WoT Next Charter Detailed Planning Session - Day 1

20 June 2023


Ben_Francis, Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima
kaz, McCool, mjk

Meeting minutes

agenda planning

Kaz: suggest defer PR merging and discussion

Sebastian: agree, let's try to avoid deep diving on technical matters

Sebastian: also we need to arrange the agenda so topics are scheduled when people are available

<sebastian> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf/2023_WoT_Next_Charter_Detailed_Planning

Ege: also want to mention we have been working on some slides for some topics, see: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Ko1mLp4LHAXuWJuIF6oG8IG8wBZto2F1_UIGZFpznDc/edit?usp=sharing

McCool: suggest we should not be shy about giving people homework if necessary also

Sebastian's slides (PPTX)

Sebastian: (shows first draft of agenda)
… today, at least scan PRs; talk about "working mode" and timeline; wed, versioning, TD topics, Bindings; Thurs, discovery, liaisons; Friday, profile

McCool: suggest adding policy discussion

Ege: want to understand goal of this week
… is the goal to edit the details doc, or something else?

Sebastian: goal is to decide how the group will run during the new charter
… for example, how many meetings, what task forces and which topics in each, and so forth
… would like to optimize our work
… would like to improve the process itself
… for example, are proposals to use github more for decisions
… also, we have a long list of topics and features, we need to prioritize
… also need to work on policy of who makes decisions, who merges PRs, etc.

Kaz: basically agree, but working mode and timeline can be discussed at the conclusion of this meeting
… think that should be moved to Friday as "next steps"
… also, policy discussion is very important

McCool: also think we need to discuss how to deal with requirements and use cases

Kaz: use cases might be easier than policies, so suggest doing that first

Sebastian: so enough for today, let's get started

McCool: for policies, suggest wot versioning, async decision making, public communication, as a start

Sebastian: how much time will TD and binding take?

Ege: are a number of topics in slides and work items
… two hours should be enough if we avoid deep diving and look at priorities

Sebastian: would give an overview of intended features, and possibly amount of effort, and prioritize

McCool: working on requirements will help us prioritize

Sebastian: so think two hours is enough for TD/Binding; some discussion may have to wait until Friday, e.g. interaction of Profile and TD via defaults

McCool: think we do Liaisons first on Thursday

Kaz: liaisons should be focused on need for W3C; probably need at least 1h

Sebastian: any topics to share?

Kaz: yes, digital twin interest group being launched, we need to also talk about other W3C groups we need to work with

Kaz: don't we need to talk about Arch?

Sebastian: let's do that on Friday

Sebastian: ben, you prepared some slides for profile, how much time do you need?
… and for arch?

McCool: I can do; 30m enough

Charter PR cleanup

<kaz> Remaining PRs on wot-charter-drafts

Sebastian: we still have 14 open
… some belong to profile discussion

McCool: suggest we just call out the ones that need more discussion and merge the rest
… and 92 and 93 are two options, so need to pick

McCool: I was talking about PR numbers

Sebastian: ok, let's go through them to make sure

PR 94

<kaz> PR 94 - Diagram of high-level relationships between WoT documents

Sebastian: PR 94 is nice chart
… ok to merge?

McCool: yes, and let's not get too hung up on small issues, this is only a first draft, and also work items are only provisional

Sebastian: merged

PR 90

Sebastian: PR 90

<kaz> PR 90 - Reword updated profiling mechanism details

Ben: probably superceded by 92 and 93

Sebastian: ok, let's discuss it when we discuss those

PR 86

<kaz> PR 86 - Remove normative deliverable mention from bindings

Sebastian: PR 86
… is typo, removed mention of normative deliverable for binding

<sebastian> w3c/wot-charter-drafts#86

Sebastian: merged

PR 78

<kaz> PR 78 - Define Streaming and RTSP work items in Details

Sebastian: PR 78
… just additional detail on streaming and RTSP

McCool: is provisional, but suggests RTSP as a place to start for streaming

Sebastian: and discussion?

Luca: like idea, but word of warning, RTSP is a big rabbit hole

McCool: streaming generally, or just RTSP?

Luca: streaming generally, WebRTC raises similar problems
… concern is that it will take a lot of time

McCool: think we want to do the minimal amount to support

Luca: problem is there is a distinction between control and data plan

McCool: suggest we merge but later on figure out how much time it will take and the priority, and include the time needed in our planning

Kaz: PR itself is ok, but we should not talk about specifics today
… should think about specific use cases
… later

PR 77

<kaz> PR 77 - Expand description of Onboarding in Details

Sebastian: PR 77

McCool: this was expanding the definition of onboarding, as requested
… think we need to defer discussion of where it goes

PR 18

<kaz> PR 18 - Replace "Modbus" in CoAP Protocol Binding section

Sebastian: PR 18
… this was a typo fix, Modbus mentioned by accident under CoAP (cut-and-paste error)
… merged

Sebastian: should we look at issues?


Issue 115

<kaz> Issue 115 - Move Detailed planning to wot repo

McCool: should we move to new repo first?

Other issues

McCool: some of these also related to specific deliverables, e.g. TD, so we can discussion
… suggest Ege goes through these in TD session

Sebastian: what about security?

McCool: let's do security during Arch session, since it is related (e.g. where to put normative security content)

<sebastian> w3c/wot-charter-drafts#14

McCool: agree protocol binding terminology is confusing

Ben: are two proposals on the table right now, but won't be able to attend, so will comment now
… depending on which direction we take, may need to rename some documents, also relates to how profiles and bindings relate to each other

Sebastian: one proposal was to merge bindings into TD doc as well
… but I think Ege will discuss tomorrow

Sebastian: that seems to be all the issues

Kaz: suggest we add levels to the issues, e.g. cross-referencing to agenda

Sebastian: will do after meeting
… issue 14 can be discussed later during regular TD call

Kaz: suggest we quickly categorize all the remaining issues and record it here on the minutes then (so that you can add labels later easily :)

(McCool quickly categorize the issues)

McCool: 115 - org; 114 - org; 112 - org; 80 - Profile; 59 - TD; 57 - TD; 25 - Liaison/org; 15 - Arch; 14 - Bindings

Use cases and requirements

McCool: there are 2 choices, top-down or bottom-up, suggest bottom-up approach with each work item

McCool: we need to be able to say how the requirements were satisfied by the work items

McCool: we need to justify each work item

Ben: suggest that each specification have a requirements document
… to make the scope and contents clear for each spec
… these should be living documents
… the existing UCR is too high level and broad

Ege: second Ben's points
… there is an issue of document management and an issue of how to satisfy the requirements in the document

McCool: second the idea of requirements for each document
… we could separate use case as a general document and have requirements for each specification
… for example, we need to add use cases for streaming
… agree that it needs to be a living document that adds PRs as needed
… we have some obvious use cases that aren't documented

Kaz: agree with these points, but remember that the use case should reflect the industry needs
… it should describe the industry scenarios and what is needed across industry
… then technical requirements should be extracted

McCool: bottom-up doesn't mean leading with features, but keeping them in context of use cases
… we should have justification for each feature

Kaz: we should be very clear about the policy and procedure

Sebastian: the use case document is more targeted to management, but not where we justify features

McCool: use cases should be base on scenarios and not predict features
… a use case may need a set of many features

Kaz: agree

Luca: we should go through the full cycle including test cases to insure we don't diverge from the target

McCool: we should restart the use case meeting and focus on the process
… let's work on one requirements as a prototype of the process
… maybe some of us who are free this summer could work on this

Sebastian: do we continue the current mode and update the current document?

McCool: we need more discussion
… and come back to the main call

Kaz: we have some consensus and can proceed during the use case call

McCool: we could start at the beginning of the new charter

Kaz: we will need someone to moderate these calls

McCool: can do the first, and discuss who can take over

Sebastian: can also discuss on Friday

policy discussion

McCool: let's first brainstorm which policies to discuss
… there is a document we can review
… starting with the roles of the proposed 3 chairs and has a list of policies
… one item is the decision process
… there is a proposal in the document for the decision process with 3 chairs
… another item is how to choose editors
… can a chair be an editor?

Kaz: for today, we should think about the broader whole group policies
… for example, how and when to bring CG proposals to the use case document

McCool: which decisions require group decisions vs. chairs
… we could make a list of things the chairs could decide without group involvement
… policies for choosing chairs and for resolutions
… need to be reviewed in the discussion

Sebastian: which point should we discuss today?

Asynchronous Review Process

<Ege> wot PR 1005 - Asynchronous Review Process for Specification Changes

McCool: let's start with the async decision process
… since Ben is here to discuss

Ben: I have a proposal for how to use github t oget to merging PRs without requiring group consensus in face to face meetings
… except for controversial PRs

McCool: how do we decide what is controversial?

Ben: we can use the code review tools on github

McCool: if there are no objections, we could merge PRs

Ben: also for non-normative changes we could have an editor approval
… subject to allowing anyone to object, which would trigger a group discussion

McCool: normative changes are those that include assertions, which is difficult to automate
… we could have a flat 2 week waiting period policy

Kaz: concerned that some of the participants could have a problem with a completely offline process. We need some discussion in the calls

McCool: they could file an objection to trigger the discussion
… it should be easier for those in different time zones

Kaz: there could be a comment indicating that a particular PR needs more discussion

McCool: there could be a policy requiring objectors to attend the discussion in person

Sebastian: agree with Kaz concern, but we could have more explanation in writing that gives people more time to study the PR
… it should be fair to everyone

Mizushima: it is important to preserve the consensus process

McCool: we need a concrete policy that we can discuss

<benfrancis> w3c/wot#1005

McCool: also need a leader to drive the policy discussion

Ege: will there be one policy for all documents
… maybe people still disagree on what the problem is, so we should document the problem

McCool: there should be a consistent policy for all TF unless there is a really good reason

Ege: there could be issues with a complex document like TD

McCool: there may be some special cases

Next steps

Sebastian: next steps? the chairs could prepare policy proposals

McCool: we already have Ben's proposal for the async process, and can have chairs drive the others

<Ege> regarding public communications, there is some in marketing https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Marketing_WebConf

McCool: we should clarify this before the new charter starts

Sebastian: available for the next 2 weeks

McCool: we have a document to guide this process

Agenda check

Sebastian: agenda check, we are done with today's topics

Sebastian: next meeting tomorrow we will focus on TD and bindings

Kaz: please capture the agenda topics to the wiki and publish these slides

Ben: want to point out that there are no good time slots for everyone
… volunteer to chair the profile meetings and can discuss on Friday

McCool: tomorrow we plan to have a main call, do we need resolutions?

Kaz: we don't need resolutions

McCool: let's have a short main call to decide if we need a main call

Kaz: let's have a progress check before we start the TD topics
… that can be the first part of the planning meeting

Sebastian: any other comments? AOB?
… adjourned

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).