14:02:14 RRSAgent has joined #wot-discovery 14:02:18 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/06/26-wot-discovery-irc 14:02:24 meeting: WoT Discovery 14:03:07 chair: McCool 14:03:25 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Kunihiko_Toumura, Tomoaki_Mizushima 14:04:02 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Discovery_WebConf#26_June_2023 14:07:12 scribenick: kaz 14:07:40 topic: Minutes 14:07:54 -> https://www.w3.org/2023/05/29-wot-discovery-minutes.html May-29 14:08:01 mm: (goes through the minutes) 14:08:35 approved 14:08:52 topic: Planning 14:09:16 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/1094 wot PR 1094 - Discovery Planning 14:09:30 mm: (goes through the proposed plan for Discovery) 14:10:11 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/discovery-planning/planning/Discovery/work-items.md Discovery/work-items.md 14:10:52 mm: possible work item on sort-by filtering (was taken out at the last minute, but relates to query filters) 14:12:52 -> https://w3c.github.io/wot-charter-drafts/wot-wg-2023-details.html wot-charter-drafts/wot-wg-2023-details.html 14:13:35 mm: (add some more updates to work-items.md based on the items within wot-wg-2023-details.html) 14:13:51 ... right now, the information model is based on the TD 14:14:44 ... around "break "improvements" into smaller individual work-items so they can be prioritized" 14:15:17 ... validation 14:15:20 ... TD versions 14:15:25 ... version selection 14:15:58 ... not sure how to handle that at the moment, though 14:16:23 ... then "improve security" 14:16:29 s/validation/"validation"/ 14:16:35 s/TD versions/"TD versions"/ 14:16:51 s/version selection/"version selection"/ 14:17:12 q+ 14:17:56 ... would like to put some placeholder item to the "Prioritized List" as well 14:19:21 ack k 14:20:09 kaz: Technically, we should be able to get clarifications based on the new use cases for the next Charter 14:20:11 mm: yeah 14:20:34 ... we should think about how to deal with the use cases within the WoT Architecture spec too 14:20:37 kaz: right 14:21:11 ... the description about use cases within the WoT Architecture spec can be transferred to the Use Cases document 14:21:19 q? 14:22:03 s/new use cases/new use cases and requirements/ 14:23:35 mm: (goes through the discussions on PR 1094) 14:23:54 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/1094 wot PR 1094 - Discovery Planning 14:24:20 mm: (goes through the "Priority List") 14:24:31 s/Priority/Prioritized/ 14:25:04 luca_barbato has joined #wot-discovery 14:26:40 ... (makes "9. "Linting mechanism for TD" lower priority) 14:27:56 q+ 14:28:17 ack kt 14:28:29 toumura: another proposal on a work item 14:28:54 ... we could improve the interoperability with different protocols 14:29:07 mm: would be a good addition 14:30:24 ... (adds an item for "Prioritized List" as item 19) 14:30:37 ... Additional Introductions 14:30:48 ... to be researched but support additional ecosystems 14:31:02 ... examples: MQTT, OPC UA 14:31:13 ... (commits those additions) 14:31:36 ... let's now prioritize the things 14:32:14 ... need some query mechanism because downloading everything would not make sense 14:32:20 q+ 14:32:32 present+ Luca_Barbato 14:32:54 ... would be high-priority and make it the highest 14:34:11 lb: btw, you don't need to specify concrete number for enumeration 14:34:56 ... we could get away from the JSON query mechanism and think about some basic query mechanism instead 14:35:16 mm: we could have some query filter function instead 14:35:30 q? 14:35:32 ack l 14:35:35 q+ 14:35:48 ... very simple package of query mechanism 14:36:31 ... or search for some particular ID 14:37:03 lb: could use JSON Pointer 14:37:54 mm: "sort by" functionality might be necessary 14:38:14 ... also need to see how bit/expensive the mechanism would be 14:38:52 ... note that currently, we can do is downloading everything from the Directory 14:39:01 ... but if the data is huge, it would not make sense 14:39:05 q? 14:40:37 ... Directory works as a hub for a small area with a few devices or a large number of devices 14:40:57 s/a large/for a big area with a large/ 14:41:06 q? 14:41:18 lb: mostly depending on the implementation 14:41:55 mm: the feature would impact the implementations 14:42:19 lb: related to how we constrain the resources 14:42:59 ... my mental model is that my DNS could answer the DNS query 14:43:38 mm: we need to consider various possible mechanism all over the world 14:43:51 q? 14:46:21 ack k 14:47:06 kaz: I tend to agree with McCool 14:47:41 ... However, we need to look into concrete use cases including a larger environment with many devices from various industries before diving into the detail 14:49:04 ... so for today, I'd suggest we define two big categories, (1) higher priority and (2) lower priority, and then put this item into the higher priority category 14:49:20 lb: think this is a "Nice to have" feature 14:49:36 kaz: maybe we can say "This is nice to have" today 14:50:04 ... and should see if it's necessary after clarifying actual use cases and requirements 14:50:28 mm: (reorganize the items into "Higher priority" and "Lower priority") 14:51:07 ... parsing and validation should be higher priority 14:51:17 ... since we don't have concrete mechanism so far 14:53:11 ... what about Geolocation? 14:53:31 kaz: "Geolocation" itself is part of properties rather than the mechanism 14:53:56 ... so I think it would make more sense to handle this as part of the smarter query mechanism 14:54:00 mm: that's possible 14:54:50 kaz: and I'd agree handling geolocation would be important and should be part of the Higher priority category 14:55:18 mm: then next, "Onboarding" 14:55:31 ... could be part of security 14:55:33 q+ 14:55:48 s/could be/could be handled as/ 14:56:00 ... would put this under "Middle priority" 14:56:00 ack l 14:56:17 lb: "Onboarding" should be handled differently 14:56:35 ... not part of the Discovery mechanism itself 14:56:52 mm: myself wouldn't disagree 14:57:10 ... but so far, we've been discussing Onboarding as part of Discovery 14:57:24 q+ 14:57:36 ... let's put it under Middle now 14:58:00 kaz: agree 14:58:21 ... and as usual, we could clarify how we should handle it after clarifying use cases a bit more 14:58:22 ack k 14:58:40 mm: (commits changes so far) 14:59:03 ... would like to continue to work on this work-items.md a bit more before merging it 14:59:06 q+ 14:59:37 kaz: that's OK 15:00:03 ... but maybe it would be easier to manage the discussion if we merge the current PR 1094 today 15:00:12 ... and then create another PR for further discussion 15:00:16 ack 15:00:22 mm: yeah, that's possible 15:00:41 ... but would prefer continuing some more discussion on this PR 1094 itself 15:00:44 kaz: ok 15:00:56 [adjourned] 15:01:02 rrsagent, make log public 15:01:33 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:02:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/26-wot-discovery-minutes.html kaz 17:27:47 Zakim has left #wot-discovery