14:00:59 RRSAgent has joined #wot-td 14:01:03 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/06/07-wot-td-irc 14:01:12 meeting: WoT-WG - TD-TF 14:01:28 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Ege_Korkan 14:02:29 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Thing_Description_WebConf#June_7.2C_2023 14:04:35 present+ Daniel_Peintner, Michael_Koster 14:06:21 McCool_ has joined #wot-td 14:06:30 present+ Michael_McCool 14:08:08 topic: minutes 14:08:11 https://www.w3.org/2023/05/31-wot-td-minutes.html 14:08:25 cris__ has joined #wot-td 14:08:48 s|https://www.w3.org/2023/05/31-wot-td-minutes.html|-> https://www.w3.org/2023/05/31-wot-td-minutes.html May-31| 14:08:51 topic: minutes review 14:09:16 ege: cristiano's name is misspelled 14:09:29 ... discussed about timeslot changes 14:09:35 rrsagent, make log public 14:09:40 ... and introduced the new moderation configuration 14:09:58 i/misspe/scribenick: cris__/ 14:10:03 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:10:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/07-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 14:10:20 ... finally we recorded the resolution to publish the protocol binding document 14:10:41 q+ 14:10:47 ... we also discuss big architecture refactoring 14:10:51 ... missing slides 14:11:06 mk: I'll merge PR with the slides 14:11:41 ege: ok, thanks 14:11:43 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/1091 wot PR 1091 - Create 2023-31-05-tdnext.pdf 14:12:03 ... we went back to the implementation report and reached the resolution to publish TD 14:12:36 mjk has joined #wot-td 14:12:51 ... ok fixes has been made, minutes approved (slides link will be added later) 14:13:11 kaz: fixed slides link 14:13:14 ege: great 14:13:33 topic: Timeslot length and preference 14:13:44 ege: it will stay as it is for this charter 14:13:56 i/Timeslot/(Minutes approved)/ 14:14:02 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:14:03 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/07-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 14:14:09 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima 14:14:25 ... we would do a general check for people availability before changing. 14:14:25 chair: Ege 14:14:48 q+ 14:14:49 topic: moderation rules 14:14:59 ege: I think we should document it somewhere 14:15:12 ack k 14:15:24 kaz: right, as a starting policy we can simply copy the basic policy you presented at the top of the wiki page. 14:15:56 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:15:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/07-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 14:16:16 present+ Cristiano_Aguzzi 14:16:17 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:16:19 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/07-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 14:16:25 https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/PRESENTATIONS/2023-31-05-tdnext.pdf 14:16:53 ege: anything to add? 14:16:57 ... ok 14:17:14 dape has joined #wot-td 14:17:36 topic: Ongoing topics 14:17:59 ege: do you want to add anything to the Thing Description topics to discuss during TPac? 14:18:23 topic: Binding Templates publication check 14:18:29 ege: do we need to do something? 14:18:35 q+ 14:19:14 kaz: no action, please don't any addition 14:19:26 https://github.com/w3c/wot-binding-templates/blob/main/publication/note3/Overview.html is cleaned up version 14:19:31 ... I'll continue the document check 14:20:09 topic: Thing Description 14:20:28 subtopic: Update implementation description 14:20:44 ege: PR in flight, there was some discussion 14:21:06 mc: implementations are inconsistency named 14:21:31 s/no action, please don't any addition/if the static version for publication is stable enough, I'll work on that. That means you should not add any more edits ;)/ 14:21:35 ack k 14:21:47 s/... I'll continue the document check// 14:22:04 q+ 14:23:02 i|PR in|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1838 wot-thing-description PR 1838 - Update Implementation Descriptions| 14:23:04 cris: will update the directory name 14:23:08 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:23:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/07-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 14:23:22 ege: wot-rust has a PR with the description. 14:23:26 https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/pull/582/files 14:23:27 mc: we can merge it 14:23:52 s/rust/testing/ 14:24:20 s|https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/pull/582/files|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/pull/582 wot-testing PR 582 - Add wot-rust implementation description| 14:24:43 s/description/description around wot-rust implementation/ 14:24:46 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:24:48 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/07-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 14:25:27 ege: should we merge the PR today? 14:25:27 i|should|(PR 582 merged)| 14:25:27 mc: yes, please I'll follow up with another one 14:26:27 s/PR today/TD PR 1838 today/ 14:26:31 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:27:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/07-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 14:27:26 s/one/one. Just to make sure, Kaz, would it be OK to keep the Implementation Report updated during the Proposed REC transition procedure?/ 14:27:28 kaz: yes 14:27:37 i/yes/scribenick: kaz/ 14:27:38 subtopic: PR publication prep 14:27:44 scribenick: cris__ 14:27:47 ege: I worked the static version for publication 14:28:12 ... I did some changes to the index.html 14:28:19 ... very boring, I summarized in the PR 14:28:35 i/subtopic/(PR 1838 merged)/ 14:29:03 i|worked|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1837 wot-thing-description PR 1837 - PR Publication Prep| 14:29:46 -> https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/1837/13c529a...c6308ce.html#changes-from-cr-2023 diff 14:31:49 ... then I did the tooling checks 14:32:38 ... I added PR config to respec inside the ver11/6-pr 14:32:50 ... no css problems 14:32:59 CSS: https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.statically.io%2Fgh%2Fw3c%2Fwot-thing-description%2Ff014c9592d80d8c3b5da278ff2f89763e8f085fa%2Fpublication%2Fver11%2F6-pr%2FOverview.html&profile=css3svg&usermedium=all&warning=1&vextwarning=&lang=en 14:33:03 ... link checker is showing false positives 14:33:06 Link Checker: https://validator.w3.org/checklink?uri=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.statically.io%2Fgh%2Fw3c%2Fwot-thing-description%2Ff014c9592d80d8c3b5da278ff2f89763e8f085fa%2Fpublication%2Fver11%2F6-pr%2FOverview.html&hide_type=all&depth=&check=Check 14:33:51 mc: what is the broken link mean in this context? 14:34:11 kaz: if you can see the expected section then there is no problem 14:34:25 ... it might be a bug of the tool 14:34:42 ... it could be related to the ietf html 14:34:53 q+ 14:34:54 ege: same thing happen with github 14:34:56 ack c 14:35:04 ... note that is just the fragment 14:35:49 ege: also I got an 401 14:35:56 mjk has joined #wot-td 14:36:00 kaz: that link is for AC review, don't worry about the error 14:36:39 ege: there is redirection but the link checker report 500 14:36:47 kaz: if the content is correct there is no problem 14:37:08 ege: I did not bother about redirection warnings 14:37:11 kaz: right 14:37:22 ege: then we don't have any other errors 14:37:36 ... after these checks I controlled Pubrules 14:37:55 kaz: have you used static urls in github.io ? 14:38:17 ... you can doublecheck the tools after merging the PR with the static page 14:38:18 q? 14:38:20 ack k 14:38:33 ege: pubrules checker results in some warnings 14:39:17 ... we add a warning to convey that new features may be added in the future 14:39:54 kaz: note that pubchecker and respec are matained by different people 14:40:21 ... usually that note should be inserted in the status section 14:40:38 ... in theory respec should inject that automatically 14:40:41 ege: ok 14:40:41 s/pubchecker/Pubrules Checker/ 14:40:47 s/respec/ReSpec/ 14:40:59 mc: ok but let's do this consistently in all the relevant documents 14:41:02 s/respec/ReSpec/ 14:41:23 ege: then I got another warning about messing the end date 14:41:38 kaz: it dipends on the actual publication date. I'll handle that. 14:41:43 ege: ok that's was all 14:41:52 ... any other comments? 14:41:52 s/was// 14:44:02 ege: wait I noticed that the future update warning mention process 2021 we are not following that 14:44:05 kaz: right 14:44:15 mc: the warning says *may* 14:44:32 kaz: we are following 2021 14:44:40 ege: ah ok 14:49:07 ege: there is an error 14:49:12 kaz: we can fix it offline 14:49:22 mc: just let me know how fix it 14:50:50 ege: should we merge PR? 14:50:52 kaz: yes 14:50:57 ege: merged 14:53:43 topic: pending issues by REC 14:53:57 subtopic: Issue 1753 14:54:12 ege: there is informative text to be added 14:54:49 mc: I think we should defer this to TD 2.0. In the current status I'd accept only typo fixes 14:55:01 ege: ok deferred to 2.0 14:55:13 subtopic: Issue 1769 14:55:29 ege: we should have a static version of our schema 14:55:29 i|there is|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/1753 wot-thing-description Issue 1753 - Informative text on text direction handling| 14:56:26 q+ 14:56:26 ... how to proceed ? 14:56:26 kaz: we talked about this months ago, I need a concrete URL 14:56:48 ... creating a subdirectory under existing namespace is easier 14:56:48 ege: alright 14:57:11 q+ 14:57:17 i|we should|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/1769 wot-thing-description Issue 1769 - Informative text on text direction handling| 14:57:20 ack k 14:57:32 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:57:33 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/07-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 14:58:19 ack c 14:59:04 scribenick: McCool_ 14:59:28 topic: Next Charter Discussion 14:59:59 ege: let's go back to the presentation we looked at last week 14:59:59 https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/PRESENTATIONS/2023-31-05-tdnext.pdf 15:00:09 s|https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/PRESENTATIONS/2023-31-05-tdnext.pdf|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/PRESENTATIONS/2023-31-05-tdnext.pdf Koster's slides| 15:00:15 q+ 15:00:27 ege: where should we document this big discussion, feedback, etc? 15:00:31 q+ 15:01:12 kaz: Koster's proposal is nice, productive, and useful, but needs to be discussed in next charter planning meeting - can have preliminary discussions here 15:01:18 ... but need to summarize 15:01:35 ack k 15:02:15 ege: main thing is to create a summary 15:02:36 mm: suggest using an issue, then people can post things, you can post a proposed summary and ask for votes 15:03:20 mm: also think should highlight issues/decisions that need group 15:03:43 q? 15:03:44 ... e.g. exact format of bindings document 15:03:46 ack m 15:04:22 ege: ok. Last time we had to stop early since we had to do the IR; do you want to go over some more points? 15:04:36 koster: didn't really go into too much depth, was high-level overview 15:04:54 ... so what we can do is consider this my point of view 15:04:58 ... probably missing some things 15:05:13 ... is just a baseline 15:05:32 ... right now we have about 50 to dig into it a bit 15:05:39 s/50/50 minutes/ 15:05:50 q+ Koster's voice is OK on my line 15:05:57 ack k 15:06:40 koster: basically agree that this pres is just a starting point 15:06:47 ... can add other big items 15:07:01 ... but suggest we spend time today collecting the big items 15:07:19 q+ 15:08:19 mm: suggest two large categories, organizational and technical 15:08:31 ... suggest we get the organizational ones out of the way 15:09:38 mm: by organizational I mean what docs do we have, do we use a registry, etc. 15:10:05 q+ 15:10:16 ack m 15:10:17 ack k 15:11:10 ege: where should we put it, and what format? 15:11:27 mm: suggest an md file rather than a PDF for ease of editing and tracking changes 15:11:33 ege: in td repo? 15:11:52 mm: think td repo would make sense for details, can link from wot/planning later 15:13:02 q+ 15:13:48 mm: note that I think we will probably move/reorganize the details document 15:14:24 ack k 15:14:40 kaz: should be a topic of the planning meeting 15:15:26 ege: is there a rendered version of the details doc? 15:15:33 s/meeting/meeting, but for the moment, I'd suggest we put the MD version of Koster's slides on the wot-thing-description repository as something like "planning.md"/ 15:15:36 mm: github.io should work 15:16:48 mm: also, summary can go in same MD file as detailed discussion, just at the top in a "Summary" section 15:17:21 ege: does that work for you, Koster? 15:17:23 koster: sure 15:17:46 ege: ok, will merge a template for this MD file 15:17:47 https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/blob/main/PLANNING.md 15:17:55 koster: 15:18:03 ... I will do a PR to update 15:18:35 s/koster:// 15:18:41 s/... I/koster: I/ 15:18:43 ege: do we have anything else to discuss? 15:19:07 mm: maybe look at high-level structure 15:19:38 koster: three big bits: TD, bindings, TM 15:19:44 ... and generally restructuring 15:20:09 ... have generally agreed to integrate bindings into TD spec 15:20:49 ... but not integration of current binding docs, but simplify it, clean up 15:21:11 q+ 15:21:24 ... and Thing Models, need to clarify some things, consider optionality (e.g.) 15:22:05 mm: and for bindings, this is a registry, not all the detailed bindings, correct? 15:22:10 koster: right 15:22:44 ege: note TM is already part of the TD doc, so is this an internal reorganization? 15:23:08 koster: don't really have a different TM doc, but structure needs some work 15:23:31 ... maybe what is should do is add some "optionality" on top of a Thing 15:23:52 ... e.g. here is a form element, here is what is needed for a TD, here is what is optional in a TM 15:24:23 mm: in summary, describe the TM and TD together 15:24:33 koster: right, they are not that different 15:25:12 ... may still have some separate section for large-scale differences, e.g. contexts 15:25:26 ack e 15:25:29 q+ 15:25:33 ... but details can be done with this optionality idea 15:25:43 ack k 15:25:43 kaz: agree, this makes sense 15:25:56 koster: but protocol bindings seems like a separate section 15:26:14 ... think it is a little more than a registry, there needs to be an interface with TDs 15:26:22 ... e.g. vocabularies for forms, etc. 15:26:51 ... can't really legislate how a third-party protocol actually works 15:27:39 mm: one thing I'm concerned about is validation; need to do a better job, including when extensions are used 15:28:20 ege: validation is mentioned in the detailed work items; 15:28:30 ... there is also a "linting" item 15:28:44 koster: maybe looking for a different word 15:28:58 ... question of what checks we need when 15:29:00 q+ 15:29:55 mm: may be different kinds of validation for different use cases 15:29:56 ack m 15:30:10 ... e.g. for registration in a directory, for writing a protocol binding, etc. 15:31:19 mm: part of the reason I think we need to fix this is that I want to make security etc. more modular, using extensions, but want to make sure they can be validated 15:31:43 koster: there is also "review" material in this presentation 15:32:01 ... core idea is connecting applications to protocols 15:32:41 ... protocol bindings are therefore a key part of this 15:32:53 ... want to make it easy to add protocol bindings 15:33:52 ... but trying to do validation for protocols is kind of out of scope, e.g. imagine trying to validate a binding for MODBUS 15:34:06 ... but we can specify the "connectors" 15:34:34 ... in general we need clear boundaries 15:34:46 ... can also use HTTP and CoAP bindings as test cases 15:34:56 ... refactor, use to "test" interfaces 15:35:19 ege: do feel we should definitely maintain some ourselves, if only to test process 15:35:42 koster: we also have two customers for protocol bindings 15:35:51 ... users vs. those developing bindings 15:35:52 q? 15:36:28 koster: brings us to the registry; we maybe have separate sections for these two kinds of users 15:37:44 ... should be some policies, etc. on how submissions are reviewed, maintained, retired (if not being maintained), and so on 15:38:10 ege: also need to consider how to "market" this so people outside can contribute 15:38:13 q+ 15:38:53 q+ 15:39:04 mm: need to consider how non-W3C members, e.g. a CG, can register a binding 15:39:51 ack m 15:39:51 ack m 15:40:11 ege: should consider issues of permanance, IPR, W3C process and policies, etc. 15:40:32 q+ 15:40:32 koster: can talk to VC group, which has dealt with some of these issues already 15:40:37 ack k 15:40:49 ack k 15:41:02 s/koster:/kaz:/ 15:41:08 dape: about registry, three years, WG is over, can someone still update the registry? 15:41:12 s|VC|VC/DID| 15:41:16 ... is there a known process? 15:41:27 q+ 15:41:34 ege: personally don't know, would have to look 15:41:55 ack dape 15:41:59 kaz: 2021 does include registry track, but how to maintain registry, need procedural clarification 15:42:42 ege: process document does talk about a "custodian" role, e.g. WG can empower an organization for maintenance 15:42:53 ack k 15:43:07 https://www.w3.org/2021/Process-20211102/#reg-table-update 15:43:31 koster: also, issue of github PR, but what if content is hosted elsewhere? 15:43:54 ... maintenance of registry itself is a different issue 15:44:12 ... probably every once in a while a group will have to be reconvened to do updates 15:44:14 s/these issues already/these issues already. Also we can ask the other experts within W3C, who have expertise on registries, for help, e.g., Henry Thompson :)/ 15:45:03 ege: let's also quickly discuss TMs 15:46:01 ... also would like to remove the various bindings "categories", not that useful and confusing 15:46:16 koster: a few things that happen 15:46:20 ... vocabularies 15:46:46 ... then the payload; what it looks like on the wire 15:47:49 ... when do you edit the TD and when do you edit the binding? How does the JSON schema in the TD relate to the actual on-the-wire format? 15:48:18 ... ecosystem binding - might use multiple protocols, same payloads, etc. 15:48:41 ... e.g. OCF used variant of CoAP + HTTP 15:49:09 ... ecosystem binding is not JUST a payload and a protocol binding 15:49:19 ege: agree, sometimes it is very clear 15:49:25 q? 15:49:30 ... in other cases, it is more complicated 15:50:00 q+ 15:50:30 q+ 15:50:40 ack m 15:51:15 mm: organizational issues: one big meeting, separate meetings for TDs and bindings? 15:51:36 ... things like async decision process I think should be made consistent across TFs 15:52:22 ege: may also have special topics, e.g. bindings for some specific protocol like BACNET, may have to invite people from outside 15:52:33 koster: a different goverence path 15:52:48 ... could also imagine delegating some of this to a CG 15:52:51 q? 15:53:03 kaz: tend to agree with some of this 15:53:08 ... but not all 15:53:29 ... don't think async decisions are as useful as calls 15:53:38 q+ 15:53:48 ... so we should be careful about how the overall process works 15:54:20 ege: yes, sometimes github discussions never end or get to a conclusion 15:54:30 ... other things are straightforward 15:54:42 ... but if there is a discussion, a sync call is more useful 15:54:59 kaz: do need to clarify policy about how to manage discussions 15:55:10 ... tech discussions should be based on use cases 15:55:58 ... should avoid features that are purely technical without clear user-driven needs 15:56:18 ... need to consider what is important and necessary 15:56:19 q+ 15:56:24 ack k 15:56:49 ack e 15:57:08 ege: agree 15:58:22 ack m 15:58:28 mm: regarding async/synch, can focus on when we need each 15:58:53 ... as for use cases, I think we can drive new TD features on what we need to support bindings 15:58:59 ... so a bindings-first approach 15:59:14 q+ 15:59:51 ack k 16:59:44 kaz has joined #wot-td 17:18:13 kaz has joined #wot-td 18:03:50 Zakim has left #wot-td