22 June 2023


David Booth, EricP, Gaurav Vaidya, Jim Balhoff, Rob Hausam
David Booth

Meeting minutes

Topic; Concept IRIs

gaurav: https://jira.hl7.org/browse/UP-406 is now queued for implementation

gaurav: Also looking at coding system, to find IRI stems for all of them. Found the publisher field. We cannot always ignore HL7 publisher field, because sometimes they're referencing external vocabs.
… But good for most.
… If I filter out everything that's a draft or retired, that leaves 755 code systems and 424 naming systems.

gaurav: next step may be 1. figure out the number of systems needing IRI stems. That will scope the work.
… Another option: 2. Make larger and large change requests for adding the IRI stems.
… From that approach, maybe we should come up with a short list of the ones most needing IRI stems.

dbooth: Sounds like a good start.
… Maybe ramp up to 10-20 next

fhir:link missing from MedicationStatement.subject #121


eric: The problem is that the root node is a blank node, so it doesn't have a base URL for creating the subject URL.

eric: We could make them relative URLs, so wherever people put them, they'll work.
… Or we could use example.org

eric: If we use relative URL, for a patient, it will become "../Patient/123"

dbooth: example.org seems like a less risky approach.

eric: Examples are not set up to be an imitation FHIR server, because they're all in the same dir.
… But we could put them into their own directories -- 190 directories.

eric: The XML and JSON examples could also be set up that way.

dbooth: Seems like it's worth raising an issue with FHIR in general.

ACTION: DBooth to ask on zoom about putting the examples in subdirectories

datatype for xhtml #119


eric: We decided to adopt the xhtml literal type.

ACTION: Jim and Deepak to implement the xhtml literal type

jim: Will get a PR ready

dbooth: Lets' bundle multiple PRs in to the same Jira ticket

align Reference with canonical



(replaces issue 70)

eric: Inclined toward option 1

dbooth: Should solicit more community input before going with option 1.
… or 2

eric: If I get a bundle, that link is useful.
… One of the observations in the bundle may have an abs url, and another in the bundle may have only a fragment. I want to know if they point to the same thing.

dbooth: Need to first find out if the vertical bar can appear after the hash. That will determine whther it is always an IRI.

ACTION: eric to look for a canonical with a vertical bar and frag ID

ACTION: eric to ask on zulip about hash and vertical bar in a canonical


Summary of action items

  1. DBooth to ask on zoom about putting the examples in subdirectories
  2. Jim and Deepak to implement the xhtml literal type
  3. eric to look for a canonical with a vertical bar and frag ID
  4. eric to ask on zulip about hash and vertical bar in a canonical
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/option 2/option 1/

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: dbooth

Maybe present: dbooth, eric, gaurav, jim

All speakers: dbooth, eric, gaurav, jim

Active on IRC: dbooth