Guidance for Policy Makers Subgroup

19 June 2023


Azlan, Cyborg, Cyborg_, Cyborg__, garcialo, garcialo2, Jason_k, shadi

Meeting minutes

Potential 3 Week Extension

Shadi: Sent in email, spoke with chairs given that we had several holidays. Chairs said if the group agrees, they will be happy to extend by 3 weeks

<Azlan> Happy to continue

<garcialo2> +1

<Cyborg__> +1


Shadi: Agreement of subgroup and no objections by email

<Cyborg__> sorry i was having trouble with windows so had to leave and come back to IRC a few times. here again and yes i'm in favour of extension

Topic 2: Slides for AGWCAG
… Some email feedback, these are just the slides. Try to minimize text to avoid distraction. Tried to find balance with people who will just read them.
… Reviewed slides (as written on 6/19)

<shadi> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1y_uNtKFOrvVmtVgDmqWTHe_vsLwTfXYBJQ39un6UKNE/edit#slide=id.p

<Cyborg__> concern about objectives - same as per written in scratch pad

<Cyborg__> we've also referred to them as "organizational practices"

Luis: Put SLA, didn't know if that was a generic enough term

Shadi: Different orgs have different terms, changed to expected time/ process for reponsiding to users to make it more general
… is overall approach okay? 10-15 mins only. Any thoughts?

Luis- overall it looks good. Assume there will be questions. 8 slides feels good.

Cybele: Slide on objective, and slide on intent; split with prior work. in addition to prior work, there were prior critique. This was strong about concerns about watering down or creating exceptions
… have a statement to make it clear to make accessibility more likely to happen, and not reduce it
… for example all this content got upload, and now can get an exemption to accessible. Now with this group, its to find means to how to make it accessible. What is the strategy to get there rather than how we avoid doing it

Cybele: Wants to respond to that critique that the moment it re-enters, there is a response to that. WCAG 3 is not embedding exemptions. We need a firm statement

Agreement with this thought by group. Some rewording of this for the slide.

Shadi: There are 2 sets of docs, one is editorial improvement of use cases of WCAG 3. The other is a suggestion, will link from subgroup page, on how policy guidance will look like
… we did not manage to get consensus. This is what we are trying to continue.

Cybele: Haven't seen concern manifest, its the history of this issue

Shadi: Use case doc is a new start. we need to distinguish from technical standard and policy. Want to explore, can we think beyond WCAG. These are real world issues and what can we do about it

Luis: Framing it for myself, policy is there to help create policy culture of the enviornment. What to do/not to do to behave a certain way. We are doing a similar way
… These are things are ways of doing things, to allow you to opperate in a more accessible manner

<garcialo2> Jason_K: Do we have questions to clarify or pain points? Now might be a good time to bring it up.

Cybele: Slide 6- possible use of some form of 'protocols', instead of organizations practices

<Cyborg__> organizational practices

Shadi: Can put in speaker notes and definitely mention that.

Cybele: Organizational practices (as refered in CSUN) wouldn't relate to some of the bullet points. Its in the conformance proposal. There are measureable conformance, and organizational practices which can be asserted and described. Could be done in practice or a maturity model.
… could be done in organizational level, or a level of granularity your referering to in bullet point 1
… other question, we are switching to phase 2, does that mean we have finished phase 1?

Shadi: No, and maybe that's an outstanding issue; we really didn't have the time.
… I think new model, have short groups, knowing that its quick iterations. leaning on agile, come back and say its rough but these are the broad strokes coming out. Then get permission to continue to evolve certain areas
… no, we didn't get the time, but thats by design/intention

Cybele: I think what has come out of this group so far, is that where there isn't a clear WCAG standard, the stadnard is difficult to be normative, more process based verse technical, can be more challenging due to scenarios, then WCAG could suggest these proctols and tool to support orgs to establish their own procotols to address scenerios.. give them pathways to accessibility

Luis: My thought is that this is some potential interesting finding. summary some ideas, of things that have stood out
… not establishing policies, or how it will work into WCAG.
… just from our converstaions, what are some of the interesting points that have come up

<Azlan> +1

Luis: not a summary of everything, just a sampling

Cybele: I like that because it makes it less conclusive.
… What's been positive/exciting is discovery of opportunities and pathways. Thinking about key examples

Luis: This is something that's being considered, and we are doing this work to see if this is something that should be done based on this content (to put together a formal doc)
… here were we are, some interesting things that come up, keep people updated

<Cyborg__> as an example, i think the indexing of new inaccessible content, so that requests to get access lead to requesting accessibility ...

Shadi: Spent time thinking about this, and excited about different pathways aswell. Not sure if we've gotten there yet, just discussions so far

<Cyborg__> ok

Shadi: next phase we'll figure out if we can get it into an outline

Shadi: encourage if there are high level questions, it can happen in the discussion.First leave others to react, if they are silent, please chime in with questions

Luis: Do we need to say this is where we are?

Shadi: will think of something to add to slide

<Cyborg__> thank you Shadi!

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


Maybe present: Cybele, Luis

All speakers: Cybele, Luis, Shadi

Active on IRC: Azlan, Cyborg, Cyborg_, Cyborg__, garcialo2, Jason_k, shadi