16:59:08 RRSAgent has joined #aria 16:59:12 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/06/08-aria-irc 16:59:12 RRSAgent, make logs Public 16:59:13 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jamesn 16:59:19 meeting: ARIA WG 16:59:19 Adam_Page has joined #aria 16:59:24 agendabot, find agenda 16:59:24 jamesn, OK. This may take a minute... 16:59:25 agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/ecffaf8b-8aa7-4acc-b238-6088a86cf12f/20230608T130000 16:59:25 clear agenda 16:59:25 agenda+ -> New Issue Triage http://bit.ly/3MYWGCT 16:59:25 agenda+ -> New PR Triage https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/ecffaf8b-8aa7-4acc-b238-6088a86cf12f/bit.ly/3Nfyy07 16:59:28 agenda+ -> Deep Dive planning https://bit.ly/aria-meaty-topic-candidates 16:59:30 agenda+ -> Considerations for focusgroup https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1947 16:59:33 agenda+ -> [Role Parity] What do we do about summary element? https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/939 17:00:53 jaunita_george has joined #aria 17:01:16 scotto has joined #aria 17:01:20 jongund has joined #aria 17:01:23 arigilmore has joined #aria 17:01:24 Francis_Storr has joined #aria 17:02:17 scribe: Adam_Page 17:02:27 present+ 17:02:29 present+ 17:02:30 zakim, next item 17:02:30 agendum 1 -- -> New Issue Triage http://bit.ly/3MYWGCT -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:02:45 present+ 17:04:09 https://bit.ly/3qyTruk 17:04:43 jamesn: #1950 17:04:57 andrea has joined #aria 17:05:01 benb has joined #aria 17:05:04 scotto: probably for ARIA 1.4 17:05:05 present+ 17:05:07 Matt_King has joined #aria 17:05:12 jamesn: agenda for next week? 17:05:16 scotto: sure 17:05:24 jamesn: #1948 17:05:32 present+ 17:05:56 scotto: supposed to be taken care of by Anne’s PR 17:06:03 sirib has joined #aria 17:06:30 BGaraventa has joined #aria 17:06:34 juanita_george: I’ll review 17:06:43 present+ bgaraventa 17:06:54 jamesn: #194 17:07:29 BGaraventa: is this for background images? 17:08:13 scotto: this is because one can use CSS pseudo elements to concatenate alt text 17:09:06 ... but Chromium is allowing that to trump visible text 17:09:19 q+ 17:09:35 myasonik has joined #aria 17:09:39 ... this allows some to visually render something and then override the accname with pseudo element content 17:09:46 jamesn: let’s agenda this 17:10:29 jcraig: CSS has had a supported capability to override alt for some time but this developed later 17:10:34 present+ 17:10:36 jamesn: #178 17:11:17 ... anyone familiar with IA2 who can explain this one? 17:12:06 benb: I’ll take assignment of this one 17:12:22 jamesn: #1947 17:12:24 present+ 17:12:27 ... this one’s already on the agenda 17:12:29 zakim, next item 17:12:29 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, Adam_Page 17:12:34 ack jamesn 17:12:35 q- 17:12:37 zakim, next item 17:12:37 agendum 2 -- -> New PR Triage https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/ecffaf8b-8aa7-4acc-b238-6088a86cf12f/bit.ly/3Nfyy07 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:12:56 present+ Daniel 17:12:57 https://github.com/search?l=&q=is:open+is:pr+created:%3E%3D2023-06-01+repo:w3c/aria+repo:w3c/accname+repo:w3c/core-aam+repo:w3c/dpub-aam+repo:w3c/dpub-aria+repo:w3c/html-aam&type=Issues 17:13:35 jamesn: #1949 17:14:43 ... if anyone else wants to review, please do 17:14:53 jamesn: #179 17:15:20 ... would be good for spectranaut to review 17:16:18 ... I’ll also request aaronlev’s review 17:16:21 zakim, next item 17:16:21 agendum 3 -- -> Deep Dive planning https://bit.ly/aria-meaty-topic-candidates -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:16:34 jamesn: anyone want a deep dive for the next few weeks? 17:16:46 scotto: maybe we should decide after the next two agenda items 17:16:50 zakim, close this item 17:16:50 agendum 3 closed 17:16:51 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 17:16:51 4. -> Considerations for focusgroup https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1947 [from agendabot] 17:17:03 zakim, next item 17:17:03 agendum 4 -- -> Considerations for focusgroup https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1947 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:17:39 scotto: there’s currently no one driving this, but it’s not unimportant 17:17:46 benb: it’s on my team’s active backlog 17:18:57 scotto: in toying around with this, it became clear that — at least in the explainer — there’s no overt mention of how this would work from an accessibility perspective or usability implications 17:19:41 ... e.g., no visual indication of focus for the group or guidance for roving tab index 17:19:54 ... has implications for ARIA menus, listboxes, etc. 17:20:09 q+ 17:20:11 ... nothing called out in the docs yet for a sighted keyboard experience 17:20:34 ... but when testing out the current implementation in Chromium, this seemed to work quite well for patterns that expected this behavior — menus, toolbars, etc. 17:20:55 ... but intermixing elements that would result in JAWS and NVDA switching modes was problematic 17:21:14 ... that’s why I wanted to raise this issue here in the WG 17:21:26 ... we should take a close look at the explainer and consider commentary 17:21:32 ... and arguably this is a good feature 17:21:41 ... allow people to quickly navigate large blocks of focusable elements 17:21:42 q+ 17:21:49 ... we already have roles in place where this behavior is already expected 17:22:16 ... what kind of mappings would we need to give to AT — like lists of links, etc., where arrow key navigation should work 17:22:23 ack me 17:22:45 jamesn: this seems really useful and that people are already doing in frameworks all the time 17:22:58 ... don’t see any issues in terms of exposing this to visual user 17:23:32 ... potentially confusing to use different keystrokes in different places, but it’s already highly custom in frameworks 17:23:44 ... I support this and want to give it a closer look 17:23:46 q+ 17:23:50 ack Matt_King 17:24:23 Matt_King: I’ll echo that this feature is kind of a shortcut; lets you avoid custom JS when implementing APG patterns 17:24:52 ... devs already had a responsibility to implement it correctly to avoid authoring errors 17:25:07 q+ 17:25:13 ... but I would love to explore whether user agents could do something to visually indicate the focused grouping 17:25:21 ... that would be awesome 17:25:49 ... and if there are things we can do in the explainer or within the feature itself to avoid some of the mode-switching AT problems scotto described 17:25:51 ack sirib 17:25:57 ack me 17:26:45 sirib: how will the user know what the keyboard behaviors will be? I’m concerned for the end user 17:26:55 ack scotto 17:27:42 scotto: another potential feature I can see for focusgroup is — for better or worse — there are people who’ve requested that toolbars, listings of buttons, etc. expose enumeration to AT 17:28:14 q+ 17:28:53 ack Matt_King 17:29:05 ... something like this, purposefully including things that should be individual tab stops could cause user confusion 17:29:53 Matt_King: if you’re using toolbar, tab, list, all those things support posinset and setsize 17:30:12 ... but we wouldn’t want people applying focusgoup carelessly to divs, etc. 17:30:19 scotto: it will be a global atttribute, so they could do that 17:30:38 Matt_King: so if they did that, what role would we give the div, and/or should that be an authoring error? 17:30:49 ... would we respect focusgroup on a generic container? 17:31:25 scotto: I think next step, apart from a deep dive, is: anyone who’s not familiar with this proposal, please read through it and consider commentary 17:31:39 ... there is an implementation in Chrome Canary you can try out 17:31:45 ... now’s the time to influence the spec 17:31:49 Matt_King: +1 to deep dive 17:31:50 q+ 17:32:18 ... and put together a small group to create some APG examples using Chrome Canary 17:32:40 jamesn: let‘s use #1947 to collect questions we have, comments on our experiments 17:32:55 ... and then we can schedule a deep dive for next week if enough participation happens 17:33:03 ... or by the following week 17:33:28 jcraig: I’m out next week, so I’d prefer the following week 17:33:51 jamesn: I’ll pencil in a deep dive for the week after next 17:33:57 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1947 17:34:30 jamesn: if no one’s put in anything by next week, then we’ll postpone the deep dive 17:34:51 scotto: I’m raising the issue, but I’m not the champion — everyone, please come prepared 17:34:53 q? 17:34:56 q- 17:34:57 zakim, next item 17:34:57 agendum 5 -- -> [Role Parity] What do we do about summary element? https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/939 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:36:20 scotto: accordions are being prototyped right now to use details/summary, and that exposes some gaps 17:36:31 ... and the spec allows arbitrary content in the summary 17:37:20 ... this has created some problems because nested interactive elements are allowed 17:38:21 ... we have disparate mappings for summary across platforms 17:38:37 q+ 17:38:46 ... but the mapping of the underlying element isn’t necessarily clear right now — it’s like a button, but not quite 17:40:24 ... we have the opportunity to either double down that this is a button or we come up with a new role that indicates the element itself is interactive but can also have interactive children 17:40:29 q+ 17:41:14 scotto: data has shown that 50% of summary elements in the wild contain interactive children 17:41:47 Matt_King: VO, NVDA, and JAWS all show me button expanded/collapsed for that element 17:41:52 scotto: VO shouldn’t be doing that 17:42:27 ... Webkit and macOS VO (notably not iOS VO) in particular are actually demonstrating how this could work, and maybe *should* work 17:43:01 ack Matt_King 17:43:24 Matt_King: a side comment about accordions 17:44:08 ... the other problem we’ve encountered in the APG is handling summaries that need to be headings 17:44:42 Matt_King: I hope we don’t add another role here 17:45:05 ... if there’s some movement toward allowing buttons to be composite, that sounds super complicated — and we should have that conversation before this one 17:45:21 ack me 17:45:24 ... is there urgency to solving this particular summary problem? 17:45:58 jamesn: I want to step back. This is a problem we all see all the time, another example is cards with nested interactives 17:46:23 ... and although there are solutions in code, no one seems to want to use those techniques 17:46:36 Matt_King: exactly, let’s solve that higher-level problem first 17:47:18 ... it could be the case that we change nothing at all for non-composite buttons and links, but we allow some differentiation for buttons and links that are detected to be composite 17:47:34 ... we don’t necessarily have to break legacy 17:47:46 scotto: I agree 17:47:52 ... we have another deep dive topic here 17:48:03 ... re: your question about urgency, this is something that is happening now 17:48:20 ... a PR has been made to allow for details/summary to be used for accordion implementations 17:48:44 ... if this gets pushed and implemented in browsers, then this pattern will proliferate 17:49:13 Matt_King: that reinforces to me that we need to address the underlying issue 17:49:34 ... could we have a separate session to understand this accordion issue specifically? 17:51:09 scotto: beyond just wonky AT behavior, the underlying mapping issues are significant 17:52:30 jamesn: shall we schedule a deep dive? 17:52:54 scotto: I have a few different proposals in mind 17:53:14 ... but I want to hear other perspectives 17:53:27 ... I see two routes: 17:54:00 ... #1: because this element has a variety of different mappings and is being exposed in different ways, the non-button versions are working quite well — see Safari — there could be a role for this that works 17:54:25 agenda+ ARIA 1.2 is a w3c Recommendation https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/ 🎉 17:54:50 ... #2: we do a larger re-evaluation of how buttons work in general and make that all consistent and figure out how to handle nested interactive elements, e.g., secondary actions, then platforms could change their mappings 17:54:58 ... it’ll be a big lift either way 17:55:20 Matt_King: for both routes, mapping changes will be necessary 17:55:22 scotto: yes 17:55:51 jamesn: let’s have a follow-up 17:56:00 scotto: yes, let’s do it after July 4th 17:56:08 jamesn: we’ll schedule it next week 17:56:09 zakim, next item 17:56:09 agendum 6 -- ARIA 1.2 is a w3c Recommendation https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/ 🎉 -- taken up [from jamesn] 17:56:50 jamesn: thank you to everyone who made this happen! 17:57:09 Matt_King: congratulations! 17:58:10 jamesn: we’ve learned some things about the process to make our next version move faster 17:58:23 scotto: did we resolve all 1.2 issues? 17:58:43 jamesn: there are a few unresolved, but we can push out our first public working draft 17:59:14 Matt_King: the editor’s draft on GH pages right now: is that our first public working draft? 17:59:17 jamesn: probably 17:59:50 ... I need to double-check some things there 18:00:13 ... we did have stable vs. main, but we’re kind of doing away with stable, which should make editor‘s draft the main 18:00:39 present+ 18:00:45 zakim, end meeting 18:00:45 As of this point the attendees have been Adam_Page, scotto, arigilmore, benb, Matt_King, bgaraventa, myasonik, jcraig, Daniel, Francis_Storr 18:00:46 present+ 18:00:47 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 18:00:49 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/08-aria-minutes.html Zakim 18:00:56 I am happy to have been of service, Adam_Page; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 18:00:56 Zakim has left #aria 19:20:35 jongund has joined #aria 22:13:47 jongund has joined #aria 23:50:04 jongund has joined #aria