11:51:41 RRSAgent has joined #miniapp 11:51:46 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/05/25-miniapp-irc 11:52:48 Meeting: MiniApps WG & CG Joint Meeting 11:52:55 present+ 11:53:31 rrsagent, make log public 11:53:35 rrsagent, make minutes 11:53:36 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/05/25-miniapp-minutes.html xfq_ 11:59:30 QingAn has joined #miniapp 11:59:42 present+ 11:59:42 xueyuan has joined #miniapp 12:00:34 present+ martin 12:00:54 present+ Zitao Wang 12:02:57 present+ zhangmeng 12:03:06 present+ Dan Zhou 12:04:29 Topic: TAG's comment on MiniApp specs 12:04:34 chair: Dan 12:04:39 scribe: xfq_ 12:04:50 present+ Jia Wang 12:05:04 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp/issues/195 12:05:47 [Jia Wang introduces his proposal] 12:06:23 jia: the integrity of the developer website is garunteed by the certificate 12:07:36 ... @@ 12:07:51 dan: does that answer the question from QingAn? 12:08:10 QingAn: yes 12:08:22 ... would be good to integrate that into the previous comment 12:08:43 ... feel free to comment on the issue 12:09:22 Topic: Lifecycle 12:09:25 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-lifecycle/pull/37 12:10:24 martin has joined #miniapp 12:10:24 dan: I will review this after the meeting 12:10:37 ... if I have no comments, I'll approve it 12:10:53 ... I saw martin has approved it 12:11:06 Topic: Manifest & Packaging 12:11:10 martin: no big update 12:11:37 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-packaging/pull/65 12:12:45 martin: I think it's ready 12:13:16 ... once we have the previous lifecycle update merged 12:13:21 ... I can merge this 12:14:01 Topic: Components 12:14:25 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-components/pulls 12:14:30 dan: I made some comments 12:14:43 martin: I was reading the comments before the meeting 12:15:05 ... thank you for that 12:16:19 [martin explains his comments] 12:17:35 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-components/pull/8 12:17:54 martin: I know that MiniApps have limited support for scripts for the sake of security 12:18:03 ... see https://raw.githack.com/espinr/miniapp-components/all-new-sections/index.html#sec-scripting-constraints 12:19:15 dan: I wonder if JS loaded from HTML seen as logic JS? 12:22:57 martin: the explainer is less relevant 12:24:07 Topic: IoT 12:24:09 QingAn: no update 12:26:03 Topic: Meetings 12:26:17 dan: tpac @@ 12:26:29 ... Baidu has no presentation for the chinese meeting 12:26:37 https://www.w3.org/2023/06/china-web-forum/index.html 12:27:18 zitao: martin and our collegues have done some miniapp related work in europe 12:27:31 ... martin has done some work to present our work 12:27:46 ... he organised some hackathon and wrote some tutorials 12:28:23 ... in this meeting maybe we can introduce our work in europe 12:29:02 ... to get new developers in this area 12:29:25 ... one thing is the meeting time 12:29:30 ... the time is too early for martin 12:29:33 ... like 5am 12:29:46 martin: I can attend that 12:30:02 zitao: if you can join this meeting, it's fine, if not, I can back up 12:32:11 dan: any other thing to discuss about the meeting? 12:34:36 next meeting time: june 20, with the chinese meeting 12:34:56 rrsagent, make minutes 12:34:57 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/05/25-miniapp-minutes.html xfq_ 12:41:13 xfq__ has joined #miniapp 12:56:22 xfq__ has joined #miniapp 13:07:57 xfq__ has joined #miniapp 13:25:28 xfq__ has joined #miniapp 13:52:21 xfq__ has joined #miniapp 14:27:34 Zakim has left #miniapp 15:04:18 bkardell_ has joined #miniapp