12:02:13 RRSAgent has joined #wot 12:02:17 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/06/21-wot-irc 12:03:02 sebastian has joined #wot 12:03:46 meeting: WoT Next Charter Detailed Planning - Day 2 12:04:21 Mizushima has joined #wot 12:04:48 ktoumura has joined #wot 12:05:36 q+ 12:06:04 q- 12:06:28 mjk has joined #wot 12:06:29 chair: Sebastian/McCool 12:07:20 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Michael_McCool, Cristiano_Aguzzi, Ege_Korkan, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_Koster, Tomoaki_Mizushima 12:07:55 I do not see any problems 12:08:18 topic: Minutes review 12:08:22 s/I do not see any problems// 12:08:27 scribenick: cris_ 12:08:35 matsuda has joined #wot 12:08:52 s/Minutes review/Agenda/ 12:08:57 mc: wrote a simple agenda 12:08:58 q+ 12:09:01 ... aob? 12:09:21 seb: I saw a email for Tpac registration. Maybe we should talk about that too 12:09:24 mc: added 12:09:43 seb: I also updated the wiki page 12:09:49 kaz: two comments 12:11:13 ... I suggested to consolidate the main wot topic agenda, we can then link it back in the wiki call agenda 12:11:45 ... about the website update it has been communicated with emails in the past weeks. 12:11:51 seb: added links 12:12:36 topic: minutes review 12:12:56 ryuichi has joined #wot 12:12:57 mc: names look correct 12:13:23 -> https://www.w3.org/2023/06/07-wot-minutes.html June-7 12:13:25 ... any problems? 12:13:27 ack k 12:13:29 q+ 12:15:00 mc: minutes approved 12:15:08 topic: Quick updates 12:15:19 subtopic: W3C web page redesigned 12:15:35 kaz: the new webpage is now public 12:15:49 ... the content should be identical or at least very similar 12:16:38 mc: I find interesting that it looks similar to our page 12:17:11 ... maybe we should align our page to the official website. 12:17:21 kaz: it is not strictly needed 12:17:26 mc: logo is changed too 12:17:37 kaz: yes, but it is due to the legal entity change 12:17:49 ... remember to update the logo 12:18:16 mc: any other quick updates? 12:18:40 i|the new we|-> https://www.w3.org W3C main page| 12:18:44 q? 12:18:46 ack k 12:19:02 topic: TPAC registration 12:19:08 mc: individual registration 12:19:25 -> https://www.w3.org/2023/09/TPAC/registration.html TPAC 2023 registration 12:19:37 [[ 12:19:38 Early Bird rate – until 15 July (23:59 UTC): EUR 290 [Rate limited to the 4 first persons of a given organization] 12:19:38 seb: there is an early bid registration 12:19:38 ]] 12:19:44 s/]]// 12:19:48 i/there/]]/ 12:19:58 s/bid/bird/ 12:20:18 ktoumura has joined #wot 12:21:14 topic: publication schedule 12:21:42 zakim, who is on the call? 12:21:42 Present: Kaz_Ashimura, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Michael_McCool, Cristiano_Aguzzi, Ege_Korkan, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_Koster, Tomoaki_Mizushima 12:23:00 mc: we need more resolution? 12:23:20 kaz: no more resolutions needed for Discovery 12:23:59 mc: how requests now are labeled as awaiting publication 12:24:05 i|we need|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/charters/wg-2021-extension-plan.md publication schedule 12:24:16 ... one of it (architecture) is still in awaiting working group state 12:24:31 ... I need to reply to one comment 12:25:14 dezell has joined #wot 12:25:20 q+ 12:25:23 present+ David_Ezell 12:25:42 brb 12:27:17 i|one of it|-> https://github.com/w3c/transitions/issues/552 PR Transition request for Architecture| 12:27:25 mc: Arch PR was reviewed by Sebastian and I made a couple of fixes 12:27:35 q- 12:27:36 q+ 12:27:41 ... do not put link in abstract 12:28:52 ... as far as I know we don't have patent disclosures. Let me know if otherwise 12:29:01 i/Arch PR/kaz: The purpose of the Proposed REC Transition request is simply checking the status of the wide reviews and so on by the Director./ 12:29:11 ... any questions about these points? 12:29:25 ... with TD I did similar changes 12:30:07 ... discovery similar 12:30:13 q? 12:30:23 ... TD and discovery got approval 12:30:51 kaz: for the architecture PR Request you could add the email, it should be archived in our mailing list 12:33:03 mc: I don't have access right 12:33:25 mc: let's do it later 12:34:13 q+ 12:34:13 q+ 12:34:15 topic: Binding WD publication 12:34:21 mc: any updates? 12:34:26 seb: waiting for publication 12:34:31 q- 12:34:43 kaz: sorry I could not work for the publication last week because I was busy 12:34:59 ... I will talk about Scripting API publication 12:35:14 mc: ok no problem 12:35:37 ack k 12:35:38 mc: aob? 12:35:39 q? 12:35:44 mc: ok main call adjourned 12:35:55 topic: Thing description 12:36:46 ege: we have a single presentation where multiple people contributed 12:36:46 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1VsasuhNevvSb_yx7rUThlwPjTW_xUx7dT9IQWbaMvbc/edit?usp=sharing 12:36:54 ege: above you can find the link to the presentation 12:37:03 ... if you want to contribute just drop an email 12:37:16 ... is anybody interested in this already? 12:37:25 ... ok, just let me if you change your mind 12:37:36 ... the presention is mostly to put things in one place 12:38:02 * ege is presenting guidelines to contribute to the slides * 12:38:18 q+ 12:38:36 q+ 12:38:54 kaz: do we need about the slide structure? 12:39:04 ege: in a bit we will talk about the topics 12:39:23 ack k 12:40:02 mc: I want to step back and talk about organizational 12:40:07 ... topics 12:40:13 ... probably md files are better 12:40:27 ... because it keeps the focus on the content and not the style 12:40:34 ege: ok no problem 12:42:13 ... we have shared this a week ago 12:42:32 kaz: let's skip the part about the slide structure 12:42:49 mc: let's focus on the content 12:43:17 * ege continues with the next topics * 12:44:09 ege: be aware there are topics that are not covered in this slide deck 12:44:12 s/the part/this part/ 12:44:40 mc: I plan to do work for discovery in another document 12:44:52 ege: just talk with cristiano is was looking at query filters 12:45:22 q+ 12:46:10 ... with Michael Koster we decided to hold presentations 12:46:29 s/let's skip/Before that discussion, I strongly suggested we not have the discussion but should have the planning discussion during this call. However, you had some preliminary discussion last week and that's fine. However, let's concentrate on the planning discussion today and skip/ 12:46:36 ... Luca did a nice presentation. The format works well 12:46:45 ege: I found different categories 12:47:12 * Ege presents the different categories of working items 12:48:11 q+ 12:48:19 ege: any category to add ? 12:48:34 q+ 12:48:34 mc: not sure how to improve, but the categories are a little bit vague 12:50:11 ack m 12:51:11 kaz: are we ready for this level of discussion? meaning how to deal with categories of issues. 12:51:27 ... it is probably too early 12:51:39 ... we should focus on how to refactor the documents 12:51:42 q+ 12:51:56 ... we need the concrete discussion of course, but probably later 12:52:50 mc: it is a useful way to organize the work. It is a good idea 12:53:07 kaz: the problem is that this is discussion is orthogonal 12:53:17 ... it can be done for all repository 12:53:32 s/repository/repositories/ 12:53:46 mc: we could take the md file and check the topics that we collected there 12:54:14 kaz: I partially agree, the "what" is important 12:54:23 q+ 12:54:35 ... it is that we should talk about it as a discussion about everything 12:55:02 ... is that ok to change the tile of this discussion? 12:55:11 s/tile/title/ 12:55:31 q+ 12:55:43 ack k 12:55:45 ack k 12:55:47 ack m 12:56:00 q+ 12:56:17 q+ 12:56:40 seb: I worried about discussion, we should let the TD group to present these slides. I understand your concern kaz, but instead of changing the title why don't we take that as an input for a future more generic discussion? 12:56:55 ... please let continue the presentation 12:57:03 (agree with sebastian; let's go through slides as Ege has prepared, then after we see we can discuss how to uplevel and apply to wider refactoring) 12:57:07 q- 12:57:23 kaz: I was concerned about this complication 12:58:07 (regarding kaz's objections: let's consider this a "prototype" of how we can proceed) 12:58:08 ... I am not happy to accept this proposal as the output of TD task force. It should be put more open to the whole group 12:59:29 q? 12:59:32 ack s 13:00:12 mc: let's consider this as a prototype rather as a proposal 13:00:48 ege: the categories is specific to TD 13:01:00 ... it is really narrowed down to TD 13:03:13 ... should I also remove the not Td related topics? 13:03:39 mc: let's move with stuff 13:04:12 q? 13:04:17 ack k 13:04:18 ack k 13:04:18 ack k 13:04:18 ack m 13:04:19 ack m 13:04:19 ack m 13:05:00 *ege continues with the presentation of categories* 13:05:59 s/rather as/or as 13:06:00 ege: we should decide how we mange the generation of the specification document 13:06:08 ... currently is very complicated 13:06:14 ... and slow contributions 13:06:16 s/not Td re/not TD re/ 13:06:29 ... it influence the whole refactoring discussion 13:06:42 seb: sounds good 13:08:35 mk: we plan sections about protocol binding 13:09:04 i/we plan/scribenick: sebastian/ 13:09:21 i/we plan/(scribe switches to Sebastian)/ 13:09:47 ... have section for people that explains the usage of specific binding, and there are sections that explains how to write new binding 13:10:09 q? 13:10:33 MM: how to better organize testing? 13:10:37 q+ 13:10:39 q+ 13:10:58 ... its not only about TDs 13:11:23 ... should also cover behavior 13:11:40 MK: is this about the TD specification? 13:12:05 MM: no, more about an implementation report 13:12:05 q+ 13:12:29 ... should also help about design decission 13:13:39 q+ 13:13:39 ack s 13:13:43 qq+ 13:14:09 q+ 13:14:20 sk: having physical PlugFest again would be great in the new Charter 13:14:56 MM: right, but we need to distinguish plugfest and testfest 13:16:00 ack m 13:16:21 ack mc 13:16:21 McCool, you wanted to react to sebastian 13:17:30 Kaz: brainsorming is fine, but please clarify the work items first and then think about how to deal with the work items 13:18:34 ack k 13:18:50 EK: ok, I will asign this as work item 13:19:06 s/with the work items/with the work items next./ 13:19:39 s/asign/assign/ 13:20:10 ca: we should track the item how to generate the implementation report (which tooling?) 13:20:10 ack c 13:20:20 q+ 13:21:19 lb: we should check that in-person meeting share all the information 13:21:20 ack l 13:21:56 Kaz: what do you mean by single point of truth? 13:22:13 s/point/source 13:22:32 ek: we have a process that genarates the index.html 13:24:20 ... different edits have to done in different documents (JSON Schema, JSON-LD file, ...) 13:24:36 q? 13:24:47 ... we need to bring it to a single source which needs to be edit 13:24:48 q+ 13:25:23 ack k 13:25:38 ack k 13:25:56 kaz: today's process is too complex. Someone else should also able to edit 13:27:32 q+ 13:27:49 s/able to edit/able to edit. That's true. However, we should rather concentrate on the fact we have difficulty with TD spec maintenance rather than thinking about possible solutions./ 13:28:06 sk: agree here, that the process should be more simplified 13:28:08 q? 13:28:13 q+ 13:28:20 ack s 13:28:46 ack m 13:28:48 ack m 13:29:11 mm: we should keep it editable in a single place 13:30:38 q? 13:30:40 q+ 13:31:22 mk: work on well-defined interface to incorporate exeteranl bindings 13:31:42 ... no to be clear how to handle external specifications 13:31:56 s/no/need 13:32:39 ... should be explained well when an own protocol binding is used 13:33:03 Kaz: improving bindings template mechanism is fine 13:34:05 ... Japan such as Takanaka uses WoT for smart building management 13:34:17 ... we can ask for some feedback 13:36:31 ek: this should be useful for both sides 13:37:42 mk: thats important for the design phase 13:38:26 ... intersthing to see how the payload format look like, uri parameters used, etc. 13:38:40 q+ 13:39:40 Kaz: list of slide 17 are ok, but we should derive specific work items 13:39:44 mk: agree with it 13:39:56 q? 13:40:00 ack k 13:40:39 i/important/kaz: For today's discussion, brainstorming is fine. However, we need to think about concrete work items on Binding Templates as well, then think about how to deal with them how and with whom next./ 13:40:47 ack s 13:42:21 i/Japan/... However, we ourselves are not sure about what is really needed for that purpose, and we need to ask actual IoT developers for ideas./ 13:42:23 sk: cooperations with partners and SDOs very important that WoT gest adopted 13:42:57 q? 13:43:28 mk: working on liasions could be broadened out to all of the these types of interactions 13:45:11 ek: 13:45:25 ... managing actions 13:45:25 q+ 13:45:30 ... timeseries 13:45:35 q? 13:45:42 ... linting 13:45:45 ... versioning 13:46:14 q+ 13:47:04 ack m 13:47:54 mm: some work items should have different literals 13:48:25 q? 13:48:43 q+ 13:48:44 ... we should clearifiy, where normative definitions in Archictecure should be moved, when Arch will be a Note in the future 13:49:16 ack k 13:49:20 +1 sebastian... how do we test architecture? 13:49:47 q? 13:49:56 q+ 13:51:03 ... we need to track all work items 13:52:07 mm: chairs can split responsiblity of the deliverables and talk each week, would be a idea 13:52:47 q+ 13:52:57 ack cri 13:53:19 ca: use cases are mainly applied to TD 13:53:33 ... less for discovery 13:53:39 q? 13:53:55 q+ 13:54:19 mm: biggest issue with discovery is not to filter results 13:54:44 kaz: handle Arch on friday 13:54:51 (is HOW to filter results - can't just return entire database every time, which right now is all we can do!) 13:55:40 ack mjk 13:55:41 ... chairs does not need to be responsible for deliverables, however, can should check the status 13:56:01 s/can/ 13:56:18 +1 use cases to motivate all features 13:56:27 ... we should not generate features of own intention 13:56:40 ack k 13:57:31 s/should check the status/should coordinate with the Editors and manage the progress and schedule./ 13:57:39 lb: just to mention that the part where Cris is working on is also related to TD 13:57:49 s/chairs does not/chairs don't/ 13:58:46 s/for deliverables, however,/for technical detail of the specs but can ask the Editors to work on that. However,/ 13:59:05 q? 13:59:07 ack l 13:59:24 s/handle Arch/Firstly, let's handle Arch/ 13:59:34 s/chairs/secondly, chairs/ 14:00:01 q+ 14:00:28 ack k 14:00:58 s/we should not/thirdly, we should not/ 14:01:11 s/features of own/features only based on our own/ 14:01:48 s/intention/intention, but should work on specs based on the use cases based on the industry needs./ 14:02:23 q+ 14:02:37 ack l 14:03:50 topic: Tomorrow's agenda 14:04:26 sk: Liaisons including wot deployment, JSON-LD, Web&Netwrks, Spatial Data, Digital Twins, OPC UA and asset administration shell 14:04:29 ... then Discovery 14:07:46 i/Liaisons/scribenick: kaz/ 14:07:50 [adjourned] 14:07:58 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:07:59 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/21-wot-minutes.html kaz 14:08:01 benfrancis4 has joined #wot 14:08:18 rrsagent, make log public 14:09:03 s/brb// 14:09:12 i/The purpose of/scribenick: kaz/ 14:09:26 i/Arch PR was/scribenick: cris_/ 14:09:27 rrsagent, make log public 14:09:45 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:09:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/21-wot-minutes.html kaz 14:10:47 s/However, we oursel/scribenick: kaz/ 14:11:07 i/Japan such as/scribenick: sebastian/ 14:11:10 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:11:11 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/21-wot-minutes.html kaz 14:11:24 i/For today's discussion,/scribenick: kaz/ 14:11:41 i/thats important/scribenick: sebastian/ 14:11:43 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:11:44 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/21-wot-minutes.html kaz 14:12:14 s/scribenick: kazves/However, we ourselves/ 14:12:28 i/not sure about what/scribenick: ka/ 14:12:31 i/not sure about what/scribenick: kaz/ 14:12:41 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:12:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/21-wot-minutes.html kaz