XForms Users Community Group Teleconference

26 May 2023


Alain, Erik, Steven

Meeting minutes

Call next week

[Regrets: Clashes with MarkupUK]

Steven: I'm at MarkupUK
… next week's call is postponed

ACTION-2338: Implement the common/context attribute sets



Close ACTION-2338

<trackbot> Closed ACTION-2338.

ACTION-2339: Fix incorrect function signatures, using numeric



Alain to check. Erik and Steven to check


ACTION: Steven update function signatures in spec

<trackbot> Created ACTION-2341 - Update function signatures in spec [on Steven Pemberton - due 2023-06-02].

ACTION-2314: Compose text that matches the <control/> discussion for

mirroring (Steven)

ACTION-2330: (Steven) Write some example forms communicating with

each other


[We read]

Erik: In case 1a, there is no reason not to allow capture and bubble.
… but in 1b it would be weird to have capture and bubble.
… but I have to convince myself.

Erik: 2 and 3 are just different ways of specifying the same thing.

Steven: The idea is that they are all effectively equivalent

Erik: There could also be a mix of the two.
… so 1a is OK. So the child to parent needs thinking about.
… On the one hand is the dispatching, the other is the listening.

Steven: You can listen to the control or interface elements

Alain: There is only one interface element
… so does it need an id?

Steven: Indeed, not if we accept the Erik's 1a position

Erik: We have a tradeoff between two things that are not ideal
… but maybe there isn't a drawback to capture and bubble on both sides
… retargeting would mean that you needed a new event. That might be fine if it simplifies other things.
… there are some changes needed anyway, though, such as context information which changes on crossing the boundaries

Steven: Doesn't that suggest that solution 3 would be easier, because the event only occurs on the receiver side, not on the sender side.

Erik: Good point
… do we have a scenario where we we communicate with a built in form control using an event

Steven: Set-focus?

Erik: Toggle?
… you use an event to instruct a control
… If you do it using javascript you don't have it, because you can set listeneres.
… we do it slightly differently using a special value of ids.

Alain: My favourite is 3 as well as Steven, because it is easier to check the form is correct

Steven: I like 3 because nothing else changes. We just say the event emerges in the other place.

ACTION: Steven to spec the event communication for further discussion.

<trackbot> Created ACTION-2342 - Spec the event communication for further discussion. [on Steven Pemberton - due 2023-06-02].



Summary of action items

  1. Steven update function signatures in spec
  2. Steven to spec the event communication for further discussion.
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/YO/Yo

Succeeded: s/aies/aries/

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Steven

Maybe present: [Regrets

All speakers: [Regrets, Alain, Erik, Steven

Active on IRC: Steven