XForms Users Community Group Teleconference

16 June 2023


Alain, Erik, Steven

Meeting minutes

ACTION-2341: Update function signatures in spec (Steven)


Steven: Done

CLose ACTION-2341

<trackbot> Closed ACTION-2341.

ACTION-2342: Spec the event communication for further discussion.




Steven: Preparing this specification, I discovered questions I didn't have an immediate answer for, so thought it would be good if we discussed it.

Erik: I think we discussed whether the ref needs to be an element before

Steven: Yes, I'd have to dig out the discussion

Steven: attributes are one question, and nodesets are another.

Erik: Ideally you'd want to have that.

Steven: I agree
… which does make it different from submission then

Erik: A single node covers most scenarios, but it would be good to be as general as possible

Alain: I think that's too ambitious
… we should keep it as an element, at least in the first version
… submission replace works for me in the case.

Steven: OK Erik?

Erik: Yes.

Steven: How about the initialisation method

Erik: or the parent to the child, we need a method

Steven: I agree that there are several implementation methods possible, but as long as they behave the same from the outside all is well. All we need is a syntax to specify how to say that.

Steven: I now have no more questions, so I will continue with the action.


Steven: Holiday season is beginniing.

Next call 28 July

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/;/'/

Succeeded: s/missio/mission/

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Steven

All speakers: Alain, Erik, Steven

Active on IRC: Steven