11:10:51 RRSAgent has joined #dxwg 11:10:56 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/06/28-dxwg-irc 11:11:27 RRSAgent: please draft minutes v2 11:11:29 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/28-dxwg-minutes.html LarsG 11:11:40 present+ LarsG 11:12:15 present+ Nobu_Ogura 11:12:59 present+ 11:14:28 Chair: Yousouf 11:14:33 Scribe: Lars 11:14:40 scribeNick: LarsG 11:14:57 topic: Minutes of last meeting 11:15:57 Minutes are at https://www.w3.org/2023/06/14-dxwg-minutes 11:16:14 PROPSED: Accept minutes of last meeting 11:16:33 s/PROPSED/PROPOSED/ 11:17:29 regrets+ aisaac 11:21:15 +1 11:21:23 +1 11:21:27 0 11:21:38 ACCEPTED: Minutes of last meeting 11:21:44 Tpio 11:21:56 s/Tpio/Topic/ 11:22:03 Topic: Introductions 11:22:15 Nobu OGURA from Japan 11:22:25 ... Japan has its own data catalogue 11:22:56 ... lacks knowledge about dcat but is happy to learn 11:23:08 YoucTagh: Do you have particular use cases? 11:23:49 Nobu_Ogura: DSC is working on a candidate standard for data trading 11:24:28 ... specification for trading systems, about to release working draft 11:25:50 LarsG introduce himself 11:27:10 YoucTagh: (already introduced himself) 11:27:18 https://github.com/w3c/dx-connegp/issues 11:27:22 Topic: Open issues 11:27:40 Issues are at https://github.com/w3c/dx-connegp/issues 11:28:29 In last meeting, rob proposed to close some issues (editorial) 11:28:52 ... rob has prepared pull requests 11:29:29 ... some changes are still pending (PR #42) 11:30:34 RRSAgent: please draft minutes v2 11:30:35 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/28-dxwg-minutes.html LarsG 11:31:04 RRSAgent: please make minutes public 11:31:04 I'm logging. I don't understand 'please make minutes public', LarsG. Try /msg RRSAgent help 11:31:10 https://github.com/w3c/dx-connegp/pull/42 11:31:22 s/DSC/DSA 11:33:14 s/DSC/DSA/ 11:33:47 https://github.com/w3c/dx-connegp/issues/39 11:34:08 ... rob still needs to implement changes 11:35:38 Proposal to use HTTP SC 300, YoucTagh sees more options 11:37:00 ... e.g. using 200, 300, 404 or 406 including a link header to point to the profile 11:37:52 RRSAgent: make log public 11:38:37 RRSAgent: please draft minutes v2 11:38:38 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/28-dxwg-minutes.html LarsG 11:40:40 ... YoucTagh elaborates on his proposal 11:42:23 ... Will be topic again in next meeting 11:42:42 ... YoucTagh will walk us through the proposal again 11:47:47 https://github.com/w3c/dx-connegp/issues/44 11:48:14 YoucTagh: The example has on canonical relation too many 11:48:43 ... (there should be only one per profile) 11:49:22 ... prepares PR 11:49:38 https://github.com/w3c/dx-connegp/issues/45 11:49:49 YoucTagh: Editorial enhancements 11:49:58 LarsG: Will prepare PR 11:51:36 YoucTagh: Have looked at other documents, too (incl. IETF doc) 11:52:55 ... has opened issues for that document, too 11:53:18 ... where Ruben has already answered to some of them 11:53:48 RRSAgent: please draft minutes v2 11:53:50 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/28-dxwg-minutes.html LarsG 11:54:20 RRSAgent: bye 11:54:20 I see no action items