24 May 2023


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Ege_Korkan, Jan_Romann, Kaz_Ashimura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima
kaz, mjk_

Meeting minutes




TPAC wiki

Ege: any changes about the attendance?

Cris: not sure yet
… so pleas add me to "not Clear"

Luca: same here

Ege: (adds Cristiano and Luca to "not Clear")
… what about you Koster?

Koster: remote

Ege: topics for TD?
… at least JSON-LD collab

Luca: might want to talk about data mapping in general
… how to use data schema, etc.

Koster: RDF applications and design pattern in general
… sort of related to data mapping
… could be handled by RDF or maybe by JSON
… what is the pattern for that purpose?

Ege: think what Luca means is rather payload level

Kaz: "data mapping in general" is a bit vague
… could you elaborate it a bit more?
… what king of data withing TD or Binding Template to be mapped to what?

Luca: supporting JSON-LD without full JSON-LD processing
… also how to use data schema
… in my use case of labeling some device
… how to use the data schema in a clearer manner

Kaz: ok
… would be helpful if you could describe that based on a concrete use case scenario
… when we discuss the topic (not now :)

Luca: ok, will prepare something for that purpose

Ege: Koster, do you want to talk about TD in RDF?

Koster: semantic annotation to have richer information
… all the information to be integrated
… maybe need to elaborate the idea a bit more

Cris: basically would support those points
… also validaton of different ontology models
… how to work with Things
… btw, are we starting with brainstorming there during TPAC?

Ege: yeah

Cris: how long?

Ege: would have topics first

Cris: maybe less than two hours?

Ege: need to check

Kaz: please think about concrete use cases
… and if possibly try some broader example like smart cities, smart building, etc.
… also please remember McCool mentioned we could have a preleminary or followup meeting before or after TPAC

Mizushima: we should build consensus about what to be described by TD spec

Kaz: you mean refactoring of the spec?

Mizushima: yes
… the expected spec will be Ver. 2.0
… so it's a major version up
… therefore we should make consensus about what to do there

Ege: right
… explaining the major version udpate
… including major refactoring

Sebastian: be aware TPAC will be held in September
… on the other hand, many of the topics here are relevant for the upcoming months too

Ege: yeah
… we don't need to wait

Kaz: as McCool mentioned during the main call, we're planning to have a dedicated meeting in June
… to think about what to do in the next Charter period
… so we can talk about some of these topics there

Ege: you can add further update to the wiki

TPAC wiki

Ege: please put your name when you add edits

Binding Templates

PR 290

wot-binding-templates PR 290 - Publication Prep

Ege: Kaz let us know about the basic procedure for publication

<Ege> https://deploy-preview-290--wot-binding-templates.netlify.app/publication/note3/overview

Ege: put the information to README.md under wot-binding-templates
… checking the document using the Pubrules checker
… wondering how to change the document status

Kaz: you can specify the document type using the ReSpec parameter
… you can look at the ReSpec page to see the detail

Ege: ok

ReSpec documentation

Ege: seems HTML Tidy doesn't work properly

Kaz: please try "tidy -i -m Overview.html"
… note that if there is some fatal/difficult error, Tidy gives up to fix the HTML
… there is a Tidy documentation, also you can simply use "tidy --help"

HTML Tidy documentation

Kaz: I myself usually use a Makefile for that purpose, and can share that file with you

Ege: tx


Kaz: once you've confirmed the HTML is OK with the Pubrules checker, Validator, Link Checker, etc., I can double check it and work on the publication

Ege: how to get the information on the Validator and the Link Checker?

Kaz: there are links from the Pubrules checker results
… please see also the /Guide page above

Ege: ok
… will work on the checker again


issue #1831

<kaz> wot-thing-description Issue 1831 - Problem with Respec

Ege: close

Ege: PRs

PR #1826

<kaz> wot-thing-description PR 1826 - Resolve privacy-immutable-id-as-property

internal immutable identifier
… didn't get implementations, removed assertion and changed language to should (lower case)

Ege: any objections to merge?
… merged

PR #1827

<kaz> wot-thing-description PR 1827 - Resolve security-context-secure-fetch

Ege: try https first for remote links
… also removed assertion and changed language to should
… any objections to merging?

maybe belongs as part of RDF framework
… merged

PR #1828

<kaz> wot-thing-description PR 1828 - Resolve td-security-oauth2-device-flow

Ege: remove device flow from Oauth

removes the RFC reference
… only client and code flows are left
… also removed a reference to the device flow in the discovery spec

Ege: any objections to merge?

Ege: merged

will regenerate the implementation report, any other changes?

Ege: changed editors notes (PR #1811)

change the document first, then will update the report

PR #1811

<kaz> wot-thing-description PR 1811 - Resolve 3 editors notes

Ege: changed editors notes to notes

fixing some grammatical errors

Jan: is this paragraph still a note in the document?

it would be consistent with the previous revision to keep it as a note

<McCool_> Instead of a periodic POST call to the Thing

(updating the grammatical error)

Ege: (edited the PR online)
… any objections ?
… merged
… these are all the editorial PRs

PR #1830

<kaz> wot-thing-description PR 1830 - WIP: Final Implementation Report update

Implementation Report update

will update now

Ege: should remove the "at-risk" list

will clean up before publication

updated and pushed

Ege: (display the rendered file)

still some cleanup to do
… all at-risk items should be gone

name to interim implementation report

Ege: any objections to merge?
… merged

will send an email when ready, please review and check for any more changes needed

Ege: done with the agenda

Issue #1807 TM namespace not active yet

<kaz> wot-thing-description Issue 1807 - TM namespace not active yet

some other ontology files are also not active
… the reference needs to change from 2019 to 2022 vesion

will anything break?

Ege: it could fail validation

Kaz: we need the specific from and to URLs
… for the mapping
… it would be easier to create a subdirectory under the main directory

Ege: don't see a tm context

Kaz: otherwise a level of approval is needed for each revision

Ege: we are done, any other business?

<kaz> Namespace allocation guide

Ege: thank you, adjourned

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).