16:59:59 RRSAgent has joined #aria 17:00:03 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/06/01-aria-irc 17:00:03 meeting: ARIA WG 17:00:03 RRSAgent, make logs Public 17:00:04 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jamesn 17:00:04 agendabot, find agenda 17:00:04 jamesn, OK. This may take a minute... 17:00:05 agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/ecffaf8b-8aa7-4acc-b238-6088a86cf12f/20230601T130000 17:00:05 clear agenda 17:00:05 agenda+ -> New Issue Triage https://bit.ly/3OKgNak 17:00:05 agenda+ -> New PR Triage https://bit.ly/43A0Do2 17:00:07 agenda+ Recommendation Status 17:00:10 agenda+ -> Exposure of HTML elements mapped to generic https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/issues/489 17:00:12 agenda+ -> Update from PR #1018 for nameFrom: heading https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1860 17:00:24 Adam_Page has joined #aria 17:01:45 arigilmore has joined #aria 17:01:56 present+ 17:02:01 pkra has joined #aria 17:02:12 present+ 17:02:26 present+ 17:02:42 scotto has joined #aria 17:02:48 present+ 17:02:54 chair: spectranaut 17:02:54 present+ 17:03:04 present+ 17:03:14 scribe pkra 17:03:27 scribe: pkra 17:03:37 zakim, next item 17:03:37 agendum 1 -- -> New Issue Triage https://bit.ly/3OKgNak -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:03:42 present+ Daniel 17:04:16 myasonik has joined #aria 17:04:18 spectranaut_: aria 1947 on focusgroup 17:04:32 scotto: openUI meeting this morning spoke about focusgroup. 17:04:36 present+ 17:04:53 ... want to move it into specs 17:05:19 ... focusgroup provides a standardized way for roving tabindex / arrow key navigation 17:05:45 ... but it goes way beyond those 17:05:47 ... there are bound to be accessibility considerations 17:06:15 regrets+ AndreaCardona 17:06:16 ... list of links could be a case. at high level nice, but testing with AT today, there are potential problems 17:06:24 regrets+ CurtBellew 17:06:41 ... filed it in ARIA instead of html-aam because it could be more widely relevant. 17:07:02 ... e.g., people who can't use focusgroup but want something similar. 17:07:14 spectranaut_: let's add it to the agenda 17:07:22 StefanS has joined #aria 17:07:25 jamesn: maybe deep dive, too. 17:07:28 present+ 17:07:52 scotto: main takeaway: this needs to go along with focus group. We should pay attention. 17:08:36 spectranaut_: aria 1946 17:08:55 arigilmore: came from another issue where switched none/presentation in the spec. 17:09:08 ... jcraig spotted a detail that could use clarification 17:09:23 spectranaut_: 1 line change? 17:09:26 arigilmore: there might be more 17:09:51 spectranaut_: 1.3 as editorial 17:10:04 zakim, next item 17:10:04 agendum 2 -- -> New PR Triage https://bit.ly/43A0Do2 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:10:17 zakim, close item 17:10:17 I don't understand 'close item', pkra 17:10:32 zakim, close this item 17:10:32 agendum 2 closed 17:10:33 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 17:10:33 3. Recommendation Status [from agendabot] 17:10:37 zakim, next item 17:10:37 agendum 3 -- Recommendation Status -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:11:22 daniel: we need a record that we're aware that we're ready to move ARIA to REC. 17:11:33 DRAFT RESOLUTION: Group agrees to request advancement of ARIA 1.2 to REC 17:11:43 +1 17:11:45 ... we should put out a resolution that the group agrees to move 1.2 to REC 17:11:48 +1 17:11:58 ... then we have the record to show the WG agrees. 17:12:08 +1 17:12:23 +1 17:12:23 +1 17:12:25 +1 17:12:30 +1 17:12:34 present+ 17:12:51 +1 17:13:07 bryan says +1 in the meeting 17:13:13 RESOLUTION: Group agrees to request advancement of ARIA 1.2 to REC 17:13:18 ... no objections. 17:13:25 ... thank you very much! 17:13:39 ... target is June 6 17:14:16 spectranaut_: thank you, daniel, for getting it published! 17:14:19 zakim, next item 17:14:19 agendum 4 -- -> Exposure of HTML elements mapped to generic https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/issues/489 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:15:00 spectranaut_: james teh had filed it. scotto had responded. the spec doesn't specify but generics can be ignored by browsers. 17:15:34 scotto: my idea was that the concept of generic being pruned from the accessibility tree is not outlined in the spec at all. 17:15:55 ... my understanding how we defined generic was that nobody wanted to prohibit pruning generics 17:15:56 q+ 17:16:08 ... UAs should be allowed to prune them. 17:16:21 ... so I felt this should be handled in ARIA 17:16:29 BGaraventa has joined #aria 17:16:35 ... otherwise it would have to be slotted into the minimal role proposal 17:16:58 q? 17:16:58 ... but it would add complexity that I don't think we need 17:17:03 present+ bgaraventa 17:17:05 ack jcraig 17:17:41 jcraig: I generally agree. We can adjust WPT tests to take empty string, null or something else. It shouldn't be too hard and makes sense. 17:17:49 ... I can review a PR 17:18:03 scotto: I'll make a PR 17:18:10 jcraig: I'll file a WPT issue 17:18:21 spectranaut_: any other concerns? 17:18:24 zakim, next item 17:18:24 agendum 5 -- -> Update from PR #1018 for nameFrom: heading https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1860 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:19:02 spectranaut_: when is this ready to merge? 17:20:07 ... when we drafted new PR strategy at last TPAC, we set 1 implementation + 1 commitment 17:20:16 ... we have webkit. but no other browsers. 17:20:20 q+ 17:20:32 q+ 17:20:40 jcraig: I believe we heard no objections from others in the past, so I think it's more a formal issue. 17:20:45 qv? 17:21:01 spectranaut_: should we already merge? 17:21:24 jcraig: I'd say let's get Jamie or Aaron to respond. But maybe don't wait for implementation. 17:21:31 ... WPT comes into play 17:21:51 ... making it testable 17:22:00 ... then there's a related accName PR to add the steps there. 17:22:28 ... I would take it but I'm blocked a bit so happy to see someone else take it. 17:22:48 bryan: I'll take a look 17:22:51 https://github.com/w3c/accname/issues/182 17:23:06 q? 17:23:15 spectranaut_: ok, then next step is feedback from Jamie and Aaron. 17:23:22 ... then automated tests. 17:23:34 ack scotto 17:24:12 scotto: I was speaking to Aaron. He was hoping to see a list of things from 1.3 so that the team can get to implementations. 17:24:18 ... last changelog is from 2020 though. 17:24:39 ... there's probably a bunch of things that could be better surfaced if they are in the spec and changelog. 17:24:57 ... a chicken/egg situation where people don't see what's waiting in PR. 17:25:03 ... not sure what to do about it. 17:25:20 ... but 1.3 is still not representative of a living standard. 17:25:56 spectranaut_: I think the new strategy can help improve it. PRs + issues on the browser side. 17:26:10 Jaunita_George has joined #aria 17:26:13 Present+ 17:26:28 scotto: that's good but I'd love to have a changelog to just point to. 17:26:49 ack jamesn 17:26:53 jamesn: I'll take some blame. 17:27:03 https://www.w3.org/TR/css-images-3/#repeating-gradients 17:27:04 ... but e.g. CSS specs are doing things differently 17:27:12 ... we now have some tests. 17:27:27 ... CSS has this "support" section, pulled from caniuse. 17:27:37 ... gives info on which browsers implemented it. 17:27:47 ... gives both readers and implementors info. 17:27:59 ... could we have something like this? From which source? 17:28:03 q+ 17:28:23 jcraig: I have a couple of links... 17:28:27 https://wpt.fyi/results/?label=master&label=experimental&aligned&q=path%3A%2Faccessibility%20or%20path%3A%2Faccname%20or%20path%3A%2Fhtml-aam%20or%20path%3A%2Fwai-aria%20or%20path%3A%2Fsvg-aam%20or%20path%3A%2Fgraphics-aria%20or%20path%3A%2Fgraphics-aam%20or%20path%3A%2Fdpub-aam%20or%20path%3A%2Fhtml%2Fdom%2Faria-element-reflection.html 17:28:42 ... this is the current list of results of the accessibility related WPT tests. 17:29:32 ...if we can add feature specific labels, maybe even sub-feature level. 17:29:57 ... maybe we can get a query that only shows the numbers of this view. 17:30:20 ... I'd imagine WPT has some metadata that could be useful, at least in the source 17:30:27 ... there's a metadata project in WPT 17:30:42 ... we could make a precedent for leveraging this . 17:31:21 jamesn: would be not just "accname supported" but "part 1 of step x is supported" 17:31:41 jcraig: yes, if you dig into the tests, each of the subfiles could have labels that we could then use. 17:32:39 jamesn: for css, bikeshed grabs a fragment from caniuse. 17:33:02 ... author puts in the snippet 17:33:18 jcraig: and caniuse is updated by browser evangelists. 17:33:29 ... but I like the idea of using WPT tests. 17:33:47 ... and more people might be interested in this. 17:33:55 jamesn: we should talk to respec as well. 17:34:01 ... maybe a tpac conversation 17:34:36 ... and FYI tpac. Our schedule was originally Thursday and Friday but all other groups we might want to meet are also those days. 17:34:43 ... so we've moved to Monday + Tuesday morning. 17:34:45 +1 to moving 17:36:23 ... I hope it's not a problem for anybody. 17:36:46 daniel: we just need to decide what time to do on Friday. 17:36:50 jamesn: or just hang out with other groups 17:37:00 spectranaut_: I'd reserve some time just in case. 17:37:12 jamesn: sounds good. 17:37:32 spectranaut_: any other business? 17:38:01 StefanS: I have one. we tend to run into validators complaining about IDs missing for performance reasons. 17:38:35 ... if we try to workaround it, then some props might be missing or incomplete 17:38:53 ... what does the group think? 17:39:37 jamesn: I think the spec would say: if an ID doesn't match anything, it would be ignored. If the attribute is required, it would be an error. If not, it doesn't matter. 17:39:44 StefanS: combobox controls 17:40:05 scotto: it's required. But it doesn't expect it to be in the DOM 17:40:10 StefanS: so the validators are overeager. 17:40:17 scotto: the spec could be clearer. 17:41:03 jamesn: I think if the spec requires it, it seems questionable since the technology just doesn't work that way. 17:41:19 ... so if you find something, we should try and fix it. 17:42:21 ... why do we have this requirement anyway? 17:42:33 StefanS: I think it stems from AT association 17:42:47 scotto: I think Sarah might have some experience from testing. 17:42:59 jamesn: that'd be good to know. otherwise, we should drop it. 17:43:22 ... it makes comboboxes really hard 17:43:49 scotto: maybe we could be more explicit at indicating when there's a MUST to point to an ID, it's more about "when the elements is in the dom, it has to be there" 17:43:55 ... also goes for active descendant. 17:44:00 jamesn: please file an issue 17:44:19 zakim, end meeting 17:44:19 As of this point the attendees have been arigilmore, spectranaut_, Adam_Page, pkra, scotto, jamesn, Daniel, myasonik, StefanS, jcraig, bgaraventa, Jaunita_George 17:44:22 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:44:23 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/01-aria-minutes.html Zakim 17:44:30 I am happy to have been of service, pkra; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:44:30 Zakim has left #aria 18:56:51 Adam_Page has joined #aria 19:04:22 Adam_Page has joined #aria 19:06:00 howard-e has joined #aria 20:18:35 jongund has joined #aria 22:31:41 jongund has joined #aria