13:45:50 RRSAgent has joined #ixml 13:45:55 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/06/13-ixml-irc 13:46:03 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:46:35 Meeting: ixml Group Teleconference 13:46:35 Date: 13 June 2023 13:46:35 Chair: Steven 13:47:35 Previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2023/05/09-ixml-minutes 13:48:03 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ixml/2023Jun/0004 13:48:19 Rrsagent, make minutes 13:48:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/13-ixml-minutes.html Steven 14:01:25 cmsmcq has joined #ixml 14:02:31 Topic: Previous Actions 14:02:49 ACTION 2023-01-10-b: Michael to take another pass on the EBNF to BNF 14:02:49 document 14:02:56 norm has joined #ixml 14:03:00 BTovey has joined #ixml 14:03:01 Michael: Continues 14:03:11 ACTION 2023-01-10-d: Michael to work out the metadata for identifying 14:03:11 the Unicode version(s) associated with a test. 14:03:11 Done: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ixml/2023Jun/0002.html 14:03:14 john has joined #ixml 14:03:34 Michael: Let's discuss later 14:03:42 ACTION 2023-01-10-f: Norm and Michael to do a bit of revision to 14:03:42 improve the draft documentation of the XML 14:03:42 vocabulary (see #137) for further discussion. 14:03:58 Norm: Continues 14:04:06 ACTION 2023-01-10-h: Michael to review RELAX NG rules and report back. 14:04:06 Done: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ixml/2023Jun/0003.html 14:04:43 ACTION 2023-02-07-a: Steven to make Pull Request for Unicode test 14:04:48 [Done] 14:05:11 Steven: There is a test to try and comment on 14:06:07 Steven: I copy the input to output, not strictly needed 14:06:15 Norm: I think it's a good thing 14:06:27 ACTION 2023-02-07-b: Michael to think about adding to the test suite 14:06:28 schema to cover browser (etc) version 14:06:28 Done: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ixml/2023Jun/0002.html 14:06:49 ACTION 2023-04-11-a: Norm to investigate production of 14:06:49 rules-conformant version of spec, for publication 14:06:49 as CG Report 14:06:56 Norm: Continues 14:07:05 ACTION 2023-04-11-b: Michael to explore the use of named environments 14:07:05 in the test suite 14:07:05 Done: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ixml/2023Jun/0002.html 14:07:25 Michael: We shouldn;t do it now, we can discuss shortly 14:07:43 ACTION 2023-04-11-c: John to write up his work on grammar import. 14:07:50 John: Half done 14:07:58 ... in Markdown 14:08:32 ... I may send the draft to us individually tomorrow 14:08:42 ACTION 2023-05-09-a: Norm to revise the erratum to include stripping 14:08:42 the BOM from UTF-8 input strings (as a should). 14:08:42 Done: pull request 178. 14:08:52 ACTION 2023-05-09-b: Norm to make a pass attempting to describe 14:08:52 serialization. 14:08:52 Done: pull request 179. 14:09:03 Norm: Reformatted today with changes from Michael 14:09:13 ... All to check 14:09:22 ACTION 2023-05-09-c: Steven to produce new sample grammars for issue 14:09:22 #139 for discussion in June. 14:09:30 Steven: Posted today 14:10:18 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ixml/2023Jun/0009.html 14:10:29 ... run it on the examples and see what you think of the output. 14:10:54 ACTION 2023-05-09-d: Steven to produce a discussion document for 14:10:54 renaming (issue #13). 14:11:00 Steven: Continues 14:11:09 Topic: Status reports 14:11:24 John: I updated based on comments from Steven 14:11:35 .. there were spaces missing in the output 14:12:06 ... it's implementation dependent whether whitespace is preserved 14:12:24 s/;/'/ 14:13:38 Steven: Did you track down the problem where out implementations differ? 14:14:01 John: Not yet 14:14:17 ACTION: Steven to upload ambiguous test to test suite 14:14:58 Norm: I tidied some stuff 14:15:06 Steven: Small changes, nothing special 14:15:26 Topic: publication plans 14:15:37 Norm: Continues 14:18:57 Steven: I gave tutorials and talks at web cionference and MarkupUK. Went well 14:19:06 Topic: Review and resolution of bug reports and technical issues 14:20:13 Subtopic: Issues #174 and #175 BOMs 14:20:22 rrsagent, make minutes 14:20:23 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/13-ixml-minutes.html Steven 14:22:57 RESOLUTION: accepted 14:23:17 Norm: I will republish the errata 14:24:08 Subtopic: Issue #176 Encoding CR, NEL, LINE SEPARATOR etc. 14:27:07 Bethan: I disagree with the use of "not constrained" in this paragraph. 14:28:50 [Discussion] 14:29:01 Bethan: OK, I'm OK with it 14:29:36 John: I have an example where spaces are removed from the serialization. Is that allowed? 14:30:16 ... under indentation conditions, whitespace is elided. 14:30:42 Norm: This is about indentation. It's covered in the XML Serialisation spec. 14:31:45 Michael: It's ok to have an option for indented output 14:32:13 ... I think that as long as there is an option NOT to indent, it's OK 14:33:01 Steven: Do we normatively reference the serialisation spec? 14:33:25 John: It's only when we serialise that the whitespace rules kick in 14:33:54 ... we have an XML tree, what we do then 14:34:35 Norm: Our spec says it is manditatory to serialise 14:35:16 Michael: It troubles me how we use serialistion as term. 14:35:31 ... making a tree is parsing not serialisation 14:35:44 ... I don;t think we should police APIs 14:35:48 s/;/'/ 14:36:36 Michael: When you pass a tree to a consumer, you are out of the purview of the spec 14:37:06 ... we don;t specify how DOM trees are handed over 14:37:36 Bethan: The spec does say that processors SHOULD be able to serialise as characters, but, also, .... 14:37:53 ... is that 'also' instead or in addition? 14:39:24 ... Michael: An ixml processor muts be able to procude a sequence of characters 14:39:32 s/muts/must/ 14:39:44 s/procude/produce/ 14:39:55 s/...// 14:40:52 Steven: We haven't answered John's question yet 14:41:14 Norm: Serialisation is constrained that it has to provide the right XML 14:41:42 Michael: For "the XML" read "the selected parse tree". 14:41:56 Bethan: That resolves my position 14:42:35 Michael for the minutes we have two questions: John's question, and Steven's about whether we reference the serialisation spec. 14:42:49 ... I would like to avoid referencing the serialisation spec. 14:43:22 Norm: I don;t want to impose the constraint that we are building an XDM instance 14:43:26 s/;/' 14:43:59 Michael: It would make sense to say that processors could use options defined in the serialisation sepc. 14:44:08 s/sepc/spec/ 14:44:25 ... It would allow John to offer indentation 14:45:20 Norm: I'd be prepared to stop short of requiring those options be able to be turned off 14:46:04 Michael: There may be choices in serialisation that the Serialisation spec allows that we don;t want to allow as options 14:46:26 ... indentation=off is a requirement for the testsuite 14:47:07 John: I do my test checks not at the text level, but compare XML trees 14:47:47 ACTION: Steven to add spaces test to suite 14:49:00 Norm: how about a nonormative ref to Serialisation, and a note about not adding new whitespace as a SHOULD 14:50:35 ACTION: Norm to assemble a proposal on Serialisation 14:52:43 [We read Norm's new paragraph, and grunt in agreement] 14:53:32 Topic: AOB 14:53:45 Norm: We need to speed up. For instance every two weeks. 14:53:52 [Agreement] 14:54:36 Michael: Second and fourth weeks? 14:54:41 Norm: No every 14 days 14:54:49 s/No/No,/ 14:56:21 Next meeting: 27th of June; after that maybe 11th July, play it by ear 14:57:03 rrsaget, make minutes 14:57:17 rrsagent, make minutes 14:57:18 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/13-ixml-minutes.html Steven 14:58:03 Present: Bethan, John, Michael, Norm, Steven 14:58:03 rrsagent, make minutes 14:58:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/13-ixml-minutes.html Steven 14:59:33 s/cionference/conference 15:00:21 s/don;t/don't/G 15:01:17 s/Michael for the minutes/Michael: for the minutes 15:01:59 s/nonormative/nonnormative 15:02:35 s/No,rm/Norm/ 15:02:49 s/No every/No, every 15:03:02 rrsagent, make minutes 15:03:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/13-ixml-minutes.html Steven