13:54:17 RRSAgent has joined #ixml 13:54:22 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/06/27-ixml-irc 13:54:31 rrsagent, make logs public 13:54:50 norm has joined #ixml 13:54:58 meeting: ixml Group Teleconference 13:55:03 scribe; john 13:55:10 scribe:john 13:55:21 chair:steven 13:55:50 Regrets: Michael 13:56:06 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ixml/2023Jun/0033 13:56:26 Previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2023/06/13-ixml-minutes 13:56:52 rrsagent, make minutes 13:56:53 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/27-ixml-minutes.html Steven 13:58:34 Where is there a half-decent guide to the chat minute system - I'm totally confused 13:58:48 rrsagent, help 13:59:32 Regrets+Bethan 14:01:06 Topic: Previous Actions 14:02:18 Issue 13 can be closed 14:02:29 2023-06-13* actions completd with a pull request 14:02:43 s/completd/completed/ 14:02:55 Topic: Status reports 14:03:37 norm: Balisage paper written with has ambiguity supported in Coffee 14:03:50 https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/pull/186 14:03:58 https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/pull/186 14:04:30 norm: A grammar that contains happy and cat emojois to handle astral plane characters 14:06:07 Topic: Technical issues 14:06:11 https://invisiblexml.org/pr/179/autodiff.html 14:07:23 Issue #176 Encoding CR, NEL, LINE SEPARATOR etc. - Norm has formulated a PR 179 https://invisiblexml.org/dashboard/#pr-179 14:09:27 steven: minor typo if fixed seems the PR is fine 14:10:13 https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/pull/186 14:10:23 https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/pull/182 14:10:35 norm: Issue #180 can be closed if the pull requests can be approved 14:10:45 Agreed to close 14:11:34 Issue #185 (astral plane characters) already discussed 14:12:13 Other issues in abeyance 14:12:33 Topic: Renaming proposal 14:13:02 Agreed to mandate space around the rename operator. 14:13:24 s/mandate/allow/ 14:13:49 Action: Steven to draft a tech spec. about the renaming proposal 14:15:55 Present: Norm, John, Steven 14:16:20 Next meeting: 25th July - 11th July meeting cancelled 14:16:48 rrsagent, make minutes 14:16:49 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/27-ixml-minutes.html john