14:02:02 RRSAgent has joined #pcg-ed 14:02:06 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/05/31-pcg-ed-irc 14:02:07 duga has joined #pcg-ed 14:02:11 Zakim has joined #pcg-ed 14:02:16 present+ 14:02:34 PaulB_ has joined #pcg-ed 14:02:38 Meeting: Publishing CG Ed 14:02:42 Chair: PaulB_ 14:02:50 CharlesL has joined #pcg-ed 14:02:50 Date: 2023-05-31 14:02:59 zakim, start the meeting 14:02:59 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:03:01 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), tzviya 14:03:03 present+ 14:03:13 gautier has joined #pcg-ed 14:03:15 present+ 14:03:27 present+ 14:03:50 scribenick: SueNeu 14:04:02 present_ jamesY, duga, gautier, PaulB_, SueNeu, wolfgang 14:04:07 present+ 14:04:08 present+ Ibal 14:04:25 scribe: SueNeu 14:04:44 present + Ludovic 14:04:52 present -Ibal 14:04:59 Gautier: in previous meetings we have talked about what is possible with epub... 14:05:04 agenda+ • Demo/Discussion with Ludovic, EPUB developer for Canopé 14:05:28 and we wanted to get an idea of what is possible so we have invited Ludovik 14:05:45 ... I will translate for him 14:05:49 zakim, take up 1 14:05:49 I don't understand 'take up 1', tzviya 14:05:54 zakim, take up next 14:05:54 agendum 1 -- • Demo/Discussion with Ludovic, EPUB developer for Canopé -- taken up [from PaulB_] 14:07:21 Ludovic: I am a developer for Canopé 14:08:17 Ludovic: I also do training books and video and the work I will be presenting is from another publishing house that last year started doing epub files 14:08:54 Ludovic: The first problem I see for teachers using an Epub resource is wanting a print version, they can't print it… 14:09:20 the teaching community isn't sufficiently familiar with the possibilities of epub… 14:09:38 with the spine, I have all the tools I need, I don't feel limited in my options 14:09:58 …a small limit is what is supported by reading systems… 14:10:07 I must test on all systems 14:10:54 We try to demonstrate what I have done but it doesn't always look good in video because of lag 14:11:13 Lucovic: demonstration starts 14:12:46 Ludovic: there is a page where you can set your preferences like font and background, and the images… 14:13:38 this is not part of the reading system. The idea is that the epub can accomodate different reading need… 14:14:02 Paul: ARe those adjustments to the illustrations for people whose vision is limited? 14:14:25 Gautier: it is so there are fewer distractions and people can focus 14:15:28 Gautier: there is a pre-recorded voice, human narration, that doesn't work through zoom 14:15:58 Ludovic: I was not able to use a media overlay because this is a reflowable book 14:16:48 q+ to ask about input formats 14:16:53 On each page you can zoom, eliminate or soften each individual element, or change your color/black and white setting 14:17:32 Ludovic: there is also a sound for bat wings flapping 14:17:53 Ludovic: SVG animation and interaction are through javascript 14:18:48 Ludovic: the SVG is outputed from Adobe Illustrator, worked by hand, animation is inside the SVG activated by javascript 14:18:55 q+ 14:20:10 Ludovic: for some years I have built some javascript and epub tools 14:20:25 demonstration ends 14:21:03 ack me 14:21:03 tzviya, you wanted to ask about input formats 14:21:05 Tzviya: Are each of these built by hand? Is there anyway to do this at scale? 14:22:24 Ludovic: For this one, it was made image by image, so it takes a lot of time and may not scale… 14:22:48 some of the other books or functionalities would be easier to industrialize 14:23:23 ack duga 14:23:25 Brandy: Are the images and text all html? 14:23:36 Lucovic: the text is html and svg for images 14:23:41 q+ 14:24:11 Brady: do the controls in the ebook conflict with reading system controls? 14:25:31 Lucovic: It works pretty well with all the reading systems we tested. That is why we limit changing the fonts and the font size 14:26:00 Brady: I'm excited to take some of these ideas back to the fixed layout accessibility group 14:26:13 q+ 14:27:08 Ludovic: Paul: this is a really engaging demonstration. Could Ludovic post a direct link to the book so we can get the full experience? 14:27:11 +1 to Paul's request 14:27:21 ack PaulB 14:28:20 Ludovic: the book is on sale, so access must be through the publisher, I will ask if we can share it or parts of it… 14:28:47 Charles: If you wanted to use a screen reader, how does it behave on the images and text portions? 14:28:58 ack CharlsL 14:29:16 ack CharlesL 14:29:53 Ludovic: [demos screen reader that reads text and describes image] 14:30:35 Charles: If you don't use the read now/human narrator, what will be the experience? 14:31:49 Ludovic: I have not tested with a screen reader but I'm using best practices so it should be fine… 14:32:17 previously had someone testing for me with screen readers and usually it was fine, except some difficulties with voice over on IOS 14:33:02 Gautier: for a while Ludovic worked with braille files, and has knowledge of blind reading 14:33:32 Paul: thank you very much for joining us today 14:33:48 agenda+ Preview of Edu-TF meeting with Boston EdTech Community 14:35:58 Paul: the other agenda item, the Boston Edtech community meetup group will focus on this edu task force… 14:36:01 zakim, take up next 14:36:01 agendum 2 -- Preview of Edu-TF meeting with Boston EdTech Community -- taken up [from PaulB_] 14:36:29 this is a good opportunity to expose these people, who are working in startups, to the W3C group… 14:36:46 https://www.meetup.com/boston-edtech-meetup/events/293702713/ 14:36:50 link to the french version of the book presented by Ludovic: https://www.epagine.fr/ebook/9782365931441-emile-veut-une-chauve-souris-vincent-cuvellier-ronan-badel/ (english version to be added by mail once I get a link). 14:36:53 the Boston Edtech group may be a souce of ideas for this group 14:37:19 Paul: shared a link, join us if you can, and I will summarize this at the next meeting 14:37:35 CharlesL has left #pcg-ed 14:37:47 rrsagent, make logs public 14:37:55 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:37:56 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/05/31-pcg-ed-minutes.html PaulB_ 14:38:03 q+ 14:38:04 zakim, end meeting 14:38:05 As of this point the attendees have been duga, tzviya, CharlesL, gautier, SueNeu, Ibal 14:38:05 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 14:38:06 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/05/31-pcg-ed-minutes.html Zakim 14:38:12 I am happy to have been of service, PaulB_; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 14:38:12 q- 14:38:15 Zakim has left #pcg-ed 14:38:18 rrsagent, bye 14:38:18 I see no action items