13:53:30 RRSAgent has joined #wot-td 13:53:34 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/05/31-wot-td-irc 14:04:13 McCool has joined #wot-td 14:06:40 meeting: WoT-WG - TD-TF 14:07:02 cris__ has joined #wot-td 14:07:15 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Ege_Korkan, Crisitno_Aguzzi, Michael_Koster 14:07:40 dape has joined #wot-td 14:07:53 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Thing_Description_WebConf#May_31.2C_2023 14:09:28 q+ 14:09:33 present+ Daniel_Peintner 14:11:36 q+ 14:11:43 ack c 14:12:13 ack c 14:12:15 ack k 14:12:22 scribenick: dape 14:12:27 scribe: dape 14:13:53 q+ 14:13:58 TOPIC: Review draft minutes 14:14:14 -> 24 May 2023 -> https://www.w3.org/2023/05/24-wot-td-minutes.html 14:15:47 14:16:02 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima 14:17:41 subtopic "PR #1807 TM namespace not active yet" should be changed to "Issue #1807 TM namespace not active yet" 14:18:13 EK: Any further change requests? 14:18:23 -> none -> minutes approved 14:18:48 TOPIC: Timeslot and length preference 14:19:02 EK: We would like to ask people about time and length 14:19:14 q? 14:19:17 ack k 14:19:36 ... we should prioritize people that are joining 14:19:38 q+ 14:19:48 JKRhb has joined #wot-td 14:20:00 CA: about the length... we could try to stay in 1 hour 14:20:04 ... depends on topic 14:20:24 ... I am also ok with moving the slot to a different time 14:20:33 q+ 14:20:38 ack cris__ 14:20:38 ack c 14:21:02 Kaz: Agree with Cristiano 14:21:03 ack k 14:21:27 EK: with big design topics we need to focus on some topics 14:21:32 q+ 14:22:04 ack d 14:22:04 DP: Do we plan to start Doodle call for others? 14:22:06 EK: Yes 14:22:18 TOPIC: Explaining the share of moderation between Ege Korkan and Michael Koster 14:22:33 EK: share of moderation was discussed last week 14:22:45 s/others/all the WG participants including those who are not here/ 14:22:55 ... MK and myself were discussing this further 14:23:13 present+ Jan_Romann 14:23:16 ... Koster: Basic architectural design, doc structure etc 14:23:18 zakim, who is here? 14:23:18 Present: Kaz_Ashimura, Ege_Korkan, Crisitno_Aguzzi, Michael_Koster, Daniel_Peintner, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Jan_Romann 14:23:21 On IRC I see JKRhb, dape, cris__, McCool, RRSAgent, Zakim, Mizushima, Ege, kaz, benfrancis, cwilso, trackbot 14:23:25 ... Ege: concrete description based on the design 14:23:54 ... We are working together 14:24:01 ... and we talk to each other 14:24:20 ... both responsible 14:24:40 EK: If there is feedback please let us know 14:25:12 MK: from my point of view. Single point of contact for different functions 14:25:20 ... not exclusive 14:25:28 ... is starting place and we look for feedback 14:25:47 ... we were asked to categorize who is doing what 14:25:53 q+ 14:26:28 CA: Looks fine 14:27:09 ... w.r.t. stability. What does it mean when it comes to testing? 14:27:23 EK: Testing is in the hand of testing task-force 14:27:54 ... designing of *new* keyword is in my responsibility (at the moment) 14:28:12 CA: Keeping an eye whether something is implementable.. got it 14:28:51 s/stability/testability 14:29:12 q? 14:29:15 ack c 14:29:17 EK: Still a draft 14:29:23 q+ 14:29:47 MK: We are trying to make sure to split workload 14:30:18 Kaz: Testing is one procedure 14:30:39 ... task force and editors should be responsible for testing 14:31:12 ... testing mechanism and tools can help 14:31:29 ... testing data should be installed on TD repo 14:31:33 ack k 14:31:42 ... tooling in testing repo 14:31:45 mjk has joined #wot-td 14:31:50 q? 14:31:56 s/one procedure/just one step from the spec generation procedure/ 14:32:14 s/task force and/each task force and/ 14:32:35 MK: role of governance 14:33:05 s/testing mechanism and tools can help/of course, the Testing TF can help with the testing mechanism and the tools./ 14:33:24 s/tooling in/while the tooling in/ 14:34:13 TOPIC: Binding Templates 14:34:26 SUBTOPIC: PR 290 14:34:33 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-binding-templates/pull/290 14:34:45 EK: I have worked on publication preparation 14:34:55 ... looked at it last week 14:35:05 ... completed all tood 14:35:20 s/tood/todos and checkers 14:35:39 ... link checkers -> no erros 14:35:47 s/erros/errors 14:35:58 ... cc checkers -> no errors 14:36:12 s/cc/css 14:36:43 https://deploy-preview-290--wot-binding-templates.netlify.app/publication/note3/overview 14:37:14 q? 14:39:15 q+ 14:39:23 q+ 14:39:37 q- 14:39:48 EK: CSS issue, not sure why it reports center array 14:40:02 CA: HTML should be static, right? 14:40:08 EK: Yes, after ReSpec 14:41:11 ... checking again..
comes from Netlify 14:41:16 ... means we are fine 14:42:31 q+ 14:42:39 ack c 14:42:40 ack k 14:42:47 EK: Link checker reports 1 issue since the document itself is not published 14:43:16 EK: pub checker reports netlify issues 14:43:24 q+ 14:43:26 q+ 14:43:42 Kaz: Which filename are you using? 14:44:12 EK: it is Overview.html ... but Netlify uses lowercase overview.html 14:44:34 luca_barbato has joined #wot-td 14:45:14 Kaz: I think you can merge everything and check static versions again .. without Netlify 14:45:37 EK: changes done are 14:45:45 .... Github vs GitHubAPI 14:45:54 ... local vs absolute urls 14:45:55 ack k 14:45:57 ack j 14:46:05 Jan: is the date correct ? 14:46:16 EK: During publication it will be changed 14:46:27 ... will merge PR and do final checks 14:47:09 ... I also documented the process in README.md 14:47:22 ... merging PR 290 14:47:30 q+ 14:47:44 EK: Next step? Re-check with deployed documents? 14:47:54 Kaz: I can double check document 14:48:08 ... and publish note with automatic publication tool 14:48:30 MK: Sounds good also from side 14:49:06 ack k 14:50:37 EK: All checks seem to be fine on the following document 14:50:44 https://w3c.github.io/wot-binding-templates/publication/note3/Overview.html 14:51:27 Kaz: I suggest we make quick resolution 14:52:05 proposal: After doing the publication checks, the TD/Binding TF agrees to proceed with the publication of the https://w3c.github.io/wot-binding-templates/publication/note3/Overview.html as the next Working Group Note 14:52:41 resolution: After doing the publication checks, the TD/Binding TF agrees to proceed with the publication of the https://w3c.github.io/wot-binding-templates/publication/note3/Overview.html as the next Working Group Note 14:53:09 EK: Thank you everyone! 14:53:17 rrsagent, make log public 14:53:22 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:53:23 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/05/31-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 14:53:38 TOPIC: Binding Templates 14:53:42 chair: Ege/Koster 14:53:47 SUBTOPIC: Publication Preparation 14:53:59 EK: Implementation Report Update: https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1835 14:54:23 EK: McCool working on implementation report update 14:54:50 ... in testing call we had a look 14:55:13 ... editorial changes 14:55:15 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:55:16 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/05/31-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 14:55:39 s/TOPIC: Binding Templates/topic: TD/ 14:55:44 https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1835/files#diff-a603dd3c66dc1c8dc4c625e88422942cc921057d58a9d4394c74595a5aedcbbcR7734 14:56:30 CA: I think I am missing on contribution list 14:56:41 EK: Correct 14:57:54 ... Mizushima-San seems to be missing also? 14:58:48 q+ 14:59:07 TM: Not sure I understand 14:59:31 ... I think I didn't submit implementation report 14:59:51 EK: McCool will have a final look and than we can merge 15:00:21 SUBTOPIC: At risk items section 15:00:30 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1783 15:00:50 EK: PR should resolve ReSpec warning 15:01:34 EK: Question to Kaz. Para after removed section.. should we keep that? 15:01:48 Kaz: Boiler template which should not be changed 15:02:13 EK: Any objection before merging PR 1783? 15:02:29 --> none -> merging 15:02:41 SUBTOPIC: Publication Prep 15:02:50 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1837 15:04:01 SUBTOPIC: Example Tabs 15:04:08 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1836 15:04:34 EK: PR fixes issue with examples 15:04:40 q+ 15:04:44 ack mi 15:04:48 ack Mizushima 15:04:57 ack k 15:06:11 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:06:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/05/31-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 15:07:42 s/SUBTOPIC: Publication Prep/subtopic: PR 1837/ 15:07:44 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:07:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/05/31-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 15:07:58 present+ Michael_McCool 15:08:11 EK: default values check box 15:08:14 q+ 15:09:21 ... should be able to close issue "by PR transition" 15:09:54 DP: issue we had in the past, https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/blob/55f0a1fc26052928fff29da9f1d65ac247718da0/index.html#L288 15:10:23 ... no issue anymore 15:10:57 EK: Objections to megr Pr 183 15:11:10 s/megr Pr 183/merg PR 1836 15:11:22 -> none -> merging 15:12:10 scribenick: Ege 15:12:26 s/merg P/merge P/ 15:12:30 Topic: TD.next Discussion 15:12:45 (Michael K you are breaking up a little) 15:14:32 mk: we want to start with a revision, a big picture revision, not necessarily technical 15:15:30 s/(Michael K you are breaking up a little)// 15:15:42 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:15:44 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/05/31-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 15:16:40 mk: I see 3 big bits: general structure, integrating protocol binding and better integrating Thing Model 15:18:02 q+ 15:18:12 ack dape 15:18:27 ... regarding tm optionality: TD is really towards hypermedia, it is concrete. TM is different 15:19:28 ca: We have a nice information model but it is very tied to JSON LD (serialization). DID did it better. 15:19:47 q+ 15:19:49 ack c 15:20:04 mk: you have said it better. that is what I have in mind 15:20:32 q+ 15:22:26 ack e 15:23:01 ek: we also put some important conceptual part in the serialization section, it is confusing 15:23:10 ... and examples are only in the serialization section 15:23:57 lb: I would like to make sure that if we are refer to another spec, we are clear about it 15:24:00 q+ 15:25:23 lb: some terms we specify in data schema are slightly different than what is in JSON Schema 15:25:36 q+ 15:25:39 ack l 15:25:40 ack l 15:25:41 ack e 15:26:19 lb: we should be clear about this, I have opened an issue as well 15:27:03 mk: it is an important point 15:27:08 lb: we should not have redundancy 15:28:00 lb: where do you need json-ld processor for example? json or jsonld processor need different requirements 15:29:28 ... consuming a TD has no minimum requirements at the moment 15:30:04 q? 15:30:45 ... and reducing redundancy like not making sure that we do not need to parse a form twice to understand if you can use that form 15:34:29 kaz: we need more input from developers. No need to go into detail today 15:34:30 ack k 15:34:50 +1 kaz 15:35:11 q? 15:35:35 q+ 15:36:49 ack k 15:38:17 mk: WoT is not a protocol 15:40:37 mk: We have the concepts of different types of bindings but we have design that a bit better 15:41:10 ... we have the need for external work for the protocol bindings 15:42:13 ... the registry option is definitely to be considered 15:42:35 ... TMs are currently not consumed by the clients but by tools 15:42:47 q+ 15:43:01 ... we need to think more about the TD expectation from the TM 15:43:32 q? 15:43:34 ack l 15:45:03 lb: tms are a templating system. Some use TMs to validate TDs is a bit weird but can be done. Some use it like a semantic annotation. it conflicts with jsonld mechanism 15:45:20 s/tms/Thing Models/ 15:46:00 q+ 15:46:44 s/jsonld/JSON-LD/ 15:46:57 mm: we should wrap up and create agenda items for the planning meeting 15:47:26 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:47:28 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/05/31-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 15:47:35 ack m 15:47:43 topic: Implementation Report Update 15:47:54 mm: it is PR 1835 in TD 15:48:39 s/Topic: TD.next Discussion/subtopic: TD.next discussion/ 15:48:48 s/topic:/subtopic:/ 15:48:50 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:48:51 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/05/31-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 15:49:38 i|it is|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1835 wot-thing-description PR 1835 - Update Implementation Report| 15:49:38 ek: we made a small comment regarding cristiano being missing 15:49:41 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:49:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/05/31-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 15:50:07 q+ 15:50:54 ack k 15:51:11 mm: I need to copy it to the template as well 15:51:16 i|we want to start with|-> slides tbd@@@| 15:51:27 q? 15:52:16 present+ Luca_Barbato 15:52:20 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:52:22 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/05/31-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 15:52:45 mm: I have done the changes 15:54:04 q+ 15:54:07 mm: we also miss an implementation description for zion 15:56:28 ca: i can submit it 15:56:43 mm: good, can you do it by tomorrow 15:56:56 q+ 15:57:02 ack c 15:57:03 ack c 15:57:18 mm: we can remove it from here and add a reference to architecture 15:58:41 kaz: all the implementation reports will have the same list? 15:59:04 mm: arch will have all, td almost all since not all discovery implementations expose TDs, some only read TDs (not consume) 16:00:45 mm: (shows the changes) 16:01:52 mm: I took out a section about explaining lacking feature implementation 16:03:56 i/(shows/kaz: in that case, having all the descriptions of all the implementations in both the specs separately would make sense (than putting a link from the TD Implementation Report to the Architecture Implementation Report./ 16:04:42 i/(shows/mm: would confirm how to deal with that during the main call on June 7./ 16:04:46 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:04:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/05/31-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 16:04:53 mm: associated organization and then the old one 16:04:55 ... any objections? 16:05:12 i/in that case/scribenick: kaz/ 16:05:29 i/shows the changes/scribenick: Ege/ 16:05:30 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:05:31 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/05/31-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 16:06:18 proposal: Distribute the draft of the IR report for TD 1.1 for 1 week of review and include it (after incorporating any final changes brought up during review and finalizing the System descriptions) as part of the TD 1.1 PR transition request. 16:07:00 proposal: Distribute the draft of the Implementation Report for TD 1.1 for 1 week of review and include it (after incorporating any final changes brought up during review and finalizing the System descriptions) as part of the TD 1.1 Proposed Recommendation transition request. 16:07:24 resolution: Distribute the draft of the Implementation Report for TD 1.1 for 1 week of review and include it (after incorporating any final changes brought up during review and finalizing the System descriptions) as part of the TD 1.1 Proposed Recommendation transition request. 16:09:17 [adjourned] 16:09:19 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:09:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/05/31-wot-td-minutes.html kaz