08 June 2023


AndyS, AZ, doerthe, Dominik_T, enrico, gkellogg_, gtw, ktk, olaf, ora, pchampin, pfps, TallTed, Timothe, Tpt
AndyS, pchampin

Meeting minutes

Scribe: Champin, Pierre-Antoine (alternate: Gschwend, Adrian)

<pchampin> I can scribe

Approval of last week's minutes: 1

<pfps> minutes are acceptable - there are a couple of things that could be cleaned up but I don't think they are worth it

<AndyS> LGTM

<ora> proposal: accept last week's minutes

<ora> +1

<gkellogg_> +1

<pchampin> +1

<pfps> +1

<olaf> +1

<AndyS> +1

<Tpt> +1

<TallTed> +1

RESOLUTION: accept last week's minutes

<AZ> +0 (I did not have time to look at them)

Update on W3C TPAC 2023

ora: the tentative TPAC agenda is out; not sure everyone got it or only the chairs
… They are offering us Tuesday (whole day) for our F2F meeting
… does that work for everyone?
… Wednesday is the plenary; in my email I asked for Tuesday or Thursday

<pfps> I expect to call in if remote participation is possible, but I will not be travelling there.

<ora> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Tj66Ase5tc--S-Vjo9Q1pXEINaTmOEzDpnS1J5gtqOI/edit#gid=2063528840

olaf: I'm not familiar with the plenary; what is it?

ora: there are no group meeting on Wednesday, because of the plenary. There are presentations for all the attendees.

gkellogg_: the plenary is followed by breakout sessions (unconference style)

ora: anybody here wanting to attend but who can't make it on Tuesday?


pchampin: TPAC is hybrid, so remote participation will be possible
… There will be a conflict with the DID WG (Tuesday morning) so I will share my time (staff contact of both groups)
… I detected no other conflicts with other RDF-related groups

Update on "First Public Working Draft" (FPWD)

pchampin: Last two docs published

<gkellogg_> tobie/specref#748

pchampin: issue about specref - has not caught up with the publications so our PR have errors. Gregg has done the updates but not gone through the pipeline.
… fixed shortly

pfps: All RDF docs refer to RDF+SPARQL but SPARQL docs ref to SPARQL

AndyS: that's just a document thing, not a process error
… I thought that including 11 references was big enough

<TallTed> +1 all 22 docs should cross-link to all 22 docs, whether or not the section collapses

AndyS: If the section collapses, why not include all 22 of them; if its does not, I would prefer to keep it short

pfps: some sections collapse; can we make this one collapse?

gkellogg_: yes, it is possible using the 'details' HTML element
… these lists are managed by files on the 'common' directory
… I have to check if we can put the 'details' tag in these files

pfps: I'm willing to work with someone to improve this

gkellogg_: we can make an experiment on one of the specs
… note that PR preview will not show it (included file) but githack can deal with it

pfps: let's use sparql-entailment for this test

pfps: also, all these links point to the github document rather than TR/; is that what we want?

gkellogg_: it uses the data-cite mechanism, so it should fix itself at some point

<pfps> then all this looks fine by me

Update on Use Case Proposals

pfps: we talked about UCs last week; not too much new
… I think it's time to send an email to various groups to request people to submit UCs
… unless this group thinks it's a bad idea, I plan to send an email to the public WG ML and to the semanticweb ML

ora: I think it is a good idea

pfps: we have not decided how to publish the UCs yes (Note?) so it is unclear how we refer to it

TallTed: I was pointing out that the READMEs in the repo do not mention this doc

pfps: I can make a PR on all repos to add that link to the READMEs

ACTION: pfps: prs to all repos to add link to ucr repository

<ghurlbot> Created action #64

gkellogg_: also, the common files should be updated as well

pfps: some UCs have significant info on them
… the UCR document now points to the CG UCR document, where some of them are

<pfps> Please consider taking up a use case from the community group. To do so add an entry to

<pfps> https://github.com/w3c/rdf-ucr/wiki/Status-of--use-cases-submitted-to-community-group. Then contact the submitter, get them to create a use case issue in w3c/rdf-ucr, and collaborate with them to create a full use case that can help determine how quoted triples will work.

Update on Semantic TF

enrico: I missed the last meeting, the one before that was cancelled
… we have identified 3 different behaviours
… the plan is to unify them based on different proposals made by Peter, Antoine, and myself
… how they will be syntactically represented is a different story

ora: I hope we also get use-cases to support this

Review of open actions, available at 2

AZ: action #19 about conformance is assigned to ora, but we are working on it together

<ghurlbot> Action 19 work with antoine and others to come up with a proposal for weak and strong compliance (on Antoine-Zimmermann, rdfguy) due 16 Feb 2023

AZ: I sent an email to the ML about it; two ways to deal with conformance
… one option is to define levels of conformance
… another would be to define profiles: full and classic
… where "classic" would be more or less RDF 1.1 (maybe + base direction)
… both option would need some actions on the documents

ora: we came to the conclusion that we need a term to talk about "graphs that do not contain quoted triples"

<pfps> how about graphs formerly known as RDF

ora: we are open to suggestions on that

olaf: I don't really understand the difference between the two options
… what would that mean for systems?

ora: they are not either-or

AZ: if we define two profiles, we need to describe for each profile, what it means to conform
… this is more about how we word the differences than about their effect on complying systems

AndyS: Can spell out these implications in the issue? They were not entirely clear to me.
… We need to find a way to determine what "RDF 1.2" means, without having to ask each time "which one?"
… [discusses "close" profiles, which do not change entailment, vs. "open" profiles, who may change it]

gkellogg_: "classic" might give the wrong impression that this is nothing more than RDF 1.1, while it might contain more things (base direction)
… the name should convey the idea that it is without quoted triples
… Another point: the RCH WG will probably not support quoted triples for canonicalization

<TallTed> I might suggest "RDF 1.2 Simple" (even if they're not necessarily simple to the human eye) vs "RDF 1.2 Complex"

gkellogg_: A way to roundtrip between "full" and "without quoted triples" would be useful

gkellogg_: "simple triple" is already used, and means something else

AndyS: and "simple entailment"

TallTed: how about "basic"?

AndyS: put it on the issue, to give visibility to this discussion

Review of pull requests, available at 3

gkellogg_: w3c/rdf-turtle#27

<ghurlbot> Pull Request 27 Update Turtle grammar for quoted triples and annotations (gkellogg) spec:substantive

gkellogg_: I think this one is ready to do, thanks to AndyS for helping
… I plan to reflect it in Trig; propose to merge this one

ora: sounds to me like we can merge it
… we don't have a PR for TriG, right?

gkellogg_: no, we were experimenting with styling and things
… but the changes should be congruent

ora: where are we on the mobile phone thing?

pchampin: I'm assigning myself this PR to reminid me of taking care of it (consult some a12y expert at W3C)

Tpt: w3c/sparql-query#89

<ghurlbot> Pull Request 89 Upgrades references to XPath from 2.0 to 3.1 (Tpt) spec:substantive

Tpt: also updates on references to XML Schema datatypes
… among other changes is "year 0"

ora: what is the impact on systems?

AndyS: it changes how we refer to years before the common era (-1, -2, -3)

ora: anything else? can we merge w3c/rdf-concepts#44?

<ghurlbot> Pull Request 44 Adds note about limitations of xsd:float and xsd:double (hartig) spec:editorial

olaf: yes, I will merge it after the call

named graphs

AndyS: some issue was raised on rdf-concepts about named graphs

<AndyS> w3c/rdf-concepts#46

AndyS: maybe we could think of a group response?

<pfps> fine by me

ora: I would like us to have a discussion on this before we come up with a group response

gkellogg_: Named graphs are commonly used for many different things
… they have to specified semantics, the world moved on

AndyS: the proposal is to use singleton named graphs to represent quoted triples

ora: there is good and bad in the absence of formal semantics for named graphs
… good because that gave people flexibility in how to use them; bad because there is no uniformity
… shall we add this discussion to next week's agenda?

AndyS: as long as it does not prevent us from making progress on other things

Summary of action items

  1. pfps: prs to all repos to add link to ucr repository

Summary of resolutions

  1. accept last week's minutes
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/doe/does/

Succeeded: s/collides/collapses/

Succeeded: s/`action: @pfps to xyz`//

Succeeded: s|https://github.com/pfps -> @pfps||

Succeeded: s/action on me: prs to all repos to add link to ucr repository//

Succeeded: s|Cannot create action. Validation failed. Maybe on me is not a valid user for w3c/rdf-star-wg?||

Succeeded: s/one option/... one option/

Succeeded: s/p+/present+/

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: pchampin

All speakers: AndyS, AZ, enrico, gkellogg_, olaf, ora, pchampin, pfps, TallTed, Tpt

Active on IRC: AndyS, AZ, doerthe, Dominik_T, enrico, gkellogg_, gtw, ktk, olaf, ora, pchampin, pfps, TallTed, Timothe, Tpt