24 May 2023


Cristiano_Aguzzi, David_Ezell, Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Tetsushi_Matsuda, Tomoaki_Mizushima
kaz, luca_barbato

Meeting minutes


<kaz> May-17

McCool: Let's quick scan over the past meeting minutes

McCool: few typos

McCool: Content-wise they are fine

McCool: consensus on publishing



<kaz> Cancellations

McCool: Kaz has overlaps in June
… Use Case and Profile are cancelled for the next weeks

Ege: Are we updating the W3C calendar or the Table in the website?

McCool: The Table in the website tends to be out of sync

McCool: We will clean up the W3C calendar as we switch to zoom from webex

Kaz: We can switch to zoom next week

<kaz> (There are three topics here, 1. W3C Calendar, 2. WoT Marketing meeting table, 3. Switching to Zoom)

<McCool_> proposal: Switch all WoT meetings to Zoom starting Monday May 29

Ege: The problem with screen sharing in Zoom might still a problem

Kaz: We can look into the Zoom settings later

<McCool_> proposal: Switch all WoT meetings to Zoom starting Monday May 29

McCool: Consensus on switching to Zoom ?

<no objection>

RESOLUTION: Switch all WoT meetings to Zoom starting Monday May 29

McCool: Regarding cleaning up the calendar Table we can discuss the next week.

Kaz: Ege do you want to maintain the Web conf meeting table on the Marketing page?

Ege: We are trying some solutions but it is a bit tricky because of the multiple timezones
… We need to maintain it to have an overview of the meetings

WG Charter review

<kaz> Strategy pipeline issue for WoT WG Charter

McCool: We need to clarify the roles of the 3 Chairs
… we'll meet on May 26th and 30th to talk about the next steps
… it is still in draft state, but I'll share with the group

TPAC Planning

<kaz> TPAC questionnaire

McCool: We need to organize joint sessions
… once we have bandwidth we will have to update the wiki page

McCool: We have a small room scheduled
… We aim to have the other team Chair to join the other team sessions

McCool: We defer further discussion next week



<kaz> Apr-25

<kaz> Apr-26

<kaz> Apr-27

McCool: I'd like to have a resolution on accepting the review from the Testing TF instead of going through all the testfest minutes again

<McCool_> proposal: Accept the recommendation of the Testing TF to approve and publish the minutes from the Testfest held Apr 25/26/27..

<McCool_> proposal: Accept the recommendation of the Testing TF to approve and publish the minutes from the Testfest held Apr 25-27.

RESOLUTION: Accept the recommendation of the Testing TF to approve and publish the minutes from the Testfest held Apr 25-27.

Schedule Review

<kaz> publication schedule

McCool: We extended the review period for the draft by two weeks
… the endline is June 7th
… the new charter, if approved starts on July 1st

McCool: I'd spend the next 30min to clean it up

McCool: Any other changes needed to the schedule?


PR Draft Finalization

Ege: Do we want to merge the PR now in the Main call or during the TD call later?

McCool: I'd defer to the next week to let the TFs review

McCool: We can spend the next half of the meeting on the Discovery PRs

Discovery 491

<kaz> wot-discovery PR 491 - Add list of contributors to acknowledgements

McCool: We listed all the non editors in the acknowledgement

McCool: any objections?


Discovery 493

<kaz> wot-discovery PR 493 - Resolve exploration-server-http-alternate-language

McCool: It makes informative exploration-server-http-alternate-language since we do not have 2 implementations
… e.g. `MAY` to `may`

McCool: Any objections?


Discovery 495

<kaz> wot-discovery PR 495 - Resolve security bootstrapping - round 2

McCool: I reorganised the section to move out only the assertion that is at risk
… We could remove all 3 though
… Ben and I we had a discussion and we could rely more on external standard

McCool: This PR generalised it to state that the response code should follow the respective standards
… this change does not change any requirement to the implementations

McCool: I'd open the floor for comments

Ege: Is it only changing the capitalizations?

lb: it seems to simplify more than that

McCool: We defer to the related standards (HTTP, OAuth2) regarding the error codes


Kaz: We can simply make sure we remove the features at-risk and put some informative text instead

McCool: Normally test each assertion separately, this set of assertions have are badly interlinked

McCool: We make editorial changes to remove the dependencies while not impacting the implementations

Kaz: We can record that kind of policy within these minutes so that people can understand what's happening here :)

<McCool_> policy here is that we can't make changes that impact implementations or change requirements; this PR (https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/pull/495) does reorganize and restate assertions but does not impact implementations or add requirements so it can be considered "editorial"

McCool: Objection to merging the PR?


<McCool_> proposal: Begin the PR draft review process for Discovery based on the current editor's draft.

RESOLUTION: Begin the PR draft review process for Discovery based on the current editor's draft.

Architecture PR

PR 914

<kaz> wot-architecture PR 914 - Add Accessibility Considerations

McCool: I'd discuss merging it tomorrow, please review it today and comment on the PR


McCool: Sebastian is meeting with the OPC UA Foundation today
… he will report on that the next meeting

Note publications

Scripting API

Cristiano: some problem with ReSpec but asking Kaz to work with the Webmaster for publication.

Binding Templates

Ege: still working on the draft

<Ege> wot-binding-templates PR 290 - Publication Prep

McCool: Could you also update the calendar?

Ege: After the TD call today

<kaz> [adjourned]

Summary of resolutions

  1. Switch all WoT meetings to Zoom starting Monday May 29
  2. Accept the recommendation of the Testing TF to approve and publish the minutes from the Testfest held Apr 25-27.
  3. Begin the PR draft review process for Discovery based on the current editor's draft.
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).