15:58:26 RRSAgent has joined #wcag3-policy 15:58:30 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/06/26-wcag3-policy-irc 15:58:36 Zakim has joined #wcag3-policy 15:59:10 Meeting: Guidance for Policy Makers Subgroup 15:59:15 Chair: Shadi 15:59:19 present+ 16:00:43 present+ 16:01:23 bruce_bailey has joined #wcag3-policy 16:01:37 Azlan has joined #wcag3-policy 16:01:53 jaunita_george has joined #wcag3-policy 16:01:55 present+ 16:01:57 Present+ 16:02:00 garcialo has joined #wcag3-policy 16:02:04 present+ 16:02:13 Jason_K has joined #wcag3-policy 16:02:50 present+ 16:02:59 present+ 16:02:59 scribe+ 16:03:21 mgifford2 has joined #wcag3-policy 16:03:50 shadi: What I want to do today is try to switch from our initial setting-up mode and brainstorm 16:04:01 ... and get into more what the guidance document could look like 16:04:16 ... emphasis on "could", I see this as an iterative and blue-sky plan 16:04:30 ... just starting with a debrief from last week's AGWG meeting 16:04:36 SusiPallero has joined #wcag3-policy 16:04:46 present+ 16:05:04 ... hope everyone has had a chance to look over the minutes from last week 16:05:06 https://www.w3.org/2023/06/20-ag-minutes.html 16:05:16 shadi: This is the main group, the AG call 16:05:21 ... we presented the slides 16:05:37 ... there wasn't really much discussion 16:05:47 ... some clarification from Gregg on the relationship to conformance 16:06:02 ... a reminder that we're not working on the conformance section, but there might be outputs 16:06:24 ... like the idea of when entering data, when a web page accepts inputs, to check that for accessibility 16:06:29 ... one possible conformance requirement 16:06:40 ... it is an idea that came out of our brainstorming 16:07:04 ... there are some technical requirements coming from our work, but also the guidance for policy makers in adoption of WCAG 3 16:07:15 ... mainly our presentation, and I'll post the link to the slides 16:07:19 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1y_uNtKFOrvVmtVgDmqWTHe_vsLwTfXYBJQ39un6UKNE/edit#slide=id.p 16:07:27 ... anyone else have any thoughts or comments? 16:07:31 q? 16:07:37 q+ 16:07:46 ack bruce_bailey 16:07:55 bruce_bailey: You got permission to go three extra weeks 16:08:21 shadi: Thanks Bruce, during the meeting on the 12th, the issue came up that we need more time due to missing meetings 16:08:25 ... public holidays etc 16:08:29 ... can we extend 16:08:48 ... so I asked the chairs offline, and they wanted to know if the participants wanted to extend 16:08:59 ... if people agree, and there was no disageement 16:09:22 ... reported back to the chairs, more agreement than disagreement, so they granted an extension to the 24th of july 16:09:30 ... also reported in the minutes 16:09:38 ... any thoughts on this? 16:09:45 ... reported on tuesday as well 16:09:55 Extending sounds good to me. 16:10:01 +1 16:10:17 shadi: No comments or follow up from the discussion last week 16:10:29 ... trying to get to, if you haven't seen the slides, check them out 16:10:45 ... it's more than just a report, it's also an aid for us to determine where we're going 16:11:05 ... last monday's meeting helped us align internally and next steps 16:11:25 ... two phases, first phase was brainstorming 16:11:47 ... second phase, which I want to enter today, is starting to collect data / aggregate into documentation 16:12:04 ... see if anyone has any further thoughts on where we are, where we're headed 16:12:13 ... questions, guidance? 16:12:19 q? 16:12:35 shadi: With this, I assume everyone is up to speed and read the minutes and slides 16:12:38 Cyborg has joined #wcag3-policy 16:12:44 Present+ 16:12:46 ... is up to date with where we are and where we're heading 16:13:41 shadi: Ok that was the lead in, let's transition to doing a topic 16:13:45 Topic: Outline of Guidance Document 16:14:29 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B-qfTrPxnhIa0AxhPEF6SIDTLAGnneoauBRHGzS5q7U/edit 16:14:31 shadi: [sharing screen] 16:15:00 ... just to walk people through 16:15:45 ... going from top to bottom 16:15:50 ... introduction is unchanged 16:15:59 ... have noted the extension 16:16:13 ... next heading (level 2), I've started working on an outline 16:16:20 ... abstract, three sentences to review 16:16:26 ... introduction and problem description 16:16:42 ... then jump right into the considerations 16:17:05 ... what I hope we can get through is the introduction, then sketch out the considerations 16:17:09 ... over the coming weeks 16:17:31 ... for discussion today, there is another heading level 2 with discussion for today 16:17:38 ... potential list of considerations 16:18:16 ... consider requiring web/app owners to provide accessibility statement, other topics 16:18:26 ... do we want to say anything about standards harmonization 16:18:53 ... I was more focused on the considerations, but as I was working on the abstract, it came up 16:18:59 ... [reads abstract] 16:19:57 ... when i started in accessibility, every country had different versions of standards, moving to harmonized standards helps with adoption 16:20:07 ... abstract, then overall scope, then specifics 16:20:19 q+ to plus one 16:20:24 ... question, any comments? 16:20:48 garcialo: I like this foundation, since policy makers aren't technical, I think going straight into the considerations is a good structure 16:20:54 bruce_bailey: Big +1 to that 16:21:29 ... the two times where agencies have tried to make reference, confused by conforming alternate versions, definitions, they ignore them since they are confused 16:21:32 ack bruce_bailey 16:21:32 bruce_bailey, you wanted to plus one 16:21:39 shadi: Hearing some support 16:21:43 +1 16:21:54 shadi: Let's quickly discuss the abstract 16:22:00 ... it's vague and brief 16:22:11 ... which it should be, I see it as an executive summary 16:22:21 also definition of web page is tempting for regulators to mess with 16:22:25 ... it's iterative, back and forth, we develop it, work on the doc, go back 16:22:32 garcialo: Looks good 16:22:42 Jason_K: Is there a specific question we're trying to answer here? 16:22:51 ... how are policy makers meant to implement WCAG? 16:22:58 shadi: That's a good question 16:23:17 mgifford2: Could go about it by how not to do it? 16:23:33 ... like a client, they formulated their contract based on meeting a siteimprove score 16:23:55 ... it's not the same as WCAG or section 508, but it's a policy that an org tried to meet that got in the way of accessibility 16:24:19 garcialo: I don't know if I'd start from a negative, but it sounds like we should say something like "use WCAG itself" 16:24:27 ... just use WCAG without modifications 16:24:50 shadi: Use WCAG, but also recognize that WCAG is a means, not the eend 16:25:04 ... a cornerstone of achieving accessibility, but not the only way 16:25:10 ... which goes into the considerations 16:25:29 ... to Jason's question, what are common pitfalls that policy makers do when people implement WCAG in policy 16:25:52 mgifford2: They don't go and implement that the internet and tech is always changing 16:25:58 ... "this" and future releases 16:26:05 ... instead stuck at a specific version 16:26:09 q+ 16:26:25 mgifford2: make sure docs is relevant 16:26:38 garcialo: WCAG 3 is more meant to be evergreen than WCAG 2 16:26:47 shadi: Less about the standard and more about moving forward 16:27:01 ... there are few policies that can refer to evergreen standards 16:27:04 q+ to say "plan to achieve/maintain" should cover staying relevant 16:27:06 ... need a mechanism for transfer 16:27:16 ... we're going beyond use cases 16:27:22 ... but that's a good thing 16:27:31 ... linked to maturity model 16:27:44 Cyborg: Just going to say a few things 16:27:59 Yes, U.S. are required to cite to date certain versions 16:28:03 ... first one, regarding ever green, I know this conversation has happened 16:28:04 We can hear you Cyborg 16:28:36 ... my understanding to date, essentially WCAG would be fixed until a new version, people need to rely on the version, but the how-tos and methodology docs would update as advances happened 16:28:54 ... for those that want to be ready, they can, but not compelled to do them 16:29:24 ... we can point to being mindful of where WCAG is going by keeping an eye out for new methodologies, there is a living document accompanying the fixed one 16:29:39 ... second one, pitfalls, one of them is lowering the bar instead of striving 16:29:56 ... a spirit of there being more to do, even when there is a low bar 16:29:57 WCAG is the floor, not the ceiling. 16:30:05 ... another pitfall is reactivity 16:30:15 ... encouraging orgs to engage early and often 16:30:52 ... an issue around, from the canadian perspective, the combination of AODA, the human rights code, there is a lot of onus on the individual to go through a long process to get remedy 16:30:58 ... issue around collective rights 16:31:02 ... I posted a link 16:31:19 ... a new add to the duty to accommodate in the ontario human rights code around inclusive design 16:31:34 We really should talk about some guidance about the equivalent of AAA recommendation. I've forgotten how WCAG3 talks about this. Gold? 16:31:35 ... it falls between the individual right to accommodate and the collective right 16:31:46 ... it's a crack, we should consider it 16:32:03 ... there are complex interactive needs of multiple disabilities, there are collective needs, we need to consider those 16:32:10 ... hit the issue from both sides 16:32:29 ... the human rights side, the legal side, noting the complex interactive needs 16:32:38 ... there are patterns of need based on the collective 16:33:18 shadi: I don't think we need to delve into the specific design of WCAG 3, there is still a lot to decide 16:33:27 ... whatever we decide to facilitate transition 16:33:32 ... policy makers should consider them too 16:33:43 ... not just newer versions, but also newer technologies 16:33:55 ... future-proofing policies 16:34:15 ... there is already the idea that WCAG is not the end, and policy should do additions 16:34:32 ... not sure if we'll get through the full list by the end of the sub-group 16:34:48 ... hopefully we can get a stable abstract and introduction and some considerations 16:35:02 ... a first version, if its workable, we can create new sub-groups to carry on the work 16:35:12 ... so many good recommendations so far 16:35:17 q+ 16:35:18 futureproofing comment...spirit of striving for higher bar/WCAG as floor to stand on (need to build on it), proactive (early & often) approach needed, consider collective needs (complex layered nature of needs for those w multiple disabilities/intersectional identities/pattern of community/collective needs 16:35:22 ack Cyborg 16:35:25 ack Azlan 16:35:25 Azlan, you wanted to say "plan to achieve/maintain" should cover staying relevant 16:35:46 Azlan: We've stated in lots of different ways, we're all agreed in stating things on having a plan, a roadmap, maintaining levels 16:36:10 ... talking about the maturity model, and I love what Cyborg said about WCAG being the floor not the ceiling 16:36:15 ... we aim to do better 16:36:30 ... it's a continuous change and review process 16:36:59 ... especially as more and more becomes available to build the standard and what the web/app owners get from their products 16:37:11 ... I think we can expand and look to help support with what we're doing 16:37:42 shadi: We'll unpack as many as we can here 16:37:54 ... we're really looking at this from a purely technical perspective 16:38:19 q+ 16:38:28 ... my understanding of scope and competency W3C has, all the comments apply, but we're looking at the technical adoption considerations 16:38:35 ack Jason_K 16:38:48 ack Jason_K 16:38:50 Jason_K: A few people have mentioned, this document is not meant to take away from WCAG 16:39:10 ... it might be worth clarifying the relationship of this document to WCAG, it's not taking away, how to use it 16:39:16 ... when it's meant to be used 16:39:21 shadi: Fully agree 16:39:25 q+ 16:39:41 ... the abstract cover this, it's complementary 16:39:49 ... but I think we can elaborate in the introduction 16:40:11 ack mgifford2 16:40:15 ack mgifford 16:40:18 Just looking to see how we incorporate best practices being developed by the W3C such as https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/act/ & https://www.w3.org/WAI/planning/arrm/ 16:40:23 mgifford2: Thought it would be useful to point to existing W3C initiatives 16:40:39 ... linked to the ACT guidelines, the ARRM guidelines 16:40:43 ... the maturity model 16:40:58 ... aware of the other work W3C is doing, and how to get involved 16:41:10 ... it's possible for policy makers to actually get involved and participate 16:41:23 ... improve their own docs and the collective docs 16:42:00 https://www.w3.org/TR/maturity-model/ 16:42:00 shadi: Agreed, this is probably going to expand over time 16:42:11 ack Cyborg 16:42:23 Cyborg: I just want to build on the last 2 comments 16:42:33 ... we're talking about the policy maker audience 16:42:51 ... embedded in the doc is also an audience of organizational policy makers 16:43:02 ... the manager, the accessibility lead, the designer 16:43:18 ... from an organizational perspective, we've aimed it so far on people who can set strategy 16:43:36 ... if there is an audience that is policy makers who plan and identify direction in terms of accessibility 16:43:45 ... there is an opportunity to bridge that relationship 16:44:12 ... if there was a meeting between government bodies implementing regulations, and those they are regulation, where there could be discussion about this document 16:44:27 ... not necessarily implementation but strategy 16:44:45 s/are regulation/are regulating/ 16:44:51 shadi: Good suggestions 16:45:04 ... [making changes to doc as we discuss] 16:45:22 ... maybe we can elaborate within the main body of the doc 16:45:49 ... people involved in the policy-making process, so people with disabilities, affinity groups, strategy setters, advisors. 16:46:08 ... often you will get people who are influential in advising the process 16:46:48 Cyborg: Don't disagree, I'm suggesting something slightly different, who within an organization sets the policies and processes for handling accessibility 16:47:01 ... i.e. something setting up a plan for what happens when a bug arises 16:47:22 ... let's say we recommend that organizations have an accessibility quality plan 16:47:35 ... here's how we handle it, how we report to authority 16:47:49 ... there are people responsible for doing the work, and they are an audience for this document 16:48:02 shadi: Does this relate to the roles and reponsibilities? 16:48:34 Cyborg: More senior management, not sure how much ARRM goes into senior responsibilities 16:48:47 ... may be someone like head of accessibility for an org, or 2-3 people on the team 16:49:01 ... setting the process/policy for these protocols 16:49:08 ... someone with responsibility 16:49:15 shadi: I understand more 16:49:35 ... I would like people, as homework, to look at the maturity model, planning and managing web accessibility, and the ARRM 16:49:53 Just a headsup that we have 10 minutes left 16:49:55 qß 16:50:02 q? 16:50:02 ... look at additional ideas beyond the use cases we've been looking at 16:50:05 I am part of the Maturity Model's working group so I can collaborate with that 16:50:38 shadi: We have 10 minutes left, let me summarize where we are 16:50:45 ... this is a rough and early outline 16:51:07 ... we have a title, an abstract, it's a start 16:51:16 ... line in the sand to work from 16:51:24 ... I'm going to start working on an introduction 16:51:33 one way to deal with senior accessibility direction setters within organizations to develop protocols, organizational practices, maturity models, etc is through roundtables. 16:51:47 q+ 16:51:48 ... this will help give us a framing on how we see this work and how we're communicating it externally 16:52:02 ... then we can focus on a few considerations, then we're on our way 16:52:04 to encourage building out this work in a manner that has growth 16:52:09 ... the overall plan before july 24 16:52:19 ... details is where all the work happens 16:52:25 ... but I'm not hearing opposition 16:52:27 ack mgifford2 16:52:45 +1 to just add considerations 16:52:53 mgifford2: The abstract and intro could be written after the fact, I wonder if we should focus on the considerations 16:52:59 ... if we can draft something we can dicuss 16:53:00 +1 to Mike's suggestion - getting concrete 16:53:06 ... if we work asynchronously 16:53:25 shadi: Agreed, I think we need to do both, work in parallel 16:53:39 ... I do think the introduction and problem description comes up a lot 16:53:45 ... we need the framing and the content 16:53:58 ... if people are able to volunteer to tackle the considerations 16:54:01 Totally about working in parallel. The intro will help inform the considerations, but we're going to need to revise the introduction based on what considerations we end up running with. 16:54:08 ... the first few come from our brainstorming discussions 16:54:42 ... considerations like a11y statement 16:54:58 ... or mechanism for users with disabilities to report bugs 16:55:10 ... one we haven't discussed much is providing training and awareness raising 16:55:23 I like the role specific training consideration for sure! 16:55:42 ... there could be ideas from the maturity model or planning docs 16:55:48 ... we can't get through all 16:55:58 training - maybe reframing as cultivating leadership? 16:56:06 ... if we can get consensus on 2-3 of these, we've established an outline for people to see how the document can progress 16:56:40 shadi: Does anyone want to get started on any of them? 16:56:42 I can help too 16:56:52 mgifford2: Happy to get started on 1 or 2 to draft for review 16:57:12 shadi: Any favourites? 16:57:15 mgifford2: I can't pick! 16:57:27 garcialo: The second one would be good 16:57:46 mgifford2: That's built into the a11y statement in the EU? 16:57:58 shadi: For the web a11y directive, it needs to be linked from the statement 16:58:01 "accessibility statements" common on u.s. gov sites as well 16:58:02 ... for EAA it depends 16:58:08 ... whether it's web or a product 16:58:28 Cyborg: +1 on doing it through an a11y statement approach 16:58:31 I don't mind taking any of these on 16:58:42 shadi: We're not designing a policy, we're giving considerations to policy makers 16:59:03 ... too many countries with different systems 16:59:17 https://www.section508.gov/manage/laws-and-policies/website-accessibility-statement/ 16:59:18 ... we're not saying how to do it, but here's what to consider when you do 16:59:29 shadi: If people want to get started, go for it 16:59:34 ... don't go too wild 16:59:41 ... start small and then we can build out 17:00:08 ... feel free to take a stab at a consideration, and I'll work on the introduction 17:00:21 ... so people have time to look, I'll send it on Friday 17:00:41 I'm not in the 4th, but am in the 3rd 17:00:52 Sorry.. 17:00:55 ... maybe no meeting next week due to holidays? 17:01:23 I would be able to make a meeting; or maybe an unofficial working session at the time 17:01:32 shadi: We still have some people to keep going, it's ok if people need to miss 17:01:42 ... thanks everyone! 17:01:50 ... if you can, we'll meet next weke. 17:01:51 thanks 17:01:57 s/weke/week 17:02:12 shadi: Homework, read the maturity model, ARRM, ACT, etc. 17:02:17 ... or take a stab at a considerations 17:02:22 Thanks 17:02:29 https://w3c.github.io/maturity-model/ 17:02:34 garcialo has left #wcag3-policy 17:02:40 https://www.w3.org/WAI/planning-and-managing/ 17:03:01 zakim, end meeting 17:03:01 As of this point the attendees have been shadi, wendyreid, Azlan, jaunita_george, bruce_bailey, garcialo, Jason_K, SusiPallero, Cyborg 17:03:03 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:03:05 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/26-wcag3-policy-minutes.html Zakim 17:03:07 I am happy to have been of service, shadi; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:03:11 Zakim has left #wcag3-policy 17:40:52 rrsagent, make logs world 17:40:58 rrsagent, make minutes 17:41:00 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/26-wcag3-policy-minutes.html shadi 17:41:13 rrsagent, bye 17:41:13 I see no action items