07 June 2023


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, David_Ezell, Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Tetsushi_Matsuda, Tomoaki_Mizushima

Meeting minutes

Minutes review

-> May-31

McCool: Any objections?

-> hearing no -> minutes approved

Quick Updates



McCool: Today we gonna cancel testing
… Question about security & discovery call next week..
… we could cancel Security next week
… Arch call tomorrow (June 8) is cancelled
… Note: Monday discovery is not cancelled

Kaz: As put there on the Cancellations section of the wiki, there is a possibility I can't make some of the calls next week.

McCool: Okay, then lets cancel discovery

Daniel/Cristiano: Kaz is working on publication w.r.t. Scripting
… okay, lets cancel Scripting

Kaz: I keep scripting people updated

McCool: We need main call next week for resolutions
… even if Kaz is not there

Web-based Digital Twins IG during the Strategy meeting on May 30

Kaz: Proposal was approved
… next step is to update charter
-> current draft Charter
… liaison with WoT is important part

Switching the teleconf system from WebEx to Zoom

McCool: walked over some wiki pages.. need to be aware of it

Schedule Changes

TD call changes

McCool: reorganizing calls
… that work across the world ... TD slot is rather late for Japan
… Sebastian would like to have less calls in a week
… Doodle planned for TD call

McCool: Agree with "continue to use the current TD slot on Wednesday during the current Charter period (until the end of July)"

Kaz: thought Ege and Koster agreed as well

McCool: Yes, but early in the morning in Japan
… but let's finish after charter period

Ege: Would like to ask "who" wants to join and in which timezone to get a better idea

McCool: Or collect information about "available hours"
… and the task forces people are interested in

Kaz: For now we should concentrate on publication and charter meeting planning
… let's defer the discussion for now

Chair call changes

McCool: tentatively using the Use Cases slot on Tuesday

Dial-in information on the TF wiki pages is out-of-date

McCool: Update wiki with W3C calendar link

WG Charter review status

Kaz: Everything is listed there on the main wiki
… PLH visits Japan next week
… will talk with him

McCool: not sure about chair roles (3 people)

Kaz: Will talk with PLH
… need to clarify the chairs roles
… difference between chairs role and taskforce leaders

McCool: We should wrap it up soon
… otherwise we delay charter

TPAC 2023 planning

McCool: reached out to some groups
… updated wiki accordingly

Ege: send email to web Agents
… I am in contact with them

Kaz: talked with MEIG and PBG .. need to clarify agenda items for a meeting
… btw. TPAC agenda should contain charter meetings outcome at TPAC also

McCool: Linked building data should be added to joint calls

Kaz: Agree, is a CG

McCool: Sebastian is planning to contact them
… possible topics can be added in detailed planning

Kaz: We might want to meet with "Web-based Digital Twins IG" also

McCool: Good point



<kaz> Schedule

McCool: publication schedule

McCool: today we should have resolution to proceed with Arch 1.1
… next week we can start procedure
… unfortunately Kaz is not available next week

Kaz: Technically we need group resolution for publication
… no resolution for request

McCool: Okay, will update MD file
… w.r.t. Next WG Charter there are no dates yet

Proposed Recommendation Transition

McCool: I have proposed resolution for all 3 documents (Arch, Discovery and TD)

Kaz: I am ok having 3 different resolutions
… anyway we need to have 3 transition requests
… therefore better to have 3 resolutions

McCool: Architecture
… we have some minor PRs
… updating changelog
… see PR 922, w3c/wot-architecture#922
… no objections, merging PR 922

McCool: Update Acknowledgements
… see PR 921, w3c/wot-architecture#921
… put them in alphabetical order
… did not add editors names

CA: Typo in my name... without h

McCool: will fix it right away

DP: Umlaut ä for Käbisch .. or ae

McCool: Saw both variants.. will ping Sebastian

McCool: need to resolve PR conflict before merging
… static document is generated... so no real problem

McCool: no objections, merging PR 921

McCool: next, going through resolutions

<McCool> proposed: Proceed with transition to Proposed Recommendation status for Web of Things (WoT) Architecture 1.1 based on the current Editors' draft and Implementation Report at w3c/wot-architecture

RESOLUTION: Proceed with transition to Proposed Recommendation status for Web of Things (WoT) Architecture 1.1 based on the current Editors' draft and Implementation Report at w3c/wot-architecture

McCool: next, discovery

RESOLUTION: Proceed with transition to Proposed Recommendation status for Web of Things (WoT) Discovery based on the current Editors' draft and Implementation Report at w3c/wot-discovery

McCool: finally TD

RESOLUTION: Proceed with transition to Proposed Recommendation status for Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description 1.1 based on the current Editors' draft and Implementation Report at w3c/wot-thing-description

McCool: Plan is that each task force should proceed publication request/checks etc
… on 21 we should have resolutions for publications

Planning - Current Charter


McCool: Could still use more testimonials, please talk to your AC representative
… need to work on press release also
… need 3 or 4 testimonials for press release

Planning - Next Charter

McCool: Propose June 19-23, 2023, 8-10am Eastern M/T/W/Th, w3c/wot#1088
… we used Doodle for timeslot, https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/dwKYZAXd/vote

McCool: Wednesday is main call ... maybe conflict
… let's stick to June 19-23, 2023, 8-10am Eastern M/T/W/Th
… 4 days in a row

Kaz: I have potential conflict on Monday
… maybe we can use Friday... if we need 4 days

McCool: Okay, let's leave off Monday.. and we discuss whether we need Friday

McCool: we should start allocating zoom calls

Kaz: Can do so and distribute emails to announce it

McCool: let's cancel main call on June 14 also

Ege: We will have TD call

Kaz: w.r.t. TD call, Ege please clarify agenda with Sebastian and Koster

McCool: lot of work left for agenda, see https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf/2023_WoT_Next_Charter_Detailed_Planning
… agenda bashing in first meeting

Kaz: We need to look into remaining PRs
… maybe better with initial discussion ... about basic direction
… like Kosters proposal for TD

McCool: BTW, TAG asked about meeting w.r.t. Profile
… maybe aiming meeting Monday 19
… will send out email
… asked about Matter as well

Kaz: 2 points
… TAG meeting, 19 is not best fit, 26 would be better
… Japanese CG, asking them to clarify their annual schedule including meetups, hackathons, etc.

Review Liaisons

McCool: OPCUA meeting is the same week as detailed planning meeting
… will send updates by email

TF Reports


<kaz> Marketing TF discussion

Ege: we reached TF resolution to have LinkedIn presence
… similar to Twitter

McCool: 2 questions
… other W3C activities ?

Ege: Yes, officially.. not sure about working groups

McCool: I can see LinkedIn being good

<Ege> verifiable credentials at linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12495816/

Ege: And also different people (compared to Twitter)

McCool: Maybe we can think about it.. for next charter?

Ege: I checked, on LinkedIn there are other W3C groups

Kaz: I am not really interested in creating a LinkedIn account
… suggest to wait for next charter period

McCool: Okay, let's add it to wiki for the next charter detailed planning

McCool: no testing call, see you in TD call

<kaz> [adjourned; no Testing call; TD all in 40 mins]

Summary of resolutions

  1. Proceed with transition to Proposed Recommendation status for Web of Things (WoT) Architecture 1.1 based on the current Editors' draft and Implementation Report at w3c/wot-architecture
  2. Proceed with transition to Proposed Recommendation status for Web of Things (WoT) Discovery based on the current Editors' draft and Implementation Report at w3c/wot-discovery
  3. Proceed with transition to Proposed Recommendation status for Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description 1.1 based on the current Editors' draft and Implementation Report at w3c/wot-thing-description
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).