WoT Next Charter Detailed Planning - Day 4

23 June 2023


Ben_Francis, Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima
Ege, kaz, mjk

Meeting minutes


<kaz> agenda for today

Sebastian: we will start with profile discussion

Architecture Planning

<McCool> wot PR 1096 - Architecture Planning

McCool: we have to discuss about arch spec being informative or normative

McCool: we have to decide what to do with the current normative content
… also we have to decide what the purpose is
… I have listed what it does
… half of the current assertions are about security

McCool: do we have assertions for the whole WoT?

McCool: maybe those assertions are actually requirements so we can restructure like that

Sebastian: my experience is that arch document is not implemented by developers, so the restrictions do not apply to them, since they are not aware

Sebastian: REC implies W3C process, overhead in general

McCool: we have lots of deliverables, each imply work. We can consolidate but not lose information

wot-charter-drafts issue 15 - Arch: Architecture Brainstorming

wot-charter-drafts PR 85 - Add Architecture as an informative deliverable

wot-charter-drafts PR 82 - Add Architecture as a normative deliverable

Ege: people are showing to management to explain wot. developers do not read the normative part

Kaz: We said it would be a normative deliverable in the proposed WoT WG Charter. We should work on the document refactoring for the whole WoT specs, and as a result, if there are only informative portions within the WoT Architecture spec, that would automatically become an informative spec.

McCool: we can work towards informative and do the transition when it is doable

McCool: the document should not go away, the introduction to wot is useful

https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/736#issuecomment-1162135635 is the link to tag review saying it should be informative

Luca: I support non normative


Ege: we have also introductory part in the web page, which is the most popular page after landing

McCool: a formal looking explainer is nicer than a webpage but I will add to discussion

McCool: we have requirements that sometimes apply to multiple documents so we need to duplicate that maybe

McCool: should we move application domains to use cases?

Ege: arch application cases show an agreement. use cases document are individual submissions

Kaz: we had discussions in that direction about restructuring use cases. So the details to be discussed collaboratively with the Use Cases TF.

McCool: let's look at the assertions and normative content

McCool: we cannot constrain brownfield systems, we only describe them
… so all the normative assertions can go to a profile

McCool: we also have discussions on TDDs having profiles

McCool: i think profiles is the best direction

Ege: I think that security assertions should be best practices
… moving to a profile would have problems with protocol dependency

McCool: I think that security should be normative

McCool: we can have baseline security and add protocol specific assertion to profiles with those protocols

Kaz: We should have discussion about which security features are really needed first, and then think about which spec to have that.

<Mizushima> +1 kaz

Kaz: The name of "WoT Profile" is still a bit odd to me but it does describe possible and natural implementation patterns for WoT-based IoT services. So it's possible to transfer the security portions to WoT Profile. However, it's not that "WoT Profile is the default place for the transfer." and we should think about which spec to have the feature.

Luca: profiles are important if you want to interoperate with devices with different physical constraints
… we are lacking there completely. Security is important since they require different resources

Luca: about image, we can put a section about expectations of a system that should be secure

Luca: you are implementing wot, so you are signing up for the safety of the user

McCool: there are optional features for PII sensitive points

Ege: we can understand some security for TD instances

McCool: not always. some assertion from TD can go into other specs

Sebastian: we have to discuss who will lead the TF

Sebastian: mccool did it interim

McCool: I think the motivation is to reduce the document size

McCool: I think we should find somebody but I can do it until then

McCool: same for security

McCool: I can chair and do another TF

Sebastian: Jiye is not active at the moment
… I am looking for another person

McCool: we need someone for reviewing the documents, an expert. And another person to moderate

Kaz: we can send a call for participation

McCool: we have to have a discussion on finding TF leads during the Chairs calls

Security Planning

<kaz> wot PR 1097 - Security Planning

McCool: signing JSON-LD is complicated
… it can blow up in some cases

McCool: we would to need to decide whether TDs can be modified by directories or not

McCool: we have the topic about fixed prefixes for pure JSON processors

wot-thing-description Issue 1774 - Not changing prefix of ontologies we suggest

McCool: we have to discuss onboarding as well

Ege: I can share some work on security extensions and I have put an issue above about prefixes
… I think onboarding needs its own deliverable since it is not just about key exchange or security. It should be the lifecycle

Luca: I think it is a usage of wot, should not be a normative spec or constrain wot applications
… regarding JSON-LD, we can do it in profile and be strict

McCool: JSON-LD signing is for arbitrary graphs

Luca: we have tried to JSON-LD for everything like extensions
… it is great for non functional extensions, so it would be bad to restrict it

Luca: degraded consumption would be an interesting topic

Kaz: this is a bigger discussion for today, so would suggest we talk with the JSON-LD/VC/DID guys during TPAC since they're also working on this issue.

Sebastian: we can talk about onboarding with OPC UA WoT Connectivity WG since they need this too

<mjk> scribenick mjk


<kaz> -> slides TBD @@@

Ben: presenting slides on profiles

Ben: option 1 proposal is to handle protocol bindings defaults as required in a profile
… option 2 proposal is to continue to define protocol bindings for profile separately from the standalone protocol bindings

McCool: how much testing work is needed?

Ben: there are not enough implementations yet

McCool: there may not be a lot of effort lost in reorganizing things now

McCool: are profiles only constraints on TDs or are there also constraints on behavior?

Ben: option 2 would mean publishing profiles 1.0

Ben: with option 1 we would constrain supported mechanisms and be more specific about the types of assertions that can be in the profile

McCool: should security assertions be part of a profile?

Ben: prefer that security assertions be in a security best practices document and leave profile assertions to be more cleanly testable

<McCool> (ben's feedback: would rather assertions on implementations should be in a guideline document, not in profile, make testing difficult)

Kaz: this should be part of the overall restructuring project so we can see the whole structure across all documents

Ben: agree

Sebastian: assume that profiles will include a basic mechanism and generic definition, and a set of specific profile documents that conform to the generic description
… for example a manufacturing domain profile that works more or less like a protocol binding document

Ben: we originally thought of profiles as a protocol constraint like a sub-protocol

Sebastian: do we have enough members interested to make profiles happen?

Ben: last 6 months has been spent implementing TD 1.0 with particular profiles but not completely attached to the profile approach
… could use another mechanism like subprotocols

Ege: leaning more toward option 1 to provide a clearly defined mechanism
… with subprotocols also
… subprotocols may not be W3C work

Luca: would like to see the concept of profiles extended beyond protocol usage
… the use as a mixin solves a lot of problems
… we could reconsider in next TD how we handle protocol selection
… regarding SSE, have an implementation that reduces the risk
… would keep profiles because it solves a lot of problems

Sebastian: can you (luca) be involved in the profile activity?

Luca: yes

Mizushima: agree with the direction but profile is different from a binding
… we should discuss what a profile is

Ben: agree, profile is not the same as a binding but more of a constraint

<luca_barbato> test-consumer for SSE

Ben: a profile is a constraint to guarantee interoperability

Kaz: suggest we continue this discussion as part of the larger document refactoring issue
… we should send out a call for participation for profies

Sebastian: should profiles be rec track or moved to a note?

<benfrancis> For the notes: Protocol binding is just one aspect of a Thing that a profile can constrain. Others are payload binding, discovery mechanisms, security mechanisms, semantic ontologies, link relation types etc.

<kaz> (Ben's clarification above to be moved right after "more of a constraint")@@@

Sebastian: we need to think about the best way to proceed

new working mode for the next charter

Sebastian: we have too many calls
… would like to optimize the calendar and reduce the load of calls
… also need to consider the time zone considerations, particularly for the TD call and participants in Asia
… maybe we shouldn't work on multiple deliverables in parallel
… reduce the frequency of note workstreams to 2 week interval
… use more async process and use meetings to report and summarize
… prepare the agenda for calls one day in advance
… suggest a goal of 4 calls per week maximum

McCool: does 4 calls per week include the main call, and can we have the main call every 2 weeks?

Sebastian: sometimes we may need more frequent calls during preparation for publication

McCool: we could have shorter calls

Kaz: would personally welcome fewer calls, but simply reducing the load should include a discussion of how to make each call more productive

Sebastian: removing PR review from the calls could help

Kaz: it's difficult for all participants to follow and understand the points of the PR discussions

Sebastian: we could share the detailed agenda and ask for discussion before the call

Kaz: that may not work for all participants, but we could try for a month or 2

Ege: agree with the overall idea and async process, the TF moderator can make the decision about whether more calls are needed
… would like the main call to have more report out and sync between TFs
… maybe alternate TF reports every 2 weeks

Ben: supports fewer calls and more async collaboration
… we do need to work on some items in parallel
… wonder if minutes approval can be done outside the meeting

<McCool> (time check)

Kaz: OK with this direction if everybody is OK, but we need some prototyping
… TF moderators will need to coordinate more to clarify what is done and what is needed
… suggest a Also TF moderator call

Sebastian: agree and we should prototype this also

Mizushima: agree with the direction of the proposal. We should separate WG and IG meetings.
… I'm confused

Kaz: we should further clarify the difference between WG and IG responsibilities

Sebastian: let's have further discussion on this proposal

Kaz: agree

Sebastian: this concludes the week's meeting, we can discuss among the chairs and propose next steps

Sebastian: thank you and adjourned for today

<kaz> [adjourned]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 196 (Thu Oct 27 17:06:44 2022 UTC).