:33 maryjom: If we include formula, is note sufficient? 14:30:39 q+ 14:30:45 q+ 14:30:47 ack PhilDay 14:31:08 PhilDay: Can we make forumla accessible ? 14:31:14 q+ 14:31:23 ack mitch 14:31:57 mitch11: My recollection is that we were say less than was already in reference that we link to. 14:31:59 q+ 14:32:20 maryjom: I agree that reference has the formulat 14:32:30 s/formulat/formula 14:32:49 mitch11: Okay, so we are looking not for formula, but explaination. 14:33:17 maryjom: I guess we could just explain that it comes from arc lengh 14:33:39 ... i wondering if we can just point else where. 14:33:40 ack cwadams 14:33:41 q? 14:34:19 Chuck: I do not know if we should use formula, but we have responsible to express in accessible format. How is another question. 14:34:24 ack bruce_bailey 14:34:57 bruce_bailey: I don't know that we need the formula. Maybe we should work it out in the wiki, but I think it can be paraphrased for our usage. 14:35:09 bruce_bailey: A tidy explanation. 14:35:38 q+ 14:35:45 ack mitch 14:35:46 maryjo asks for volunteers for forumla ? 14:36:07 mitch11: I can find it, but not this week or next 14:36:11 mitch you are a hero 14:37:09 maryjom: this does needs to be in 1st call public working draft 14:37:29 mitch11: Can we just say that it works out to divide by 2688 ? 14:37:45 ... Could it be in WCAG Understanding? 14:38:00 ... but we do not have understanding doc for wcag2ict 14:38:01 Q+ 14:38:24 ack Mike_Pluke 14:38:45 In EN 301 549 is relatively simple: Ψ = (180 x H) / (π x D) 14:38:57 Mike_Pluke: I am not sure about accessibity of formula math, but we have equation in EN301549 14:39:27 bruce: That line is accessible 14:39:33 Mike_Pluke: not sure if we need more than that 14:39:42 q+ 14:39:47 ack mitch 14:40:35 mitch11: I am not sure, I think if use radians, then left with height divided by distance, so that is the angle 14:41:01 mitch11: We have a prose formula. What else do we need? 14:41:05 q+ 14:41:13 ack loicmn 14:41:18 mitch11: What are we missing? 14:42:12 Q+ 14:42:32 [loice spells out where calc is coming from] 14:42:45 ack Mike_Pluke 14:43:25 If we divide 28 inches (arms' lenght) by the derived reference pixel pixel size (1/96 inch) we get 2688 14:43:29 Mike_Pluke: people need to work elsewhere for their circumstances to scale up the distances 14:43:46 q+ 14:43:52 ack bruce_bailey 14:44:14 bruce_bailey: No, we need one more note saying 2688 comes from that formally typed in formula 14:44:31 maryjom: if we say that with note, are we oksy? 14:44:37 +1 14:44:37 +1 to adding that 14:44:40 +1 14:44:51 q+ 14:44:53 +1 to the 28 inches and 1/96 inch explanation 14:44:56 ack PhilDay 14:45:09 PhilDay: I meant what loic typed 14:45:35 We could add: "(2688 is equals to 28 inches divided by 1/96 inch)" 14:45:59 Draft Resolution: Incorporate Note 2 with edits and the explanation of where 2688 came from 14:46:23 maryjom: anyone need that again? 14:46:55 "Determine a viewing distance that matches the use case and display type. For instance, in the case of a touchscreen, the viewing distance is normally less than the lenght of an arm, typically around 28 inches (71 cm)" 14:47:25 [phil notes typo on length] 14:47:33 "Determine a viewing distance that matches the use case and display type. For instance, in the case of a touchscreen, the viewing distance is normally less than the length of an arm, typically around 28 inches (71 cm)" 14:47:56 The number 2688 is obtained by dividing 28 inches (arms' length) by the derived reference pixel pixel size (1/96 inch). 14:48:20 +1 14:48:59 Calculate the length of the reference pixel: Divide the viewing distance (v) by 2688. The number 2688 is obtained by dividing 28 inches (arms' length) by the derived reference pixel size (1/96 inch). 14:49:22 +1 14:49:25 q+ 14:49:35 ack bruce_bailey 14:49:43 Calculate the length of the reference pixel: Divide the viewing distance by 2688. The number 2688 is obtained by dividing 28 inches (arms' length) by the derived reference pixel size (1/96 inch). 14:49:46 "length of the reference pixel" change to "size of the reference pixel" 14:49:47 bruce: why the (v) ? 14:49:57 Remove the (v) 14:50:01 Calculate the size of the reference pixel: Divide the viewing distance by 2688. The number 2688 is obtained by dividing 28 inches (arms' length) by the derived reference pixel size (1/96 inch). 14:50:05 bruce_bailey: You don't need the (v) 14:50:36 Draft Resolution: Incorporate Note 2 with edits and the explanation of where 2688 came from, as shown above. 14:50:43 +1 14:50:49 +1 14:50:50 +1 14:50:51 +1 14:50:52 +1 14:50:52 +1 14:51:08 +1 14:51:14 +1 14:51:39 RESOLUTION: Incorporate Note 2 with edits and the explanation of where 2688 came from, as shown above. 14:51:45 q+ 14:51:52 ack loicmn 14:51:58 maryjom: Moving onto note 3. 14:52:24 loicmn: I suggested a rewrite in the survey. 14:52:33 However, only viewing distances that are plausible for the product can be considered an appropriate approximation for the reference pixel. 14:52:53 Original: However, for a density-independent pixel to be considered an approximation for the reference pixel, the viewing distance of the visual-angle pixel must be plausible. 14:52:56 maryjom: Good point that we need another pass to scrub out any "shoulds" from notes. 14:53:12 q+ 14:53:39 bruce: avoid must 14:54:02 Loic's edited version: However, for a density-independent pixel to be considered an approximation for the reference pixel, the viewing distance of the visual-angle pixel must be plausible. 14:54:11 PhilDay: The must was in previous version. 14:54:32 However, only viewing distances that are plausible for the product can be considered an appropriate approximation for the reference pixel. 14:54:53 Poll: Should we use Loic's version? 14:55:13 +1 14:55:15 +1 14:55:16 maryjom: Please see loics version 14:55:22 +1 14:55:23 +1 14:55:25 +1 14:55:31 +1 14:55:38 +1 14:55:59 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:56:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/29-wcag2ict-minutes.html bruce_bailey 14:56:07 RESOLUTION: Incorporate Note 3 with Loic's changes to remove normative language. 14:56:51 maryjom: Note 4 was anonymous , so keep that as well. 14:56:51 yes! 14:56:51 WOOOHOOOO 14:57:11 s/was anonymous/unanimous 14:57:32 maryjom: given time, we wont start on reflow -- but next week ! 14:57:49 ... there are other surveys, and feedback is editorial so far 14:58:09 maryjom: if we get to reflow, that is all the open SC 14:58:21 great job! 14:58:37 rrsagent, make minutes 14:58:38 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/29-wcag2ict-minutes.html maryjom