14:48:42 RRSAgent has joined #maturity 14:48:46 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/06/14-maturity-irc 14:48:47 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:48:48 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Fazio 14:49:12 meeting: Msturity Model 14:50:09 present+ 14:50:21 chair: Fazio 14:50:29 Agenda+ New Business 14:50:50 Agenda+ Spreadsheet Update 14:51:11 Agenda+TL;DR Update 14:51:37 Agenda+ Support Dimension Update 14:51:55 Agenda+ Stakeholder Document Update 14:52:16 Agenda+ Publication Update 14:57:59 CharlesL has joined #maturity 15:00:24 Mark_M has joined #maturity 15:00:57 present+ 15:04:30 present+ 15:04:35 stacey has joined #maturity 15:04:39 present+ 15:04:44 regrets+ Nadine, Susanna 15:04:45 janina has joined #maturity 15:04:46 Sheri_B-H has joined #maturity 15:04:51 zakim, who's here? 15:04:51 Present: Fazio, Mark_M, CharlesL, stacey 15:04:53 On IRC I see Sheri_B-H, janina, stacey, Mark_M, CharlesL, RRSAgent, Zakim, Fazio, ghurlbot 15:05:09 present+ 15:06:31 present+ 15:08:59 Lionel has joined #maturity 15:09:07 present+ 15:10:14 scribe: Lionel 15:10:18 zakim, next item 15:10:18 agendum 1 -- New Business -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:10:38 Fazio: Need someone to update the github 15:13:42 Sheri_B-H: Stacey to own the intro -- she will get github assist 15:13:59 ... Sheri will own the use cases and spreadsheet 15:14:17 ... still open, get Susie's changes from the spreadsheet (in the support dimension) into the narrative 15:14:40 ... Lionel will enter the stakeholder material 15:15:47 q+ 15:15:57 ... Spell chack and broken link check: Janina to task Roy with that 15:16:23 CharlesL: Need to update information on the location of the Excel sheet and a link to it. 15:16:26 Sheri_B-H: I'll take that 15:16:53 ack me 15:18:34 Fazio: We are shooting for 28-June publication 15:19:00 janina: I recall we do working draft on 28-Jun, as ramp up for publication in July 15:19:40 scribe+ 15:20:10 Topic: Stakeholder Spreadsheet 15:21:03 Roles discussion for RACI spreadsheet. Completed a draft. Need to come back to the list of roles. Stacey, Jeff and Lionel worked on this. 15:21:56 we decided that these were internal roles 15:22:35 bit fuzzy and messy, struggled the with roles as the list was originally made in other work. Propose curating a list that's more suited for maturity model roles 15:23:28 To complete, why we're doing this - the person in charge of a dimension will look to the roles as who to engage for the proof points 15:24:11 Sheri - it all looks correct to her. Waffling a bit on trainer/instructor as not involved with ICt so don't know if push or pull model. ICT people need training... 15:24:37 This is where the fuzziness comes in with roles and definition of roles as some things may be "it depends" 15:25:04 Designer for example - designer of the product or the courseware? 15:25:31 If we curate the role list it should have comments/definition. 15:25:45 Involved a lot vs those not involved as much into secondary group? 15:26:28 Maybe a subset isOK, but we might run into trouble if we define things differently 15:26:42 Agreed eliminate the specific roles keep more general 15:27:48 Perhaps we should honor list of roles from AGWG, but look at a subset? 15:29:13 list of roles...what is the value depending on how different people/companies will look at it? Look at the proof points, they pick a dimension then pick a person/role to work on or assign the work. Based on the proof points they're going to figure out who's going to be needed to be involved. 15:29:51 Giving a starting point to complete the dimension analysis is good to get them started and helps us continue the work that AGWG started. 15:31:15 Instead of discreet roles, what if we established different disciplines that go into the proof point? If the "head person" doesn't understand what to do or how to get started, then you might assume no one below that knows either. Maybe we create a more instruction for each dimension on how to approach it, or what discipline that should be involved, this might add some value. 15:31:45 We had a lot of discussion on the roles, if we're having these discussions then others will as well. 15:32:16 Why not both? Don't want to hold the update, but no reason we can't do both and people can absorb and adapt to the size of org and how they're structured 15:32:37 Spoke with Gene, she'll join us in about three weeks 15:32:43 Jean (spelling?) 15:35:01 stacey: This is what I am hearing 15:35:17 ... (1) is there harm in publishing the roles in the way we did it, with explanation 15:35:23 ... then beyond that explore it more 15:35:35 ... we also discussed the Spider Graph approach done previously 15:36:07 q+ 15:36:25 Fazio: OK to publish and ask, is this useful 15:37:48 stacey: "We dont want to be precious with our work, but we don't want to cause harm with what we do." 15:38:35 ack CharlesL 15:39:14 Our sub-group worked out the roles here, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ssN718MpZjxJkx4nltj6XdzziFzeCMyG0Hm0vJZolgc/edit#gid=1561882902 15:41:43 https://w3c.github.io/maturity-model/ 15:44:38 Jeff: I suggest we publish it as a seperate document 15:44:44 janina: That's not an option 15:44:49 Fazio: I suggest an appendix 15:45:13 +1 to the Appendix idea 15:45:46 Jeff: Appendix sounds fine with me. 15:46:43 Fazio: Any objections to adding the stakeholders document as an appendix? 15:48:21 Resolved: TO publish stakeholders document as an appendix, with an editor's note 15:58:01 zakim, end meeting 15:58:01 As of this point the attendees have been Fazio, Mark_M, CharlesL, stacey, Sheri_B-H, janina, Lionel 15:58:01 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:58:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/14-maturity-minutes.html Zakim 15:58:09 I am happy to have been of service, Lionel; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:58:09 Zakim has left #maturity 15:58:17 CharlesL has left #maturity