WoT Marketing

06 June 2023


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura

Meeting minutes


<kaz> Agenda for today

Ege: anything to add?
… ok

previous minutes

Ege: we met two months ago

Ege: spot a problem, it should be five PRs not issues
… we reached a resolution regarding socials and twitter
… minutes looks good
… maybe we can remove one of the resolutions cause it duplicated.
… also one of the three resolutions is actually a proposal

Kaz: fixed

Ege: minutes approved

Recently merged PRs

<kaz> Recently merged PRs

Ege: we are going to review merged PRs
… starting from last April (last time that we met)
… they are mostly editoral
… no need of group resolution
… no staff contact review needed for that changes


Ege: 30 min is weird, should we make this 1 hour long ?

Daniel: I'm ok but I might be late

Kaz: I'm ok with any setting, it is mostly about avaibility of call partecipants
… we can even move the slot if it fits
… in the next charter we might review the all schedule

Cristiano: ok currently, but we can change in the future.

Ege: ok will keep it as it is and we will evaluate once the new WG charter starts

Telconf system

Ege: notice that we are going to use zoom for next calls (all of them)

New Pull Requests

<kaz> New PRs

<kaz> PR 420

Ege: there is a draft PR that might need input from kaz
… it is still work in progress
… it tries to render the calendar from W3C .ics files
… it features a timezone selector
… we need more work on it. For the next meeting it should be working

Daniel: intially we used this calendar library. It is very good. I filed an issue cause it has some problem combining timezone changes and .ics
… I prepared another PR to update the status of mark and arch

Ege: it can be merged next week

Kaz: doing something nice using this library is nice. But It might be overengineering we could use a simplier approach

Ege: we want to give an overview, links to calendar events don't give you the overview

Kaz: I'm concerned that the calendar api might change soon

Daniel: the good thing we are not using the APIs directly we just use .ics files.
… usually all calendars give you the .ics files
… but doing so we are missing the zoom link

Kaz: this is like creating yet another w3c calendar web page
… it is redundant

Ege: sadly they are not responsive

Daniel: good news is that we are just using the library
… not a big amount of work
… it is more waste of time to update the page manually each time

Kaz: Is this taking time to more important tasks? If you all yourselves are OK with working on this kind of tooling, that's fine and actually appreciated. However, from my viewpoint, it implies the WoT Marketing TF is becoming a second W3C System Team, and my concern is that would require you all for even more work./


Ege: we decided to use Twitter
… we can use Linkedin
… there we can target more professional people
… twitter is focusing more DIY
… in the end it would be nice to have our presence on both social network
… if we have a resolution here we can bring this to Main call

Kaz: if the group is ok (wg/ig) we can talk with the MarComm Team
… but again, is this really necessary? it might take standardization time.
… it might be nice

Ege: it is not necessary for the actual generation of spec

Ege: but outreach is important to bring more people on board
… even inside siemens is important to have this presence

Kaz: linkedin focus is different. It is more about recruiting people

Ege: not only it is more social now
… our tone should be different there

<Ege> proposal: The Marketing TF decides to have a LinkedIn presence

<Ege> proposal: The Marketing TF decides to have an official W3C WoT LinkedIn presence


RESOLUTION: The Marketing TF decides to have an official W3C WoT LinkedIn presence

<kaz> [adjourned]

Summary of resolutions

  1. The Marketing TF decides to have an official W3C WoT LinkedIn presence
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).