RDF-star WG Weekly Meeting

01 June 2023


AndyS, AZ, Dominik_T, gkellogg, gtw, ktk, olaf, ora, pchampin, pfps, TallTed, Tpt
Doerthe, Enrico
ktk, pfps

Meeting minutes

Scribe: Patel-Schneider, Peter (alternate: Champin, Pierre-Antoine)

Approval of last week's minutes: 1

ora: any concerns on the last minutes

ktk: lots of fixes were done to the minutes, thanks

<ora> proposal: approve last week's minutes


<ora> +1

<pchampin> +1

<gkellogg> +1

<Dominik_T> +1

<gtw> +1

<ktk> +1

<AZ> +1

<TallTed> +0

<olaf> +1

<AndyS> +1

<Tpt> +1

RESOLUTION: approve last week's minutes

Update on "First Public Working Draft" (FPWD)

ora: what is status of working drafts - some things needed to be fixed

ktk: Semantics and Entailments were not published

<pchampin> w3c/transitions#511 (comment)

pchampin: they are officially approved for publication on 6/6

pchampin: snapshots have been generated

gkellogg: there is a draft PR for common that fixes several things

gkellogg: I'll put them in for all documents

pchampin: the last two FPWDs have snapshots so this can be done now

<ktk> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-star-wg/2023May/0066.html

ktk: email to working group on living standard was sent out

ora: we can point to this email when someone wants to comment on living standard status

gkellogg: the next step is to enable Echidna so that updates are pushed out automatically

tallted: what was the discussion last week about SPARQL 1.2 and SPARQL NEXT

<AndyS> SPARQL-next is the proposed CG rename.

pchampin: Echidna is configured - I suspect that there needs to be a WG decision to point to before it can go live

<Zakim> gkellogg, you wanted to ask about short-name aliases for older versions of the specs

pchampin: I will follow up

gkellogg: we need to come up with something on short names

pchampin: it's on my list

Use Case Task Force Review

pfps: Some use cases are on the repositories, none of them are ideal. if you care about the use cases, comment on the issues. If you want a separate use case create a new issue.
… I think we start the process now. We have to start working on it now. Thomas Loertsch agreed to work on one but he is not on the WG?.
… Posts to the list: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-star-wg/2023May/0071.html

<pfps> s/TF/WG/

pfps: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-star-wg/2023May/0072.html
… That's about it, please help with use-cases.
… If you help early you get to pick the use cases.
… If it becomes too much for me I will try to assign people.

ora: I will pick some and get back to you with question.

pfps: please do so

<TallTed> s|s/TF/WG?||

pfps: It can be difficult to find email-address of the original submiters. I pinged some with the github handle, that worked at least for one.

Review of open actions, available at 2

ora: no progress on conformance

ora: I'll discuss with Antoine

ora: echindna is in progress

pchampin: short names has to be done

Review of pull requests, available at 3

ora: what about the CSS changes

tallted: I commented on the issue

tallted: changing font size is problematic

pfps: was there a referral to the UI people at W3C

pchampin: no

gkellogg: change for XML Schema is marked differently - does it matter?

gkellogg: update to Turtle was waiting on semantics but could probably be done

andys: the XML schema is more impactful in SPARQL as it affects functions, etc.

andys: the XML schema links in SPARQL need work

andys: changes for XML 1.1 are corner cases (year 0, some canonical forms)

ora: how should we describe the changes

andys: it's not XML 1.1 in total

andys: the changes are minor and implementations may already be on 1.1

andys: links generally already go to 1.1

andys: something useful will go in the change log

tpt: there isn't much change from 1.0 to 1.1 in XML Schema

andys: there are some issues related to timezones - there are pointers to different descriptions

olaf: floating point is still an issue - I'll work on it this weekend

andys: there should be a way of tracking what is done here and making sure that everything is done

ora: the editorial ones can be merged

gkellogg: i'll reflect the Turtle changes in Trig

<TallTed> building off w3c/rdf-turtle#27 ?

gkellogg: yes

tallted: including more information in the dashboard would be useful

gkellogg: the repository is already there

tallted: it would be better to have more information in titles of PRs

gkellogg: HTML from ?BNF needs some work

andys: indeed

gkellogg: I'll work on it

Any Other Business (AOB), time permitting

profile-based content negotiation

<pchampin> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dxwg-wg/2023May/0032.html

pchampin: the dataset exchange working group has something on profile-based content negotiation

pchampin: this seems relevant for this working group

pchampin: perhaps to switch between classic and quoted-friendly

pchampin: there will be a call on June 14 1pm CEST and people can ask to join

ora: classic vs quoted is a use case for this

tallted: can this be added to our calendar

pchampin: yes

ora: do it

SPARQL 1.2 community group

<Zakim> TallTed, you wanted to clarify CG name change RDF-next and RDF-12 and to suggest correcting Rob Atkinson's references to `RDF*` rather than `RDF-star`

tallted: we need to get people to change from RDF* to RDF-star

ora: yes

tallted: what is the change to the SPARQL group?

<pchampin> as a matter of fact, I did recently correct someone using "RDF*"; they responded that the "*" was ACTUALLY an asterisk (for a footnote) :-)

tallted: if it is SPARQL NEXT then the readme should be carefully crafted

ktk: we need something that is not specific, particularly if there is a living standard

tallted: what about "beyond what the RDF-star WG does"

andys: renaming is delicate - some things can't be done

pchampin: I need to check what is possible

andys: some changes would force everyone to resubscribe, e.g., starting a new group

ktk: changing the CGs readme is possible and should be done

gkellogg: renaming on GitHub should be possible and old links will still work

ktk: what are profiles? is there a definition somewhere?

pchampin: there are deliverables including a language

andys: there is an English definition

<pchampin> https://www.w3.org/TR/dx-prof/#definitions

ktk: this will be important at some time

pchampin: this is a data profile, not exactly what we need

<AZ> Def. of profile in connegp is https://w3c.github.io/dx-connegp/connegp/#dfn-profile

ora: time

ora: any parting works

ktk: I will be 30 minutes late next week

<TallTed> re RDF* with "an asterisk (for a footnote)", they should be advised to use a dagger instead (like `†` or `‡`)

Summary of resolutions

  1. approve last week's minutes
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/atk/ktk/

Succeeded: s/TF/WG?

Failed: s/TF/WG/

Failed: s|s/TF/WG?||

Succeeded: s/is there is/if there is

Succeeded: s/someoneusing/someone using

Succeeded: s/gtk/ktk/

Succeeded: i|0032|subtopic: profile-based content negotiation

Succeeded: i|clarify|subtopic: SPARQL 1.2 community group

All speakers: andys, gkellogg, ktk, olaf, ora, pchampin, pfps, tallted, tpt

Active on IRC: AndyS, AZ, Dominik_T, gkellogg, gtw, ktk, olaf, ora, pchampin, pfps, TallTed, Tpt